Register at MMMonVHF

Please submit following data:

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Please respect that a valid email address is required.
Providing an invalid email address, also after successful registration, may lead to account deletion without further notice.
Why register at MMMonVHF?
After registration you'll be able to use the full set of features at MMMonVHF! For example: eMWS / eDXXC data upload/download, news subscription, VHF-Database updates, upload of TR / ES / AU propagation reports, file downloads and many more.
Registration process
Registration is an automatic process. A valid email address and a valid amateur radio callsign are deemed necessary for successful registration! Registrations with invalid amateur radio callsigns, will be deleted without further notice. After submitting of your data, you'll receive an email with a confirmation link. By clicking the confirmation link in your received email, the registration is completed.
Used email address Please remember your email address with which you register at MMMonVHF. In case that you forget your password of MMMonVHF some day, you will only be able to automatically request a new password to your registered email address. Please respect that a valid email address is required. Providing an invalid email address, also after successful registration, may lead to account deletion without further notice.
Please read this info about email providers, which are known to have problems. Thanks!