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Last update: 25. Jan 2025 at 19:19 UTC


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18. Dec 2023


DF2ZC, Bernd - JO30RN
TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd
2815 km CT9/OM3RG (IM12JU)
10:58 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU -19 R-08 FT8 2815 km
13:41 EA1M IN53TI -17 R-11 FT8 1439 km *)
14:06 EA1LB IN73 -14 R-14 FT8 ~1221 km *)
19:14 CT7ABA IN6ØGD -19 R-12 Q65 1637 km
15:45 F6GPT IN94SW -08 R-08 FT8 860 km *)
20:02 EA1NL IN52PJ -04 R+00 Q65 1529 km *)

*) DF2ZC running 30 W drive only
I spent most time looking for CT9/OM3RG and was monitoring the various frequencies he was on all day long. All of a sudden his CQ popped up around 1056 UTC and the QSO was completed straight away. After this I copied his CQs for another 10 minutes or so until they disappeared. Steve's signal was also copied later that day around 1940 UTC for some 10 minutes when he called in Q65A.

It is amazing to work CT3 and CT mainland on tropo from here. Though I have a good take-off to SW, there are hills some 1900 m high in Northwest Spain which should usually block the tropo path.
DH6DAO, Ray - JO41CN
FT857 160W and 9ele Tonna
17:21 EB1LA ININ73BI 1.388km
17:33 EA1UR IN53TF 1.542km
18:30 F9PRC IN99UG 648km
18:32 EB1B IN73DM 1.365km
18:40 F6DBI IN88IJ 887km
18:48 EA2XR IN83KI 1.241km
18:50 F8BON IN86WB 905km
18:59 F4DXX IN97GG 840km
DH6DAO, Ray - JO41CN
FT857 160W and 9ele Tonna
21:20 EA1HRR IN83IJ 1.241km
21:28 F6GPT IN94SW 971km
21:30 F5OUO IN96GR 878km
On way to Zzzz - but band still open, EA stations from north coast rather strong up to +03dB
DJ6AG, Dieter - JO51EQ
Kenwood TS-2000X, 1x13ele YU7EF
EA1UR IN53TF 1688km
12:47 F4GWG IN77tt FT8 1142km
21:15 EA1UR IN53TF FT8 1688km
21:17 EA2XR IN83ki FT8 1371km
21:41 EA1LB IN73 [IN80dj ?] FT8 ? km
21:42 EA1HRR IN83jj FT8 1372km
22:05 F8BON IN86wv FT8 1050km
22:31 EA2BFM IN83mg FT8 1368km
22:35 EA1PT IN73bi FT8 1528km
22:43 EA1W IN73em FT8 1500km
22:46 F8BON IN86wv FT4 1050km
22:47 EA1UR IN53TF FT4 1688km
22:48 EA2BFM IN83mg FT4 1368km
22:58 F6GPT IN94sv FT8 1100km
23:01 F6GPT IN94sv FT4 1100km
23.08 EA1PT IN73bi FT8 1528km
23.50 EA2BFM IN83mg JT65B 1368km
00:03 EA2DR IN83mb JT65B 1386km
00.30 EA2DR IN83mb FT8 1386km
00.49 EA2BFM IN83mg SSB 1368km
A fantastic opening after a long time. The duct reached JO51 in the late evening. Sadly many stations went QRT at 22:00z. After that, the conditions got better and better. Initially, the duct only reaches the Spanish coastal stations. Finally, EA2DR, a station located about 50 km south of the coast, was also worked.
EA1UR, Ricardo - IN53TF
IC-9700 Innovative 144_13LFA 100w 430masl
144mhz SSB ordered by distance

18/12/2023 18:42 DN2VHF SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 18:02 DK3T SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 18:01 DM0A SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 18:01 DK4EE SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 18:00 DK0VHF SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 17:59 DK3EE SSB JO41gu 1586
18/12/2023 18:04 DL1YAW SSB JO41dx 1579
18/12/2023 17:50 DL8YE SSB JO32tc 1546
18/12/2023 19:18 DL8DAU SSB JO40me 1534
18/12/2023 18:53 DL3DBC SSB JO40bt 1506
18/12/2023 19:31 DL5FDP SSB JN49lp 1505
18/12/2023 19:16 DD0PX SSB JO30wr 1485
18/12/2023 18:09 DO5DTC SSB JO31oi 1478
18/12/2023 18:03 DK6FX SSB JO30we 1459
18/12/2023 19:12 DL2KCK SSB JO31oa 1459
18/12/2023 17:49 DL8DAK SSB JO30pu 1456
18/12/2023 18:06 DB2KA SSB JO30jt 1425
18/12/2023 18:30 DM8MM SSB JO31ac 1397
18/12/2023 20:38 F1HLH SSB JN38in 1308
18/12/2023 18:45 ON4MU/P SSB JN29uu 1304
18/12/2023 17:46 F0FOE SSB JO20jd 1264
18/12/2023 19:14 ON4KHG SSB JO10xo 1243
18/12/2023 19:30 F0DMU SSB JO10lp 1193
18/12/2023 18:50 F6ANO SSB JN18jr 1057
18/12/2023 18:05 F6HRL SSB JN07fp 848
18/12/2023 18:15 F4FRG SSB IN98ke 791
18/12/2023 18:57 F6DUA SSB IN96gp 666
EA1UR, Ricardo - IN53TF
IC-9700 Innovative 432_Wimo 23E 75W
SSB 70cm only
18/12/2023 19:20:02 DL8DAU SSB JO40me 1534
18/12/2023 19:23:39 DK7UP SSB JO30ni 1421
18/12/2023 18:59:59 F6DUA SSB IN96gp 666
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
ic9700, 500W, 9el OWL
G7RAU 1566km
05:04 G7RAU IN79JX -13/-06
05:55 G7RAU IN79JX -02/+00
07:00 PA2M JO21IP -13/-02
I was in the car going to KO02 :-) remote used this time.
G7RAU was audible for about 2,5 hour. Nobody else from UK.