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17 | 28 | 29

29. June 2015

In the morning there was some tropo between southern France and Belgium/the Netherlands. At the same time there is seatropo between Cap Verde, the Canarian Islands and northen Spain towards Great Brittan providing long distance tropo.

F9OE, Claude - IN78QG
144: 100W 11el
17:00 D4C/B HK76MV (hrd)
17:25 CS3BTM IM120R (hrd)
2 m beacons rcvd in IN78QG during 2 hours...
G4LOH, Tim - IO70JC
80W / 9ele M2 at 25m agl, 150m asl.
D44TS 4070km
09:00 D4C/B HK76mu 559 4091km
11:03 D44TS HK77ke 539 519 4070km New square ;-)
11:05 D44TS HK77ke 52 54 ssb
11:14 EA8TJ IL18rj 59 59 2600km
11:35 EA8CSB IL18tl 59 59 2600km
11:46 D44TS HK77ke 559 529
12:38 EA8DBM 599 599
13:38 EA8CTK IL18ni 59 59 2600km
14:37 D4C/B HK76mu 599
15:00 CS3BTM/B IM12or 599
15:33 D44TS HK77ke 559 559 50W/10ele
15:36 D44TS HK77ke 53 53
20:50 EB8BRZ IL28ha 59 59
19:22 D44TS 529 519
Fantastic tropo opening, D4C/B was 599 (and even louder) most of the day and into the evening, also ED8ZAA/B, CS3BTM/B. Very pleased to work D44TS for a new square.
GW8JLY, Lyndon - IO81JM
144 Mhz - Yaesu FT-991 (or Icom IC-7100) Beko HLV1000 SSPA 400w at antenna - LNA (SP200) - 9el LY (5 degree elevation)
EA8TX, IL18QI, 2808 km
10:10 EA8TX IL18QI 51/51 SSB
Just arrived at the nearest /P site, a small hill behind my house, in time to work Fernando EA8TX. Just after our QSO the duct between south wales and EA8 collapsed although the IO70 brigade are still working them as I type.
73 Lyn GW8JLY
Maybe it will return this evening.
PA5MS, John - JO21RQ
144: 4x11el GS35b 400W MGF1801
F5SZR/P JN03CB 1037km
07:40 F6DRO JN03TJ 966km
07:57 F5SZR/P JN03CB 1037km
08:10 F5ICN JN03BF 1022km
08:28 F1MOZ IN93rs 988km
Nice tropo, not too strong signals, but I hope and think they will be better tomorrow morning as tropo will improve.