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Today's Meteor Activity
The 'Today's Meteor Activity' graphic shows the averaged daily Meteor Activity provided by the Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB). It's updated every hour. This graphic is free for linking to from your own website by using this link
Only minor showers hit the Earth in February - March. The most significant is Capricornids / Sagittariids (Peaking February 1st), a medium-ZHR daytime shower; its radiant culminates at relatively low elevation in northern emisphere skies. Note that recent radio results indicate that Capricornids / Sagittariids maximum may fall variably sometime between February 1-4.
Southern Enisphere observers will check activity of α-Centaurids. The average peak ZHR of this shower, between 1988-2007 was only 6 hr-1; but in 1974 and 1980 outbursts of few hours duration yelded ZHR close to 20-30 hr-1. Significant activity was reported on 2015 February 14, although there was no confirmation of an outburst predicted for 2015 February 8.
Sporadic meteors are now reaching their seasonal minimum, but MS contacts via "sporadics" are still possible, especially in early morning hours.
For Radio Observers, the (Theoretical) UT peaks for upcoming showers in February-March 2025 are as follows:
Capricornids / Sagittariids (Daytime shower)
Active: January 13 - February 04
Maximum: February 1 (λsol= 312.5 degs)
ZHR: Medium
α - Centaurids (Southern Emisphere shower)
Active: January 31 - February 20
Maximum: February 08 (λsol= 319.4 degs)
ZHR: Typically low (6 hr-1) but may reach 25 hr-1
γ - Normids (Southern Emisphere shower)
Active: February 25 - March 28
Maximum: March 14 (λsol= 354 degs)
ZHR: Low (6 hr-1)
(Source: IMO)
2025 Quadrantids Review
Quadrantids activity in 2025 has been relatively poor, reaching ZHR of about 50 hr-1, around 10h UT on January 3 (5 hours before predicted). Shower peak also appears to be wider than expected though, being full width at half maximum much greater than usual 4 hours. Have a look to 2025 QUA ZHR plot on
IMO Website.