29. May 2024
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC7400 Log: 09:36 R3PA KO93 +09/+04dB Comment: only one station in about 2min ES period. TKS for 1.st ES QSO this season. 73 |
Rig: TS590SG + Javornik + LDMOS 750W + 4 x 10 YU1CF ODX: OH7MA 1987km Log: 14:26 RA1AEP KO59CW 1750km 14:27 RE1AAC KP50DA 1760km 14:31 OH7MA KP52BN 1987km 14:33 UB1AOC KO59EU 1748km Comment: All qso's in ft8. Tnx & cu next time. |
Rig: TS2000 , 10 el.DL6WU 100W Log: F5PHW IN87JS 16:24 FT8 +12 Comment: 1st one this year 73 9A5ST |
Rig: 2x9, 500W ODX: UA3NCN 2182km Log: 15:36 UA3NCN LO28SJ 15:45 SV2DCD KN00PL 16:20 EA5PY IM97JV Comment: Very happy about LO28, new # after longer time :-) |
Rig: 400 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB ODX: 2450 Log: 09:43 UA4AQL LO20QB 2450 km 09:50 UA1NAN KP71HO 2028 km 10:01 OH5ELO KP41AB 1716 km all in FT-8 Comment: 1st opening for me this year |
Rig: TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd ODX: 2223 km R3MW KO97VP hrd Log: 10:01 UB1AOC KO59 -18 10:01 R1DM KO49XQ -13 10:02 RA1AEP KO59CW R+11 +00 C 14:45 RN5M KO98JB +00 14:45 UA3MBJ KO88SA -09 14:48 R3MW KO97VP -14 14:58 RX3I KO77MU -20 15:00 UA3MBJ KO88SA +00 15:15 EW6FS KO35LB +04/R-06 C? probably Iono 15:41 LZ1ZP KN22ID +22 15:43 YU5C KN02XX -06 Comment: I was mainly looking for new squares. However, when the only new one (KO98) popped up I was downstairs for some coffee... |
Rig: IC-9700 ODX: 1679km Log: 29.05.2024 SV1NZX FT8 KM17VV 1679km 29.05.2024 R1CCX FT8 KP40VI 1486km |
Rig: 50 W 9El-LPDA indoor ODX: 1837 Log: 09:51 RA1QFY KO99AD Comment: On 144.301 CW not FT 8 ! |
Rig: 4x10el DK7ZB+500W ODX: 2166 LN17CM Log: 09:34 RZ6MB LN17CM 09:45 R1DM KO49 09:42 RK6MC KN97KF 09:57 UA1NAN KP71 16:12 EA5GJ IM97JW Comment: My 1st ES on 2m this year. All QSO in FT8. No activity in SSB. I watched the 300 and didn't hear any stations. 73 Ronny |
Rig: IC-9700 + PA ODX: RA1AEP KO85ss - 1847km Log: 09:47 R1DM KO49xq - 1549km FT8 09:49 RA1AEP KO85ss - 1847km FT8 Comment: 1st opening in 2024. While monitoring 50MHz during the morning the MUF suddenly jumps above 144MHz around noon without any sign on 70MHz. I was not much privileged but could work two stns. After 20min the show was already over but good activity on 70MHz afterwards. 2nd opening was even shorter with no more QSOs made. Called CQ but nothing hrd on 144.300 as usual. Hrd R3MW, RK3AF, RN5M, UA1AJY, UA1NAN, UB1AOC Looking forward for more in the next days. 73 de Frank, DL2ALF |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 09:42 UA1NAN KP71 09:47 RA1AEP KO59 09:50 R1CCX KP40 15:45 SV1NZX KM17 Comment: All worked in FT8 mode. Nothing heard in ssb/cw. |
Rig: FT847, BEKO, 2 x 9 ODX: R1DM KO49 1690km Log: 09:52 R1DM KO49 1690km FT8 Comment: vy spotty opening here. 1. in 2024 hrd but not worked R1NW KP71, UA1NAN KP71, R1AEP KO59, R1CCX hope for a better one next time |
Rig: Icom IC9700 ODX: RW3TJ Log: 09:32 RW3TJ LO16 09:36 UB3PAQ KO84 Comment: 1st Es in 2024 |
Rig: K3 Xverter 1KW 4 X 6WL homebrew @18m agl ODX: RX3I 2203Km Log: 10:24 RX3I KO77mw 2211KM Comment: I noticed some of the OZ stations working into UA3 via e-s so I called CQ on FT8 at 09:13 I was heard and spotted by UA3MBJ KO87qv at 2349Km at 09:41 I heard R3UG LO17fj at 2655Km at 09:50 I heard and was heard by RN5M KO98kc 2438Km but did not complete the QSO. It looks like my new array is working OK :-) |
ODX: RZ3C LO04nt 2602Km Log: 14:27 RZ3C LO04nt 2602Km 14:36 RK3AF KO75wo 2260Km 14:53 LY2WR KO24fo 1539Km ionoscatter 16:19 EW6FS KO35LB 1700Km ionoscatter Comment: Extra, extra! Heard a few more UA3 but was more than happy. The ionoscatter after the e-s event was also nice. |
Rig: K3_TR144H_PGA103/GSz31b_13 el YU1CF ODX: OH7EBY KP43UL 1965 km Log: 09:51 OH7EBY +03 +00 KP43UL 1965 km new# 14:30 RA1AEP +18 +00 KO59CW 1654km 14:31 UB1AOC -08 -05 KO59EU 1653km Comment: My first Es opening in '24. I have been watching LiveMUF since this morning. At first, Russian stations were audible, but no response. I was CQ'ing in their direction when OH7EBY called back. I could still hear stations, but no more QSOs were made at that time. MUF went up very quickly in the afternoon as I kept monitoring LIVEMuf, only going out for a very short time and HA1FV alerted me. Now I heard also many stations but only 2 QSOs. Hrd morning: 09:46 RZ3C; 10:01 OH7EBY agn; Hrd afternoon 14:20 RA1AEP more; 14:33 RE1ACC more; 14:34 UA1AJY more; 14:37 R1DM; 15.01 OH7MA Tnx and 73! Jozef HA1VQ |
Rig: TS-2000 ODX: GWØGEI Log: 16:16 GW0GEI IO72 16:18 G4KVI IO81 Comment: First ES of the season for me |
Rig: IC-9700, PA 300 W, 9-ele yagi ODX: R3PA KO93JV 1830 km Log: 09:40 R3PA KO93JV 09:59 UA1WCF KO55JR Comment: First opening of this season for me. It lasted from 09:37-10:26 and again a few minutes from 10:50-10:55 UTC. I received many stations in FT8 but none in SBB (I was calling a few times on 300), despite strong signals. Decoded callsigns, all in FT8: R2BY KO85, R2SCL KO94, R5RC LO02, RA3LBK KO64, RA3QPY KO91, RA3WJR KO81, RD3FD KO95, RM5O KO91, RM5P KO84, RN3QR LO00, RV3AQ KO85, UA3IDQ KO66, UA3PTW KO93, UA4UK LO14, UB3PAQ KO84. Looking forward to the next one! |
Rig: IC-9700, PA 300 W, 9-ele-yagi ODX: RK6MC KN97KF 2321 km Log: 11:43 RU3BQ KO67NE FT8 14:26 UT4LA KN89CW FT8 14:29 US8AR KO60RR FT8 14:38 RK6MC KN97KF FT8 Comment: There were two more openings for this day, the second lasting from 11:40-11:45 UTC and the third from 14:21-14:55 UTC. During the second there was only RU3BQ getting through. During the third I decoded also EW8W KO42, RA3LBK KO64, RK6MF KN97, RO3X KO73 and UA3PTW KO93. This was a good start of the 2024 season. TNX for all contacts! |
Rig: 150W 17el ODX: RM5O 1989 Log: 10:12 R5BI KO85SR 10:13 R3PA KO93JV 10:14 UA3PTW KO93BS 10:15 RM5P KO84VH 10:17 UB3PAQ KO84FD 10:19 R2BY KO85 10:22 UA3IDQ KO66JF 10:24 RM5O KO91OQ Comment: I was aware of the opening a little late, but made 8 QSOs in 12 minutes, all on FT8. Signals were strong, and I tried SSB and CW on 300, but no response. Saw that it was the end of the opening. I missed the later short opening |
Rig: ICOM IC-7400, 400w, 4* 8XV-HV ODX: UB1AOC 1692 km Log: 14:21 RA1AEP FT8 hrd 14:25 UB1AOC KO59EU FT8 1692km Comment: agn a short opening - nothing on SSB 73 de Walter |
Rig: IC-9700 + PA + 9 element ODX: 1894 Log: 16:09 EA6SX JM19IK 1894 KM Heard not worked + seen at PSK Reporter 15;36 R2BY KO85 1715 KM 15;40 RU3AQ KO95 1868 KM 15;41 UA4QT LO14 2147 KM Comment: First ES this year Worked with FT8 but to slow for this fast ES Nothing on 144.300 Br Arne OZ4VW |
Rig: IC-7610, TR144 PRO, 4x12 el, 1 kW ODX: 2334 km Log: 09:15 R3VE LO16BF 1856 km 09:20 RX6APY KN95KG 2176 km 09:23 R7CE LN04IO 2334 km 09:24 RK6BAG KN95NA 2209 km 09:25 RX6DX KN95LM 2163 km 09:32 R6DNV KN95LM 2163 km 09:40 UA3MRS KO97VQ 1698 km 09:43 RN5M KO98KC 1642 km 09:46 R3UG LO17FJ 1859 km 09:49 RZ6DD LN04MX 2327 km 09:53 R4YM LO36OD 2167 km 09:59 R5VCR LO16BF 1856 km 10:01 RW3TJ LO16XG 1967 km 10:12 RV3ID KO77LM 1410 km 10:13 UA3MBJ KO87QV 1554 km 10:23 RX3I KO77LU 1411 km ----------------------------- 14:32 R3PA KO93JV 1705 km 14:34 R3SV LO04AD 1776 km 14:38 RZ3C LO04NT 1825 km 14:39 UA4UK LO14MA 1968 km 14:47 R2SCL KO94UO 1742 km 14:49 RA3SS KO94XN 1759 km 15:46 SV2DCD KN00PL 1779 km Comment: 1st Sporadic E in 2024 for me. 6 new squares. All FT8 - only few CQ callers in SSB and CW heard. |
Rig: TS2000X + SSPA 350W ant 12 el DK7ZB Log: 14:32 RK3AF KO75 14:37 R2BY KO85 14:48 R5BI KO85 |
Rig: IC9700; 350W; 6 el ODX: RN3QR 1978 kms Log: 09:36 R3VE LO16 09:40 RZ3C LO04 09:41 R2BY KO85 09:42 R5BI KO85 09:49 RV3AQ KO95 09:54 UA4UK LO14 09:58 UA3IDQ KO66 14:14 RN3QR LO00 14:18 RO3X KO73FU 14:19 R2ZIH KO81 14:42 UA3PTW KO93 14:43 R2SBI KO93 Comment: All FT8, lots of typical Es QSB and mix of strong and weak signals |
Rig: TS-590SG + Kuhne + IF SDR,, 4x6el, 6x4el, 2x3el + LDMOS ODX: RA3FER 2166 km Log: First part 09:08 UA4UK LO14OB new # 09:09 RA4FER LO23RC new # 09:12 RZ3C LO04NT new# 09:15 R5BI KO85SR 09:18 R2BY KO85QS 09:19 UA3DCM KO85XP 09:21 R3PA KO93JV Second part 09:42 UB3PAQ KO84HF 09:50 R5RC LO02FV new # 09:53 UA1WCF KO55IR 09:59 RA3LBK KO64PW 10:00 UA3PTW KO93BS 10:04 R2SCL KO94UO new # 10:08 RA3SI LO04PT 10:15 RU5X KO84DM 10:20 RM5P KO84VH Comment: Finally the Es reached the nothern part of Europe. The MUF was pretty high from 8z and after 9z it just exploded. The opening was split in two parts, both with huge signals. Stuck on .174 as I was at QRL, hopefully SSB next time?! 5 new squares, brilliant! |
Rig: TS-590SG + Kuhne + IF SDR, 4x6el, 6x4el, 2x3el + LDMOS ODX: RN3QR 2019 km Log: Third part 14:25 RN3QR LO00BK new # 14:28 R2ZIH KO81 new # 14:33 UT4LA KN89CW new # 14:35 RA3WJR KO81CS Comment: Was on the run this time so I was stuck with my laptop. Back at home around 14:45z, made a few calls on .300, no replies, pity! 3 new squares, amazing! |
Rig: IC9700, 500W, 9el OWL ODX: RK6MC KN97 1666km Log: 09:40 RK6MC KN97KF ft8 1666km 10:01 OH7EBY KP43UL ft8 1438km 15:45 IK7UXY JN90EC ft8 1371km -- 15:25 IONO QSO with Dom F6DRO JN03TJ 1516km JT65C https://imgur.com/a/5ICcHC2 Comment: Most of the time I was too close to ES reflection area. Strange that I wasn't able to catch anything from Spain with HB9 scatter point. I heard UR3EE KN88, RK3AF KO75 1282km, OH5ELO KP41 1173km I was heard on ES by RA4NDS LP30 2035km, RK6MF KN97 1711km, R3VE LO16 1676km, RN5M, KO98 1518km, US4ICG KN87 1550km, HB9CAT/MM JN90, on IONO by OH6KTL -20. |
Rig: FT-897/50w/9el ODX: 1904 Log: 15.44 DJ9MG JO52 15.45 DL3JIN JO60 15.46 DG0JMB JO60 Comment: Opening was 30 mins long heard also PA2CHR, DL5WG (just before opening ended), DO1AYJ 73 Alex |
Rig: FT991A 50W, EA642ZB ant. Log: 14:37 OH6KTL KM71SS FT8 |
Rig: FT-847, 700w, 2x11el. DL6WU ODX: OH7EBY Log: 14:28 OH7MA KP52bn 2061 km 14:30 OH7EBY KP43ul 2147 km Comment: Hi folks Es cloud was about 1100km from my QTH, and I am pretty satisfied with 2 QSO's All the best and 73 de Bane YU7KB |