29. June 2023
Sporadic E
Rig: 150W,10el ODX: EA5ZJ-IM98TV-1721km Log: 17.23 EA6AAU JM19JK SSB 17.40 EA5ZJ IM98TV SSB 17.48 EB5HRX IM99TL SSB 17.53 EA1BFZ IN81SS SSB 19.04 F5EAN IN96DK SSB 19.30 F5HB IN95DE SSB 19.31 F6HRY JN04IK SSB 19.33 F4EZJ JN05DK SSB Comment: Thanks to all on SSB qsos-GL Zlatko |
Rig: FT2000 / 7 el. DK7ZB ODX: 2032 km Log: 16.47 G1SDX IO80fl FT8 +24 1680 km 16.47 G4LOH IO70jc FT8 +12 1789 km 16.50 EI3KD IO51vw FT8 +4 2032 km 16.56 G4RRA IO80bs FT8 -20 1710 km 17.02 EI8KN IO62ie FT8 -17 1977 km 17.21 EA6VQ JM19mpFT8 -6 1345 km 17.40 EA5GJ IM97jw FT8 -12 1758 km 17.42 EA5RM IM98rf FT8 -8 1691 km 17.47 EA6ET JM19lo FT8 -10 1353 km 17.53 EA5TT IM99sl FT8 -5 1613 km 18.01 EA5ZJ IM98tv SSB 57 1639 km 18.07 EC5CIA IM99sl FT8 +17 1613 km 18.11 EA7ALL IM88aa FT8 +0 1957 km 19.03 F0GOW IN96tt FT8 +1 1400 km 19.06 F1DUZ IN97nj FT8 -5 1440 km Comment: Nice opening,only one qso on ssb , 73,gl ! |
Rig: IC7400 / ant 12el. f9ft Log: 17:40 EA6VQ JM19 ft8 +23dB 19:03 F0FKO IN96 ft8 +10 dB Comment: very good day for ES open all day, but Murphy filled my day with other obligations. I had a possible chance for some UA3 after 9:30z and again 13:30 for about half hour but I had to be at work. After 16:40 for next half hour decode strong stabile ft8 signals from UK. G4RRA +27 G1SDX +22 G7RAU +18 G4LOH +26 M0VXX +01 GW4HDF +02 GW7SMV +26 EI3KD +9 F1MLN +13 F6EAS +01 +other several F and G with less than +00 then pause 0,5h. All this DX I SWL only because obligations at home. Again start 17:40 next ES, this time to EA6, EA5, EA7, but very unstable and hard to coplete QSO on FT8. On SSB no chance to hrd anyone. In 18:20 ES back to G, GW but short and unstable decodes this time. At last, ES finished on F coast after 19z but finished only one F. Hrd F1DUZ, F6BQX, EB2FJN, F6FRA (+6), F6GHP (+12). I hope for better luck next time. 73 |
Rig: TS-2000 & 2x10 El. DK7ZB 300W ODX: 18:22 DL7AFB JO62 2074Km Log: 18:22 DL7AFB JO62 18:23 DK8ZT JO40 18:28 DH9OK JO51AS 18:30 DK5AL JO51 18:35 DL7VEE JO62 18:38 DL5ME JO52SD 18:39 DL1RNW JO62GH 18:40 DL3BQV JO52 18:43 DL2AKT JO50 18:48 EA1FCF IN82 18:51 DL9DBJ JO31 |
Rig: 300 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB ODX: 2293 Log: 09:13 UA6BAC KN84 09:16 R1BAV KN93 09:18 R6DNV KN95 09:21 RZ6DD LN04 09:24 R6DNV KN95 all FT8, hrd RZ6DD in SSB also |
Rig: Ic 251-F 200-HB9CV!!!! ODX: EA1 JM 1650 km Log: EA1MJ IN70JV 1650 km Comment: I call cq!! ufb! |
Rig: Kenwood TS-2000X Log: 19:28h CT1FPQ IN50 not complete Comment: CT1FPQ answered on my CQ on 144174. But I never saw his RRR. So QSO was not complete. Anyway I saw him many more times with others. Sadly it was the only one I heard. |
Rig: IC-9700/4x9el/750 ODX: 2611km Log: 09:13 R6FX LN14IC 2611km 09:15 RZ6DD LN04MX 2453km 09:17 R6AS KN85TC 2195km 09:18 R6DNV KN95QB 2327km 09:22 R6AM LN04NX 2460km 09:26 RD6F LN05MX 2418km |
Rig: 4x10elY 500W ODX: 2257 Log: 18:33 EB2FJN IN83 FT8 18:36 CT1DIZ IM58KP FT8 18:39 CT7ABA IN60 FT8 18:48 CT7BIZ IN60CR FT8 19:08 EA6AAU JM19JK SSB Comment: TNX FOR QSOs 73 Ronny |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 16:48 EA3GHA JN01 FT8 Comment: No other station heard in FT8, also 144.300 was silent. 73 Peter |
Rig: Icom-9700 100 Watt und 7 ele. Yagi ODX: SV8PEX 1718 km Log: 17:23 SV8PEX KM27 1718 km 19:07 EC5CIA IM99 1432 km Comment: Very short openings in JN59RE Heard also EA 1 and EA2 stations but no QSO´s |
Rig: FT-847, 9el, 500W ODX: RK7H 2383Km Log: 09:46 RD6F LN05WA 09:47 RK7H LN05XB heard: R6AS KN85TC R6DNV KN95LM RZ6DD LN04MX EA2BFM IN83MG EA2B IN91MP EA4DL IN70XG EB4DMH IN80BA Comment: I have not called stations with which I have had a qso in the past. They are also happy when they can make new contacts ... |
Rig: FT847+PA 750W 2 x 9 Yagi ODX: 2065km Log: 17:25 SV6KRV KM09 1496km FT8 17:30 SV9CJO KM25 2065km FT8 18:33 CT7BJG IM57 1988km FT8 18:46 CT7BIZ IN60 1674km FT8 19:34 CT1FPQ IN50 1725km FT8 Comment: All signs weak here, nil on SSB! I was too near to the scatterpoint most of the time. Vy long opening in/out. 2.5h. Heard a lot more stations from SV, EA, CT but vy short only. |
Rig: IC-7100, 40W, 11el - 6m boom @14m AGL Log: 17:46 EC5CIA IM99 17:48 EA6VQ JM19 17:49 EA5TT IM99 18:02 EA3BS JN01 18:07 EA7ALL IM88 18:12 EA3DBJ JN00 18:28 G0XDI IO91 18:29 EI4ACB IO62 Comment: FT8, by remote. |
Rig: YAGI 9 ELEMENT. ODX: 2209 SP2HAR Log: 29/06/2023 17:13 YU1MS 59 59 SSB KN04ET 1807 Km. 29/06/2023 17:15 YU1LA 59 59 SSB KN04FR 1811 Km. 29/06/2023 17:25 E73O 59 59 SSB JN95DA 1652 Km. 29/06/2023 17:41 YU7KB 55 55 SSB KN04AX 1785 Km. 29/06/2023 17:42 HA8AR 59 59 SSB KN06MQ 1909 Km. 29/06/2023 17:43 YU7ZX 59 59 SSB KN05TJ 1916 Km. 29/06/2023 17:44 9A2SN 55 55 SSB JN95IN 1700 Km. 29/06/2023 17:49 YU1OS 55 55 SSB KN04FS 1812 Km. 29/06/2023 17:50 YU2KU55 55 SSB KN04ET 1807 Km. 29/06/2023 17:51 LZ4FR 55 55 SSB KN22DQ 2093 Km. 29/06/2023 19:13 SP2HAR55 55 SSB JO94LL 2209 Km. 29/06/2023 19:31 OM4CW59 59 SSB JN88UN 1759 Km. 29/06/202 19:31 SP8K 59 59 SSB KO10DK 2149 Km. Comment: VERY RARE PROPAGATION YOU CALLS AND IT TAKES YOU TO MAKE CONTACTS VERY STRONG SIGNALS. |
Rig: 7300+javornik+QRO +2x11ele Log: 19:01 HA5FB JN97 +03 +24 FT8 ES +-1450 19:04 HA4XN JN96LX 59 59 SSB ES 1443 19:05 HA7NK JN97WW 59 SSB ES 1515 19:07 S53BV JN76CI 59+ 59+ SSB ES 1080 19:08 S57LM JN76HD 55 55 SSB ES 1112 19:21 YU1MS KN04ET 59 59 SSB ES 1573 19:22 YU1PXF KN04KP 59 59 SSB ES 1615 19:22 YO7FWS KN24DJ 59 59 SSB ES 1886 19:23 YU2KU KN04ET 59 59 SSB ES 1573 19:27 YU7ZX KN05FJ 59 59 SSB ES 1569 19:27 9A3DUH JN85XE 59 59 SSB ES 1379 19:32 9A2PT JN75JD 59 59 SSB ES 1133 19:33 9A2SB JN95GM 59 59 SSB ES 1419 19:34 9A5SG JN95IM 59 59 SSB ES 1432 Comment: Play only on SSB ! and it's more efficient 100% sure !!!! tnx to All , to be on SSB ! see you next time ! stef F4EZJ |
Rig: IC9700 -100w- 11 ele Yagi Log: 16:50 SP3TLJ JO82TM 59 QSB ++ 1298 km SSB Comment: A single station contacted;. Heard later IK7JNM for a few second. Too close from the clouds... 73 to all participant Michel F5XU |
Rig: 100w - ant omni big wheel ODX: HA7NK Log: 19:08 HA7NK JN97WW |
Rig: Icom 7400 + Beko PA 400W + 9el ODX: Z32KF KN01SI 2153km Log: 16:48 9A2WA JN83FM 1680km 16:56 S53BB JN76HD 1388km 18:36 Z32KF KN01SI 2153km 18:43 EA3AYK JN11BK 1219km 19:06 IW0BCF JN61GU 1587km 19:08 IC8FAX JN70CN 1786km 19:09 IK4FLI JN54FL 1257km 19:10 IK0FTA JN61GV 1583km 19:12 I8KPV JN70KO 1819km 19:15 IK0WMJ JN61GW 1580km Comment: Long opening from EA3 across to SV, lots of QSB and quiet periods then the Es came back again and again. HV0A Vatican City strong but not in for very long, would have been a new 2m DXCC. Thanks for all the QSOs especially SSB de G0HVQ |
Rig: IC275H 100w 6 ele Vargarda Log: 19:13 IK0WGF JN53VC SSB Comment: 19:36 called IK7JNM IO80 but signal faded before completion. No other DX heard |
Rig: IC9700 11 ele LFA ODX: 9H1CG 2065Km Log: 16:41 IV3BLQ JN65QQ 16:52 IK7UXY JN90EC 17:59 9H1CG JM75FW 18:14 SV6KRW KM09KP 18:23 E72U JN94JU 19:05 IW0FFK JN61FS 19:07 IK0FTA JN61GV 19:11 IC8FAX JN70CN 19:30 IK7FPV JN80PM 19:46 IK7EOT JN80PJ 19:50 IK6DTB JN72EG Comment: Another big opening, wth several phases over 3 or so hours, There seemed to be several clouds each coming into play here. There was some activity to EA and to the East, but I didn't see any FT8 decodes from those areas. Checking the waterfall every so often for SSB on 144.300 I didn't see any activity. 73 Bob |
Rig: IC-7600 plus Kuhne TR-144-Pro plus PA at 250w, 7 el yagi ODX: YU7MS KN05FG 1823 Km Log: 16:47 9A2WA JN83FM FT8 New locator number 300 2nd phase 18:18 YU7MS KN05FG FT8 Comment: Just 2 x QSOs completed but 9A2WA in JN83 was a new locator for me. I spent the greatest part of my time in the first phase of the Es opening calling CQ DX using SSB as the signals on FT8 were VERY strong. Unfortunately I just wasted my time as no one answered my SSB calls. In the 2nd phase I had to leave home as this phase started so only made one QSO. Missed the rest and best part of the 2nd phase . 73 Lyn G8JLY |
Rig: IC910H 12ele M2 ODX: 2164kms Log: 29/06/2023 17:02 9A3TN JN85 29/06/2023 17:05 9A3DUH JN85XE 29/06/2023 18:12 IZ8WGU JM88 29/06/2023 19:08 T77GO JN63FW 29/06/2023 19:44 SV8PEX JM99 SSB 29/06/2023 19:50 IK7JNM JN8ØXO Comment: Band was open on and off for 3 hrs but some very short openings making qso's difficult . Great to work Tom SV8PEX on SSB again . Very happy to work T7 , last T7 was 20yrs ago on 2m . Missed HV0A , was copied but faded quickly. 73 de jamie |
Rig: IC-821H + GS35B 13El. DJ9BV Log: 17:03 F6DBI IN88 FT8 18:48 EB1LA IN73 FT8 Comment: 2 QSO-s only but hrd some other G; F; EA stations. From 16:30 to 19:30 many openings but only for short periods. Tried SSB but there was no activity. TNX for QSO-s 73! Endre |
Rig: FTDX3000+transverter 2x12elDK7ZB system ODX: EA1W EA1URG Log: 19:03 EA1W IN73DL 19:05 F4EZJ JN05DK 19:07 EA1URG IN73DL 19:08 EA1KI IN73EM 19:09 F6FTN IN94LP 19:10 F2CT IN93GJ |
Rig: ICOM-7400 ODX: EA5ZJ 1986km Log: 17:27 EA6AAU JM19jk SSB 1680km 17:44 EB5HRX IM99tl SSB 1905km 17:47 EA5ZJ IM98tv SSB 1986km 17:59 EA6SA JM19lo CW 1670km 17:21 EA6VQ JM19hn FT8 1685km Comment: FT8 is good but where are the SSB and CW stations over SporadicE? You should roll around 144300 sometimes and it's a much faster QSO than on FT8. It used to be better. This is my opinion, please respect it :) Thanks |
Rig: ICOM IC 821 - 2x10 DL6WU ODX: 16:55 PD7YY JO21WW SSB 1181 Km Log: 16:55 PD7YY JO21WW SSB 19:08 G4DHF IO92UU SSB 19:09 G4FUF JO01GN SSB 19:10 G6CNF JO01HM SSB 19:11 G0CUZ IO82WM SSB 19:12 G8TIC IO82VF SSB 19:13 G4TIF IO92FH SSB 19:14 GW8ASD IO83LB SSB |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 16:43 G0BIX JO01GI +05 +06 FT8 1124 Km 16:44 G7GQA IO81 -01 FT8 hrd 16:46 GW4HDF IO81 -06 FT8 hrd 16:47 EI3KD IO51 -03 FT8 hrd 16:48 G4RRA IO80 -13 FT8 hrd 16:48 G4LOH IO70 +05 FT8 hrd 16:49 G1SDX IO80 -03 FT8 hrd 16:49 G8JLY IO82 +01 FT8 hrd 16:50 G8HGN JO01 -02 FT8 hrd 16:50 G4MKF IO91 +00 FT8 hrd 16:51 G0HVQ IO81 +05 FT8 hrd 16:52 G4RUW IO91 -15 FT8 hrd 16:52 G0FEH IO92 +09 FT8 hrd 16:54 G0PQO IO92 -02 FT8 hrd 16:54 GR0LGS IO81WV -14 +12 FT8 1316 Km 16:54 G4HGI IO83 -11 FT8 hrd 16:56 G7KTP IO82MA +02 -06 FT8 1374 Km 16:57 G0CUZ IO82 +06 FT8 hrd 19:02 F0GOW IN96 -07 FT8 hrd 19:02 F1DUZ IN97 +12 FT8 hrd 19:07 F8DBF IN78 +02 FT8 hrd 19:07 F6EAS IN98 -18 FT8 hrd 19:09 F6DBI IN88 +00 FT8 hrd Comment: Spectacular and long lasting event, but usable only for about half an hour overall in IV3. 73, Massimo |
Rig: Icom IC-9700 - 20 elem. I0NPN ODX: PA3AIW JO21RX 926 km. Log: 16:44 -7 PA3AIW JO21RX 926 km. 16:49 -1 PD0HCV JO21VU 906 km. Only RX: 16:49 2 PE1EVX JO22MP 1008 km. Comment: ES was pratically on our head so very short skip, near the limit of Tropo propagation., many other PA Station have heard me, but no QSO. |
Rig: IC-275 + SSPA. 150W ODX: SV8PEX Log: 19:37 SV8PEX JM99VR SSB 19:49 IK7JNM JN80XO SSB Comment: Also heard many italians (I8KPV and others) on .300 before first QSO, but all on top of each other, much QRM....please spread out! Lucky to make E's QSO's after a very busy day with work.... |
Rig: Kenwood TS 700S, 750W, 21 Elm. Dual Band Yagi ODX: 1909 km Log: 09:34 RZ6DD LN04MX 1909 km SSB Comment: ...bei den weiteren Öffnungen konnte ich nicht an meiner Station sein ...best lots of DX, vy73 robert |
Rig: ICOM IC-7400, 400w, 4x 8*8XV-HV ODX: RD6F LN05 2052 km Log: 09:11 RZ6DD LN04 1990 km 09:15 R6DNV KN95 1845 km 09:19 R6AM LN04 1997 km 09:33 RD6F LN05 2052 km hrd: RT6DI, RK7H btw on 27.june i hrd only RU3BQ KO85 Comment: all the best, 73 de Walter |
Rig: ICOM IC-7400, 400w, 4* 8XV-HV ODX: EA1BHB IN82 1588 Log: openings afternoon 16:50 F1MLN IN99 1271 16:52 F1DUZ IN97 1214 16:56 G7RAU IN79 1525 19:07 EA1BHB IN82 1588 19:10 EA2BFM IN83 1495 hrd: 9H1TX, F6ANO, EI4ACB, EI9KP EB2FJN, EA1LA, EA1ISE, EA1W SSB Comment: gd DX, 73 de Walter |
Log: 16:50 IK7UXY JN90 FT8 17:52 9H1CG JM75 FT8 18:16 SV6KRW KM09 FT8 Comment: Only 3 complete QSO's. Many more NC QSO's or Hrd stations from E7, Z3, YU, SV, EA4/7, CT, I7/8, 9H,... |
Rig: IC-7000 -200 W 11 Yagi LFA ODX: SV6KRW Log: 18:16 SV6KRW KM09KP FT8 19:34 IZ8JFA JM89CH FT8 19:48 IU8JTA JN70HT FT8 |
Rig: FT-991A - 175w - 7el ODX: 19:41 CT1FFU IM59 FT8 1660Km Log: 16:52 IZ7UMS JN81 FT8 1394Km 19:41 CT1FFU IM59 FT8 1660Km Comment: I had 2 openings in JO20, heard some other I and CT's, also 9H and SV but no luck to work them. See you in next opening. 73 |
Rig: Home made, 400 W, 2 x 12 ele Log: 16:44 IC8EPV JN60 , FT8 16:50 IZ8OFO JN70HR FT8 16:52 IK0RMR JN61RS SSB 16:54 IK0VKL JN61GV SSB 17:47 9H1CG JM75 FT8 18:16 IK7JNM JN80XO SSB 18:32 EA2Z IN91MP FT8. C? 18:39 EA7ALL IM88 FT8 19:49 IU8MHG JM78TF FT8 IT9DBM returns on my CQ, next period he calls someone else. Why? IZ6RCR and I7IMO(?) NC (Both SSB) Hrd IK0OKY. 54 on SSB, could not hear me, odd Comment: Several Es clouds were active during a long, opening. Not the best for me, as I was a bit too close to the highest MUF area, hence short opening followed by long periods of silence. No chordal or tropo extended paths were observed by me. Heard: IZ8AJU, IZ8JFA, EB4DMH, EA7BHO, EA2B, EA4LO, IK7UXY, IW7DIE, IW7DOL, SV8PEX, IZ4AIK, IK0FTA, IK0WMJ, IK4IDP, IW0BCF, etc. It was interesting to note that it often seemed that either "the whole country was open", or nil. This was especially the case with the opening to EA. I was called by two EA2's (from IN91), and at the same time EA7 came in as well. Not a gradual build up from EA7 to the northerly regions Into Italy there was good activity in SSB, nil heard in the EA opening. 73s, Peter |
Rig: 50W GP ODX: 1301 km IZ6RCR Log: 16:54 IZ6RCR SSB 59 59 1301 km |
Rig: Homemade 10 element 2.2wl DJ9BV, IC9700 ODX: EA7ALL IM88aa 1689km Log: 18:40 EA7ALL IM88AA Comment: 73's Dustin de PE1OZS |
Rig: TS-590sg+transv.Javornik,800W 4x13el YU7EF ODX: R6ML LN17 1945 Log: 29/06/2023 09:25 UC6C KN96 R+15 +21 FT8 1731+- 29/06/2023 09:33 R6ML LN17BP R+09 +02 FT8 1945 29/06/2023 09:44 UA6LJV KN97LE +11 R+00 FT8 1714 29/06/2023 09:47 RK6MC KN79KG +12 R+12 FT8 1407 Comment: 73 Joze S51ZO |
Rig: TS-590sg+transv.Javornik,800W 4x13el YU7EF ODX: UA4UK LO14MA 2047km Log: 29/06/2023 09:25 UC6C KN96 R+15 +21 FT8 1731+- 29/06/2023 09:33 R6ML LN17BP r+09 +02 FT8 1945 29/06/2023 09:44 UA6LJV KN97LE +11 R+00 FT8 1714 29/06/2023 09:47 RK6MC KN79KG +12 R+12 FT8 1407 29/06/2023 10:36 EW3SS KO12 R-109 -14 FT8 806+- 29/06/2023 13:37 R3PA KO93JV -14 R-13 FT8 1774 29/06/2023 13:39 RQ3P KO84UF R-14 -08 FT8 1719 29/06/2023 13:45 UA4UK LO14MA -19 R-09 FT8 2047 29/06/2023 14:00 RA3SS LO04 -10 R+00 FT8 1935+- 29/06/2023 16:54 F6HRO IN88JQ +00 R+08 FT8 1471 Comment: Nice opening... VY 73 Joze s51ZO |
Rig: ic9700 100W x-200 vertical ODX: EA5TT 1957km Log: 09:18 RQ7R KN64SO FT8 19:04 EA5TT IM99SL FT8 1957km Comment: I heard also: F1NZC JN15, F6GRA JN04, F5TMJ JN03, EA3EA JN01, EA3TR JN01, EA3SI JN11, EC5CIA IM99, EA6VQ JM19 |
Rig: IC-9700 + 7el. yagi 100W ODX: RA4A LO20QC FT8 1937km Log: 13:46 RA4A LO20QC FT8 1937km 16:44 F6DRO JN03TJ SSB 1558,8km 16:50 F5XU JN15MR SSB 1299km Comment: 73! Dariusz SP3TLJ |
Rig: IC7100 35W 7el ODX: 16:43 EA3GHA JN01oc FT8 1710km Log: 16:43 EA3GHA JN01oc FT8 19:08 EA3SI JN11dn FT8 19:10 EA3EA JN01um FT8 Comment: Heard also many other on FT8. EA3DNC JN01, EA3EPR JN01, F1GTU, F1MZQ JN23, CT7ABA IN60, CT1DIZ IM58, EA2BFM, CT1BIZ, EA6VQ, EA6UE JM19, EA3TT, EA3RT JN01, EA3AYK JN11, EA3MGG JN01, EC5CIA IM99, 73 Andy SQ1FYB |
Rig: IC-9100 ODX: IZ7UMS 1797 km Log: 09.03 IK7IMO JN90 FT8 09.05 YO7FWS KN24 FT8 09.24 IZ7UMS JN81 FT8 09.29 YU7PAA KN04 FT8 Comment: Hi All, poor ES in my place this time towards YU, I7, YO. Only several stations were available in several periods. The others appeared only once, like T77GO, IU4CHE, DK5EW, DL3RL, DK1KW. Nothing in SSB. Slava Ukrainie. |
Rig: 400w/ 2x10 el Log: 09:27 RN4AT LN29 FT8 13:44 R3MW LO07 FT8 13:48 UA3MRS KO97 FT8 13:50 R3MW LO07 FT8 16:50 F6EAS IN98 FT8 17:03 G7RAU IN79 FT8 17:11 EA5RM IM98 FT8 17:25 EA3GHA JN01 FT8 17:32 EA3DBJ JN00 FT8 17:36 EA5ZJ IM98TV SSB 17:39 EB5HRX IM99TL SSB 17:46 EC5CIA IM99 FT8 18:01 EB3DYS JN11CK SSB 18:15 EA7ALL IM88 FT8 18:23 IK1JLL JN33TT SSB 19:23 F6HRY JN04IK SSB 19:33 F6CIS IN94 FT8 Comment: Very long ES opening, but few qso ! If it wasn't the FT8 mode, there were definitely more qso's in SSB ! 73's Stelian /YO2BBT |
Rig: IC706MK2G 300w 2x11 H,made ODX: G4RRA - IO80BS - 1969 km Log: 18:23 G1HWY IO90UV 1727 KM 18:28 G4RRA IO80BS 1969 KM 18:32 EA2BFM IN83MG 1915 KM Comment: Tnx for qso FT8 , 73 |
Rig: FT-480R + 100 W; Yagi 7 el. ODX: EA5ZJ IM98TV 1833 Km Log: 09:15 RN6QR LO00BK 1600 Km SSB 17:12 EB5HRX IM99TL 1805 Km SSB 17:37 EA5ZJ IM98TV 1833 Km SSB 17:49 EB5HRX IM99TL 1805 Km SSB 18:10 F6DRO JN03TJ 1542 Km SSB 18:58 F5EAN IN96DK 1721 Km SSB 19:04 F5EAN IN96DK 1721 Km SSB 19:22 F4EZJ JN05DK 1572 Km SSB Comment: 17:02 HRD G4LOH SSB Very interesting opening (Es). As of this morning, it moved to the East, then to the North/West, to the West, and then to the South/West. Compared to previous openings this year, there were now many more stations that worked with SSB. Thank you all for the nice QSO`s and I will be glad to hear you again in the next ES. Until then vy 73 & gl fm Misha, YU1MS. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-225RD + PA 200W, Yagi 12 el. ODX: 1809 km Log: 17:49 EA5HRX IM99TL |
Rig: MGF1302, FT-847, 800W, 10el DL6WU ODX: EI4ACB IO62 2151 Log: 13:49 UA3ATQ KO85 1673 km 13:54 R2AQH KO85 1627 km 14:02 RC3UE LO07 1956 km 16:49 F6DBI IN88 1816 km 17:03 G1SDX IO80 1839 km 17:10 EA6AM JM29 1450 km 17:12 EA6VQ JM19 1570 km 17:23 EA5TT IM99 1872 km 17:25 EA3DBJ JN00 1670 km 17:48 EC5CIA IM99 1872 km 18:09 EA7ALL IM88 2077 km 18:16 EI4ACB IO62 2151 km 18:18 G8JLY IO82 1820 km 18:27 F1NDO JN19 1397 km 18:29 G0JCC IO82 1888 km Comment: TNX 73 YU7MS |