27. June 2023
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC7400 / ant 12el. f9ft Log: hrd only :( 17:19 ES2AEE KO29 (1613km) +06dB 17:20 OH2FQV KP20 (1703km) -02dB Comment: I may have missed the first half hour of ES and came to the end of the opening to N-NE Both stations was call me on my CQ, in 2 minutes but after my sent RST, no more decode anybody. More happy next time, 73 Dean |
Rig: IC7100 50w and 9 ele yagui ODX: SV8PEX JM99WO 3365km Log: 17:22 EA7KIY IM66 998km FT8 17;25 EA7HJW IM66 998km FT8 17;26 EA4I IM68 1103km FT8 17;27 CT1FPQ IN50 1119km FT8 17;29 EA4GDA IM68 1103km FT8 17;32 EA9E IM75 1136km FT8 17:36 IZ8DVD JM88 3116km FT8 17;37 EA7KRB IM66 998km FT8 17;40 CT1FCX IM59 1038km FT8 17:41 SV8PEX JM99 3365km FT8 17:44 IK8NIM JN70 2961km FT8 17:53 IC8AJU JN70 2961km FT8 18;04 EA7P IM76 1166km FT8 18;42 CT7ASY IM58 963km FT8 18;43 CT1CHT IN50 1119km FT8 19;02 CU3EQ HM68 1127km FT8 Comment: Nice tropo over the meditarranean sea and ES, reach SV8 for the first time. |
Rig: TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd ODX: 2020 km UT8LN KN89AW Log: 16.59 UR5HVR KN69TA +19 R+22 FT8 1876 17.00 UT8LN KN89AW +09 R+04 FT8 2020 17.03 UX5UL KO50FL +14 R+05 FT8 1619 Comment: hrd: UT6UG KO50,, UT3WX KN19, UR5WCE KN29, UT9UR KO40, UY1HY KO60, RQ7R KN64, UT8LE KN89, US8AR KO60. mni tnx to Gaetan ON4KHG for informing me. |
Rig: FT857 160W and 9ele Tonna Log: 17:14 UR5HVR KN69TA 1.822km new # Comment: hrd several more UR-stations from KO20/30/50 |
Rig: FT991A+Dressler-200 (250W), 7El Yagi ODX: UT8LN KN89 2045 km Log: 17:08 UT8LN KN89 2045 km FT8 17:20 UY1HY KO60 1833 Km FT8 Comment: Also heard in FT8: 17:04 UT6UG KO50 17:10 US8AR KO60 17:22UT9UR KO40 +23 dB 17:22 UX5UL KO50 +19 dB 17:24UR5HVR KN69 Short ES for 20 min , max +23dB for UT but then for JO30 sudden break down at 17:35. I'm looking forward for the next ES event 55 es 73 de Jo |
Rig: K3+ME2T ,2xBigWheel, 16 el Yagi, >300W ODX: 1993km Log: 17:11 UT8LE FT8 1957km 17:26 UY1HY FT8 1756km 17:28 UT8LN FT8 1969km 17:29 UX4LX FT8 1993km Comment: Lucky me going next to radio and heard strong trafic from the band. Many UR stations, Some of them I worked before this season and skipped today. No SSB/CW activity heard. |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 17:16 UY1HY KO60 Comment: Heard some other stations from this area, but not long enough for a QSO in FT8. |
Rig: IC9700, BEKO, 7el. Log: 17:11 US8AR KO60 17:16 UT7AA KO70 Comment: Heard also: UT8LN. UT8LE, UX5UL, UT6UG, UY1HY, UR5HVR, RA3GK, EW8DU, UT9UR and UR3AIO. These all in FT8. I heard also UT7AA in SSB, but at that time to weak to complete the qso. I called in SSB many times - no other station there - SSB is DEAD! 73, Ralf |
Rig: IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w, preamp ODX: 2290km Log: 17:03 R3PA KO93jv 2290km FT8, SQR #498 w/o EME 17:09 EW8DU KO52lm 1756km FT8 17:14 RA3GK KO92fr 2263km FT8, SQR #499 w/o EME 17:29 EW8AX KO52lj 1754km FT8 k Comment: A very spotty opening with ups and downs. Once I got a periode with six Ukraine Hams working DLs, next periode nothing again. Got two new SQRs anyway! Again a very good FT8 periode behaviour - all Ukraines and Russians together in 1st, local DL, F and HB9s (with little exceptions) on 2nd. periode - superbe!. Pity if you miss a nice DX with calling in wrong periode, where you maybe can't hear the DX. Best regards de Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 17:15 RU3BQ KO67NE -15 -01 FT8 1839 Km Comment: Nikolai was the only one copied here. He appeared at 17:11 UT for few minutes then vanished, but came back stronger (up to +04) around 17:25, for few minutes. 73, Massimo |
Rig: Icom IC-9700 - 20 elem. I0NPN ODX: RU3BQ +16 KO67NE FT8 2082 km Log: 17.02 RU3BQ +16 KO67NE FT8 2082 km. Only RX: 17.11 -17 EW6RM KO55CE FT8 17.41 -12 EW7RF KO53ES FT8 Comment: I heard RU3BQ for about 20 minuts with qsb, but always over S5 the other was very weak and short opening. Nobody on phone, during ES opening FT8 it's too slow to complete QSO FT4 maybe better, (half the time for a qso) but nobody use it. |
Log: 16:54 UR5HVR KN69TA FT8 16:56 UX1HP KN69TA FT8 17;05 UX5UL KO50FL FT8 17:11 UT8LN KN89AW FT8 17:18 UT8LN KN89AW SSB 17:23 UT6UG KO50EI FT8 17:30 UR5HVR KN69TA SSB 17:33 RQ7R KN64SO FT8 Comment: A few more Ukrainian stations seen on my screen but not worked in FT8. I have been calling several times in SSB on 300. UR5HVR and UT8LN came back to my SSB CQ's and the QSO was quickly made. A "UR7" answered in SSB but lost. Nice opening that lasted around 40 minutes. |
Rig: FT-991A - 175w - 7el ODX: 17:13 UX1HP KN69 FT8 1997Km Log: 17:08 UX5UL KO50 FT8 1833Km 17:09 UY1HY KO60 FT8 1972Km 17:13 UX1HP KN69 FT8 1997Km 17:20 UT6UG KO50 FT8 1833Km Comment: Nice opening into Ukraina, Heard some other stations also. Hope to see you in next opening. 73 - Rudi - ON7CL |
Rig: Yaesu FT991A 200w 9 el OWL Ultra ODX: 2133 km Log: 17:12 UR5HVR KN69TA FT8 17:17 UT6UG KO50EI FT8 17:23 UY1HY KO60MA FT8 17:25 UT8LN KN89AW FT8 17:32 UX5UL KO50EI FT8 Comment: Nice opening to the east with big signals. Tnx for the QSO's. |
Rig: TS-590SG + Kuhne + IF SDR, 4x6el, 6x4el, 2x3el + LDMOS ODX: LZ1KU 2047 km Log: 16:56 LZ1KU KN32AH FT8 2047 km 17:00 LZ1KU KN32AH SSB 2047 km 17:08 YO7FWS KN24DJ FT8 1778 km new # 17:13 YO3GJ KN34AK FT8 1834 km 17:24 LZ7DF KN22XH FT8 2044 km 17:27 YO7FWS KN24DJ SSB 1778 km Comment: Just left the kitchen and went to the shack for the MW contest. Powered up and saw that the MUF was rather high above southern SP. So the MW contest was postponed for a while, Es comes first! Just one signal was spotted in the waterfall and it had the typical Es sound with some QSB, who could it be? MSHV decoded and surprisingly it was LZ1KU (no one else was seen). Worked him, switched directly to .300 and there he was now in preferable SSB with impressive 59+ sigs! Called then for a while on .300 (no replies), back to .174 and called in 2nd period. Catched YO7FWS, then back to .300, called in SSB for 15s and listened on .174 the next 15s, clever or not? Anyway I worked YO7FWS in SSB too, brilliant! Then the Es faded away and the band was normal again. Yet another amazing day on VHF! |
Rig: IC7100 35W 7el ODX: YO6DBA KN36BA 1136km Log: 17:12 YO6DBA KN36BA FT8 Comment: Also heard YO4GJH, UW8SM, ER1AN. It was short 5 minutes ES, 73 Andy sq1fyb. |
Rig: IC-9100 ODX: ON4KHG JO10XO 2262 km Log: 17.01 DF2ZC JO30 FT8 17.03 DK7CM JO40 FT8 17.04 DH8WE JO50 FT8 17.09 DK9CK JO30 FT8 17.10 DF1JC JO31 FT8 17.11 ON4KHG JO10 FT8 17.18 ON4KHG JO10 SSB 17.23 DL5DAW JO31 FT8 17.23 DG1KDD JO31 FT8 17.26 PA3PCV JO20 FT8 17.26 F5JNX JN37 FT8 17.27 DH1NSP JN59 FT8 17.28 DL2FQ JN49 FT8 Comment: GE All. This time sporadic clouds were a bit far from my QTH, that's why most of stations were not very strong and there was only one station (my ODX) ON4KHG in SSB for a short time. In FT8 heard about 4-5 stations from France, several stations from Belgium and tried to work them, but unfortunately missed reports from the most of them. Then heard PAs and many DLs. Hope to catch another one this year. Greetings from strong Ukraine, we will win. best 73! |
Rig: 400w/ 2x10 el Log: 17:10 SM4LMV/P JO87 FT8 Comment: 73"s Stelian |
Rig: IC706MK2G 300w 2x11 H,made ODX: JP80MC - 1740 Log: 16:56 SM0DJW JO88WW 1604 Km 17:09 SM0MLZ JO99FM 1664 Km 17:11 SM5EPO JP80MC 1740 Km Comment: Tnx for qso FT8 , 73 YT3N |