14. June 2023
Sporadic E
Rig: IC9700, SSPA, 13el ODX: HA1VQ Log: 06:43 YO7FWS KN24 1624 06:47 HA0HO KN07 2077 06:52 YO2YA KN05 1910 07:08 LZ2CM KN13 1639 07:12 YT3GTI KN04CD 1845 07:14 HA1VQ JN87GJ 2298 15:19 IT9GSF JM67 2079 16:08 UA6HJT LN14LC 1513 16:10 RW6HP LN14 1553 Comment: 73, Jan |
Rig: IC7400 + VLA200 / ant 12el. f9ft ODX: EA1AER 1839km Log: 15:11 EA1AER IN72 Comment: This ES start abt 15z (I was 10 minutes late for him) Worked only 1 FT8 QSO, and 1x no complete EB1LA without RR73. The best ES time abt 15:15z I decode CT1ABA +00, EA4GMY+11, EA1IT+05, EA1YV-02, Other time until 15:30z ES goes up/down and they stop until 15:52 when I decode CT1ANO -04, but later, no more any one. 73, CuAgn |
Rig: TS-2000 & 2x10 El. DK7ZB 300W ODX: 15:24 OK2WO JN89 2177Km Log: 15:04 9A2WA JN83 15:07 I5WHC JN53er 15:08 IW4EGP JN64 15:13 OE4WHG JN87 15:14 OE6MMF jn77 15:15 OE6IWG jn77 15:17 DC7TS JO62 15:18 DK5AI JO51OG 15:24 OK2WO JN89 15:28 DH5BS jo64 15:29 DH6DAO JO41BN 15:35 DK6AS JO52 15:41 DL5OAS JO42 15:48 9A5RJ JN86 15:49 HA3FQG JN86 15:51 S51ZO jn86 15:57 DR2B JO50 15:58 DL2AKT JO50NV 15:59 DK7CM JO40 16:07 DL7ULM JO62 16:11 DF7AP JO51 16:12 DL7ZN jo62 16:13 DL8DAU JO40 16:18 DK6FX JO30 16:19 DL2FBY JO51 16:20 DD0VF JO61VB 16:21 DF3ZY JO40 16:22 DL3IAS JN49EJ 16:23 DL1SBY JN49 16:27 DL2FQ JN49 16:29 DL4DWA JO61QH 16:30 DH8WG JO51 16:31 DL1NEO JN59 16:32 DO1AYJ JO50TV 16:35 DL8SCQ JN48RI 16:37 DF5DE JO40 16:38 DF3UB JN49 16:43 OK1DOL JN69 Comment: TNX All for being active on this magnificent Opening. 73 de CT7ABA ex DM3FG |
Rig: FT-847, 50 W, 12 Ele. ODX: 2096 KM. Log: 15:16 CT7ABA IN60GD FT-8 15:42 EA1IC IN72DI FT-8 Comment: Thanks all. 73 de Peter, DC7TS. |
Rig: 500 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB Log: 15:37 CT2ECS IM57 FT8 15:41 CT7BJG IM57 FT8 16:10 EA1IOK IN62 FT8 16:14 EA1CCM IN52 FT8 |
Rig: 500 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB Log: 15:37 CT2ECS IM57 FT8 15:41 CT7BJG IM57 FT8 16:10 EA1IOK IN62 FT8 16:14 EA1CCM IN52 FT8 |
Rig: K3, TRV, 2x8El., 400W Log: 15:23 EA5GJ IM97JX 59 SSB 16:12 CT1ECS IM57RD -06 FT8 16:15 CT7BJG IM57PN +20 FT8 (gd ops!) 16:24 EA4I IM68MU +22 FT8 16:26 EA7R IM67LG +04 FT8 16:28 CT1DIZ IM58KP +03 FT8 16:30 EA1DNT IN71PS +19 FT8 Comment: Nice opening, 1st part mostly above my head, but very stong signals in 2nd part. Busy, but good discipline on 144.174 in JO30. Multi response ops from CT1BJG proved very efficient. Congrats! Hrd mni other stations from EA1, EA2, EA4, EA7, EA9 and CT. Mni tnx for the QSOs! See you in next opening! |
Rig: FT857 160W an d9ele Tonna ODX: 2.038km Log: 15:29 CT7ABA IN60GD 1.743km 15:32 EA7HLB IM76OP 1.945km second wave 16:27 EC7R IM67LG 1.984km 16:29 CT7BJG IM57PN 2.038km 16:21 EA1JM IN70JV 1.562km 16:35 EA4I IM68MU 1.833km |
Rig: IC275E+PA 500W+ 8 ele Yagi ODX: ~ 2050 Log: 15:21 CT1DIZ IM58 15:24 CT7BJG IM57 16:15 EA1CCM IN52 16:30 EA1CIU IN52 Comment: all QSOs on FT8. Heard several other EA and CT stations , but could not break the pile-ups. 73 Maik |
Rig: IC-9700 ODX: 1.929 km + 1.293km Log: 16:23 CT7BJG, IM57 FT8 144 MHz 16:31 EA1S IN72 FT8 144 MHz Comment: 12 Flags in EA/CT 1 Flag in SV8 |
Rig: Kenwood TS-700G / 12 Watt only / 12M2 /no FT8! ODX: EA1IC - IN72DI - 1530 km Log: 16:26 EA1IC IN72DI ...in SSB Comment: First ES in 2023 for me. Tnx Ruben for new # (#159) At present my output is only 12 W! because of a defective PA... hpe cu in next openings, but only in SSB/CW (no FT8!) 73 de DJ5NE Sven. |
Rig: K4D XV144 BECO 5elm 8m High ODX: CT7BJG IM57PM 2097 km Log: 16:14 EA4GDA IM68MV 1889 km 16:16 CT7BJG IM67PN 2097 km 16:18 EA1JM IN70JV 1621 km 16:21 EA4I IM68MU 1893 km 16:24 EC7R IM67LG 2045 km Comment: All in FT8 signals not so strong for a SSB QSO Maybe next time in SSB |
Rig: K3 - Kuhne Trxv - SSPA QRO - 14 El. Yagi ODX: 2169 km (CT7BJG) Log: 15:14 EA7BHO IM87DD FT8 1958 15:16 CT1DIZ IM58KP FT8 2098 15:17 CT7ABA IN60GD FT8 1878 15:41 EA1IC IN72DI FT8 1599 15:49 CT1ANO IN51RE FT8 1856 15:52 EA4GDA IM68MV FT8 1958 15:58 EC7R IM67LG FT8 2107 16:02 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 2169 16:22 EA1IT IN73XG FT8 1431 16:22 EA1AF IN71SW FT8 1562 16:25 EA1DNT IN71PS FT8 1590 16:28 EA1IC IN72DI SSB 1599 16:30 EA1HL IN71CM FM 1671 Comment: NIce opening for abt. 90 minutes. Just two stations heard in SSB today, another one in FM. 73, Wolf DK5AI |
Rig: ic7400-100w-9el ODX: ct7bjg im57pn 1925km Log: 16:02 ct7bjg im57pn 1925km ft8 16:18 ct7aba in60gd 1635km ft8 # 16:23 ea1ic in72di 1356km ssb # 16:35 eb1hrw in71pq 1353km ssb # Comment: ct7bjg with his 2 slots in ft8 at least 45 min strong. ct7aba ft8 signal sometimes s9+20dB... ea4i, ea4it, ct1diz, ea1dnt, ea1iw, ec7r, ea4gda, ea1s, ct1ano, hrd/saw in ft8. I was cqing at 300 ssb, announced my two ssb qsos in cluster...more a man could not do to save ssb... cuagn dk6fx |
Rig: IC-9700 ODX: 2133km Log: 15:08 EA7BHO IM87dd - 1911km FT8 15:19 CT1ANO IN51re - 1830km FT8 15:34 EC7R IM67lg - 2067km FT8 15:46 EB1LA IN73bi - 1506km FT8 16:19 EA1HRR IN83jj - 1342km FT8 16:21 EA1IT IN73xg - 1400km FT8 16:24 EA4GDA IM68mv - 1921km FT8 16:42 CT7BJG IM57pn - 2133km FT8 Comment: After many days of waiting ES was reaching JO50 this time. Managed to work some nice DX. Nothing in SSB. 73 de Frank, DL2ALF |
Rig: K3+ME2T ,2xBigWheel, 16 el Yagi, >300W ODX: 1935km Log: 15:42 EA1YV FT8 1570km 16:24 CT7BJG FT8 1935km 16:28 CT7ABA FT8 1596km 16:29 CT1DIZ FT8 1867km Comment: First vy short opening here and couldn't finish QSO with EA5. Later many CT, EA1, EA4 stations were seen. For a while I only seen them with BigWheel and not with 16 el Yagi. My signal reached CN8LI but nil here. |
Rig: Elecraft K3s, TR144H+40, 150 watts, 7 ele Flexa ODX: CT1DIZ IM58KP 1832 km Log: 16:14 CT1DIZ IM58KP 16:20 EA1IT IN73XG 16:21 CT7ABA IN60GD Comment: My first successfull 2m Soradic E opening this year. All QSOs in FT8. Not complete CT7BJG (aka DL6IAK) and EA1DNT. 12 reports of my signal from EA/CT on the PSK repprter. |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 14:57 EA7BHO IM87 FT8 15:44 EA1YV IN52 FT8 Comment: Tnx for contacts. |
ODX: CT7BJG 1878 km Log: 15:37 CT7BJG IM57 15:49 EA4GDA IM68 16:23 EA1CCM IN52 16:31 EA1IOK IN62 16:35 EA1CIU IN52 Comment: All in FT8...I called also CQ in SSB no reply... :-( 73 de Robert - DL5GAC |
Rig: FT847+PA 750W 2 x 9 Yagi ODX: CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 2884 km Log: 15:58 CT7BJG IM57 FT8 16:01 CT1DIZ IM58 SSB 59 16:13 CT7ABA IN60 FT8 (+34 best) 16:16 CT9/OM3RG IM12 FT8 2884km 16:21 EA4GMY IN83 FT8 16:29 EA1IC IN72 SSB 59 16:32 EA1S IN72 FT8 Comment: 4. Opening here this year here. CT9 (Madaira) was a big surprise. Switched between FT8 and SSB. CT7ABA was 59++ here. |
Rig: IC-705 - 300W - 16jxx ODX: 1244 km Log: 16:20 EA1DI IN72DI ssb Comment: Strong signal during about 10-15 min. The only one in SSB here. I copied some EA and more CT on FT8. The skip was a little bit short. 73, Denis |
Rig: IC9700 100W 11 ELE LFA ODX: EA5UI IM98MC 1505 Km Log: 16:15 EB5BQC IM98OL 16:17 EA5FSJ IM98RK 16:20 EA5TT IM99SC 16:23 EA5UI IM98MC 16:29 EA5SS IM98OL 16:35 EC5A IM98QT 16:37 EC5CIA IM99SL Comment: Intense opening to just 2 squares from here. All new stations worked, but no new squares. 73 Bob |
Rig: IC910H 12ele M2 ODX: 1418kms Log: 14/06/2023 16:35 EA6VQ JM19 Comment: just the 1 qso today . 73 |
Rig: K3_TR144H_100W to 9 el Flexa Yagi ODX: 4X/OM2IBB KM72JC 2298 km Log: 07:14 4X/OM2IB KM72JC +02 -09 FT8 ES 2298 15:26 CT1ANO IN51RE -04 -07 FT8 ES 2103 Comment: At morning short opening to Israel. ' QSO, but no more station. At afternoon again to EA and CT. Ten minutes opening for me, Only 1 QSO, but this direction is closed for me. But i see on my monitor more stations:CT1ANO, EA1AER and EA1YV. Thanks for QSO and new # ! Jozef |
Rig: IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w, preamp ODX: 1408km Log: 16:20 UTC EA1CCM IN52pg 1408km FT8 16:26 UTC EA1IOK IN62FN 1309km FT8 Comment: Saw a lot of CTs but no reply on my CQ ES. OK, I wkd a lot all the years before and DL is more of interest in distance. Again a good separation between locals and CT/EA when using 1st/2nd sequences. Locals always 2nd as I prefere myself and EA/CTs all on 1st periode again. Congrats to all for fine hamspirit! 73 de Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: Flex-6600 + TRXV 500W 10el.HM ODX: EA1NL IN52PJ 1449Km Log: 15:17 EC7R IM67LG FT8 1232 Km 16:25 EA1CIU IN52QK FT8 1441 Km 16:32 EA1NL IN52PJ FT8 1449 Km Comment: The ES Cloud was very close to me. I was able to listen some CT Station but no reply to my call. |
Rig: Kuhne Tr144Pro PA 100W 2X7 Lfa ODX: EC7R IM67LG 1660KM Log: 14/06/2023 14:59 EC7R IM67LG +01 +06 FT8 1660 14/06/2023 15:13 EA1AER IN72FO +03 -01 FT8 1252 Comment: Tnx to all 73' and GL Angelo IK2LHP |
Rig: IC-9700 100W + 17 ELEMENTS ODX: CT7BJG IM57PN Log: 14:58 CT7BJG IM57PN 1914 KM FT8 144,174 +17 +26db Comment: best signals but too short opening |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 15:51 EA1TX IN71 +02 FT8 hrd 16:36 EA1NL IN52 -14 FT8 hrd Comment: Came back home too late, as the opening took place while I was driving home from QRL :-( Only two stations heard, briefly. 73, Massimo |
Rig: ICOM IC-7400, 400w, 4x 8*8XV-HV ODX: CT1ANO, 2015 km Log: 15:13 CT7ABA IN60 1993 15:18 CT1ANO IN51 2015 CT7BJG NC? much qrm, EA1YV hrd Comment: really fast QSB ... 73 de Walter |
Rig: IC-9700 | 80 W | 4el. Yagi ODX: CS7/PD1ABC 2110 km Log: 15:13 EA4I IM68mu 2085 km 15:22 CS7/PD1ABC IM59wo 2110 km Comment: 73! |
Rig: IC-7100 170W 6el. ODX: CT7DIZ 2358 km Log: 15:25 CT7ABA IN60GD -18 -09 FT8 2142 km 15:43 CT1DIZ IM58KP -16 -16 FT8 2358 km Comment: Too late QRV today, but one new #... 73 best DX ! |
Rig: IC-7000 -200 W 11 Yagi LFA ODX: EA9ABC Log: 16:22 EA9ABC IM75IV FT8 +24 16:32 EA7KI IM76RR FT8 -13 16:33 EA7BF IM76GC FT8 +02 16:36 EA7HLB IM76OP FT8 -07 Comment: Nothing on SSB |
Rig: IC-7300 ; Javornik 144-14 transverter : 14 el LFA + 4*14 xpol Log: Good ES with lot of trafic in FT8 but nil in SSB. Following calls passed my screen, a few made it into my log. EA5AJX, EA4HQ, EA5RM, EA4ESM, EA7RZ, EA5I, EB1BCG, EA4GDA, CT7ABA, CT1ANO, EC7R, CN8LI, EA9ABC, EA1ERU, CT2ECS, EA1EW, EA4T, EA8CHC/7, EA7BHO, CT7BJG, EA1DNT, EA1AF, EA7Z, CT1DIZ, EB4GLE, EA1JM, EA9E |
Rig: 50 W GP ODX: EA9ABC 1942 km Log: 11:16 EA9ABC IM75IV +3 -14 F8 1942 km |
Rig: TS-590sg+transv.Javornik,800W 4x13el YU7EF ODX: CT7ABA IN60GD 2042km Log: 14/06/2023 15:16 CT1ANO IN51RE +12 R+11 FT8 2070 14/06/2023 15:20 EA1AER IN72FO -04 R-13 FT8 1780 14/06/2023 15:22 EA1IT IN73XG +12 R+13 FT8 1639 14/06/2023 15:52 CT7ABA IN60GD +11 R+05 FT8 2042 Comment: 73 es GL Joze S51ZO |
Rig: FT-847, mgf1302, Tajfun 1000, 7el. dk7zb ODX: 1502km Log: 15:18 EB1LA IN73BI FT8 Comment: 73 S59F |