01. June 2023
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC9700, SSPA, 13el ODX: z31tu Log: 09:00 SV2HYT KN10 09:05 Z31TU KN02 09:10 SV2FPI KN10 Comment: Opening was long, but only for a shorter distances. Lack of activity, no more stations today afternoon. 73, Jan |
Rig: FT-897 ODX: ea7rz 2002 km Log: 16:27 EA7RZ IM86 16:30 EA7KBX IM87 16:33 EA5IDZ IM97 16:36 EA5GJ IM97 16:40 EA7KP IM97 Comment: All qso FT8 144,174 |
Rig: IC706MKiiG, 50 Watt, 11 Ele Flexa Log: 16:35 it9esw jm67vn ft8 +02 16:54 9h1tx jm75fu ssb 55 59 heard in ft8 9h1gb 9h1cg it9gsf with +20 but no answer... heard in ssb iw9bju jm77 Comment: I will never be a big fan for FT8 on ES, appr. nobody qrv on ssb but signals were very strong. So by the way a nice opening for 2 houres during my holiday time in bretagne. |
Rig: 7300+javornik+QRO +2x11ele ODX: 9H1TX 1596km Log: 16:23 IW9BJU JM77GG SSB 1492 16:25 IT9XDJ JM77NN SSB 1510 16:27 IW8QFA JM78TF SSB 1498 16:29 IW9CTR JM77NM SSB 1513 16:37 IW9CTR JM77 FT8 1507+- 16:48 9H1TX JM75FU SSB 1596 Comment: not a real strong openning ... but nice to see SSB signal on waterfall !!! hrd several IT9 on FT8 and one period from YU7PAA/YU7ON/9A3SB ! see you next one ! |
Rig: FT991A 300W 9EL DK7ZB ODX: IT9BDM JM77NE 1969 KM Log: 16:29 IT9ESW JM67VN FT8 1854 KM 16:37 IW9BJU JM77GG SSB 1927 KM 16:42 IT9BDM JM77NE SSB 1969 KM 16:46 IT9XDJ JM77NN SSB 1938 KM 16:51 IT9GSF JM67SS FT8 1826 KM Comment: Tnx qso , 73 to all de Gilbert . |
Rig: IC910H 12ele M2 ODX: 2290kms Log: 01/06/2023 16:59 9H1GB JM75 -14 -19 FT8 2291 km Comment: on the edge again but did manage the one qso , happy . 73 |
Rig: IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w, preamp ODX: 1417 Log: 16:35 UTC 9H1CG FT8 JM75fw 1408km 16:50 UTC 9H1GB FT8 JM75fu 1417km, |
Rig: 1 KW- 11 Y @ 15m Log: 16.27 IT9XDJ JM77nn SSB ! 16.28 9H1ET JM75gu SSB ! Comment: 73' Ben |
Rig: FT736+pa 200 w Log: 16.12 EA5GJ 16.14 EA5U 16.20 EA4ESM 16.29 EA1AF 16.30 EA3EA 16.43 EA3DNC ALL QSO IN FT8 MODE |
Rig: ICOM IC 821 - 2x10 DL6WU ODX: 16:42 EA5Z IM98QH ES SSB 1221 Km Log: 16:42 EA5Z IM98QH ES SSB 1221 Km Comment: Second very short ES opening for this season. Unfortunately only one QSO in SSB. 73 Francesco - IK0WGF |
Rig: ic275e 0.5KW ant 16JXX ODX: EA2AWD IN83CI 1819 Km Log: 16:19 ea5z im98qh 1615 Km 16:20 ea5zj im98tv 1578Km 16:22 ea6aau jm19jk 1298 Km 16:24 ea1hrr in83jj 1772Km 16:27 ea2awd in83ci 1819 Km 16:28 ea6hre ? 16:36 ea5iyl im98ri 1606 Km 16:40 ea6sa jm19lo 1280 Km 16:43 ea5ily im98ri 1606 Km 16:45 ea3ow jn11em 1309 Km 16:26 f2ct in93gj 1631 Km 16:47 f6hre in93gk 1631 Km ALL QSO WAS MADE IN HUMAN MODE,SSB Comment: Strong Es opening to EA EA5J was here from S9 to 9+60Db,calling on 144300. More than 30 min,but few takers,because ALL was working in FT8,ALL on 144174 KHz.. It's very stupid mode during Es,more than 2 min for each qso!!! By the way,i was surprised when Josè EA5IYL said that he was transmitting with a simple vertical V2000 and few watts : 1606 Km of QRB ,not bad for a multiband antenna See YOU in Human Mode in next Es Gilberto,IK7LMX |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 16:51 EB4DMH IN80 -22 FT8 Hrd 16:53 EA4I IM68 -12 FT8 Hrd 17:47 EA9E IM75 -11 FT8 Hrd Comment: All stns heard one period only. Reflection zones were too close and/or in unfavourable directions for IV3 today. 73, Massimo |
Rig: FT-847+1xGI7b, ANT 16 el Yagi Log: 17:04 SV2HNH KN10LP 1465 km (FT8) Comment: Слышал ещё SV2FPI, но он вызывал EA и не ответил. 73 for all and we'll meet again in Es. |
Rig: FT897+MGF1801+8EL ODX: 1858 Log: 17:07 EA3OW JN11EM Comment: 17:55 EA6SA heard 599++ CW 144300 |
Rig: FT-897/50w/4el ODX: 2325 Log: EA2EXS 2023-06-01 16:54 IN82 EA3DBJ 2023-06-01 16:36 JN00 EB3FWC 2023-06-01 16:35 JN11 EA3EDU 2023-06-01 16:16 JN01 EA3EA 2023-06-01 16:15 JN01 EA3DHR 2023-06-01 16:10 JN01 Comment: Heard also EA1HRR EA2BFM, EB1BCG, EA2B, F6DRO, F6HTG, EA6VG, EA3AF, EA3GHA, EA5TT, EA5WU, EA3NJ, EA3CJ, EA3A, EA3BS. Opening was long and strong, last signal copied was EA6VQ at 1752z 73 tu |
Rig: IC-746 + 9el YU7EF ODX: EA5Z IM98QE 2186KM SSB Log: 16:37 EA5Z IM98QE 2186KM SSB 16:38 EA6AAU JM19LK 1865KM SSB 16:39 EA6SA JM19LO 1847KM SSB Comment: 2nd Es for me this year, reflection point same as 24 May Es, exactly same stations heard and worked SSB. Majority of stations on FT8 QRG as always, but I've no interest for it. 73 all |
Rig: FT-747GX + xvrt; PA 90 W; Yagi 7 el. ODX: EA5Z IM98QH 1884 Km Log: 16:23 EA5Z IM98QH SSB Comment: Today from 16.23 GMT there was Es from KN04ET to EA. Apart from EA5Z, whom I worked on SSB, I also heard: EA6SA from CW, whom I did not manage to call. However, with the EB5HRX I started with the connection, SSB, but it soon got lost, that is, I didn't hear it anymore! All in all, there was again very little activity on SSB and the main station was working with FT8 !! In some moments, the ionization was so great that, for example, the signal from the EA5Z was from 59+20 to 59+40 dB !! I listened to this station for about 30 minutes! It's a real shame that there weren't more stations working with SSB. 73 to all fm Misha. |
Rig: MGF1302, FT-847, 800W, 10el DL6WU ODX: EA9E IM75 2404 km Log: 16:30 EA5HAY IM98 1925 17:42 EA5RM IM98 1925 18:21 EA9E IM75 2404 Comment: TNX 73 YU7MS |
Rig: TS-2000 500w 16el ODX: EA9E IM75HV 2365kn Log: 16:25 EA5UI IM98MC 16:46 EA5IYL IM98RI 16:52 EA5GJ IM97JX 16:54 EA5IDZ IM97JW 16:59 CT7BIZ IN60CR 17:48 EA4DW IM98SQ 18:00 EA9E IM75HV Comment: 73 de Zoran |