11. June 2017
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC7400 + vla200 - 12el. ODX: F6EAS 1425 km Log: 18:57 F6EAS IN98LV Comment: flustrate afternoon. Hi MUF above Mediterranean Sea btw 14-17z but no any ES QSO (no hrd any EA, no 7X station). Much CQ=NIL. Then hi MUF above HB9, but work 1x F station only. Several times hrd in/out ES to F6EAS. Hrd also F6DKW, F0DZO, F1DUZ in QSO with other station, but before he finished QSO, ES going down. Better lucky on future, I hope :) |
Rig: FT-897 - 11 Element Flexa - Beko HLV-1000 ODX: 1690 Km Log: 18:21 IK8YOQ JN70GR 1300 Km 18:21 IK8BIZ JN70ET 1286 Km 18:37 IZ8WGU JM88AQ 1560 Km 18:56 IZ8YBS JM89CH 1502 Km 19:13 SV2HNH KN10LP 1690 Km Comment: A nice Opening with a lot of "sunday" QRM ;-) Heard a lot of stations from Italy but as the ES starts my VFO knob was broken and i could change the frequencys only with my microphone. It was not funny :-( Anyway, 5 QSOs and one new # was logged. Thanks to all guys who worked with me her behind my big hill to south 73 Reiner |
Rig: TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 ODX: 1555 km Log: 17:01 IT9GSF JM67SS 59 59 1501 km 19:02 SV8PEX JM99WO 59 59 1556 km 19:13 IK7MAX JN80˜XP 59 59 1369 km Comment: At my place I felt like being at the edge of the opening. Only few sigs were copied and only IK7MAX was really loud S9+. |
Rig: IC706 / 700W / 8Ele ODX: KN22JD 1507 km Log: 19:06 LZ1ZL KN22JD 1507 km Comment: Also hrd SV8PEX JM99 LZ1ZP KN22 IK7UXW JN80 but they were too spotty, as I was too narrow to the Scatterpoint. |
Rig: 160W 9ele tonna Log: 19:14 IZ8YBS JM89CH new # Comment: quite frustrating - right on the edge of reflections - hrd lot of neighbours west of my qth and nil here But happy for this single contact in 30 seconds of readability. |
Rig: IC-275, 500W, 11 Ele Flexa single yagi ODX: 1578 Log: 16:50 9H1ET JM75GU 59/59 1578km 18:28 IK8YOQ JN70GR 59/59 1070km |
Rig: 4x9XPOL - HiQSDR - TR144H - 700W ODX: 9H1ET 1775 km Log: 16:45 9H1ET JM75GU 1770 km 16:55 IT9GSF JM67SS 1540 km Only on Vertical Pol audible 16:59 9H1ET JM75GT 1775 km again for 30 sec. 18:57 IK7LMX JN80XP 1428 km 19:00 SV8PEX JM99WO 1617 km 19:01 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1687 km 19:05 LZ1ZL KN22JD 1692 km 19:14 IK7UXW JN80XP 1428 km Comment: IT9GSF was only hrd on vertical pol at the point of our QSO. Later he was louder on horizontal like the rest i worked. No constant signals here. Stns appeard quickly and dissapperead also vy fast again. I think i was a bit too close at the reflection points. |
Rig: IC751+HA1YA transverter+400W+11 el DL6WU ODX: F6EAS IN98LV 1518 km Log: 19.12 F6EAS IN98LV 1518 km 19.14 F4BDG JN18HR 1252 km Comment: 1st ES in 2017. Busy in previos! |
Rig: TX KENWOOD TS 2000 RX YEASU FT-736 4 X 2M32XP KW Log: 15:54 IW8PQU JM88BQ 0 km 16:03 IT9SFT JM67TH 0 km 16:04 IK7UXW JN80XP 0 km 16:08 SV2FPI KN10KU 0 km 16:10 SV2JL KN10LO 0 km 16:19 9H1TX JM75HV 0 km 16:24 LZ2ZY KN13OT 0 km 16:29 YU1LA KN04FR 0 km 16:33 YO2BBT KN05UK 0 km 16:35 YO2BBT KN05UK 0 km 16:36 YU1EV KN04CN 0 km 16:39 YT1T JN94US 0 km 16:40 YU7PAA KN04AX 0 km 16:48 YU7C JN95SS 0 km 17:10 HA6NQ JN98 0 km |
Rig: 50w Topfkreis ODX: IT9GRR Log: 16:12 IT9GRR JM77GE 1660km Comment: With only a 5/8 vertical antenna ! |
Rig: 8 ELE .....IC 756PROII JAVORNIK ODX: SV8PEX 1726 km Log: 14:42 SV8PEX JM99WO 1726 km 15:47 9H1ET JM75GU 1602 km 15:59 9H1TX JM75FU 1597 km 16:09 IT9GRR JM77GE 1499 km 16:10 IT9YLF JM68QC 1355 km 17:00 SV2DCD KN00PL 1790 km Comment: hrd IT9FJT ..... long opening but hard one !always same pleasure |
Rig: 8 ELE .....IC 756PROII JAVORNIK ODX: LZ1ZX 2126 km Log: 18:25 HG8QG KN06MT 1602 km 18:41 HA6NQ JN98WA 1516 km 18:42 YT1WP KN04CV 1559 km 18:43 LZ2PG KN23XT 2031 km 18:47 LZ1ZX KN32IO 2126 km 19:10 HA8CE KN06EN 1553 km 19:11 HA2SU JN97AB 1374 km 19:12 YO2LEA KN06WK 1668 km 19:13 YO5CRI KN16TS 1799 km 20:00 IK7UXW JN80XP 1528 km (FAI) |
Rig: 300 W to 2x12 el. M2 ODX: YO8TK 1591 km Log: 15:52 9H1ET JM75GU 19:13 YO8TK KN27SM 19:16 YO5OHY KN17SP Comment: Only 3 QSO's, I was to close to the scatter point, a bit frustrating |
Rig: FT897D 300W 16jxx2 ODX: SV2HNH 1515km Log: 19:01 IT9GSF hrd briefly 19:05 YO3FAI KN34AL 1495km 19:07 YO9CEB KN24SP 1451km 19:09 YO3DDZ KN34AN 1491km 19:11 SV2HNH KN10LP 1515km Comment: Short opening for me. 73 Denis |
Rig: IC7600+TrvDB6NT+1KW. 2x12el LFA ODX: SV3BSF/B KN08VA-2151km Log: 17:05 - SV8PEX -59- JM99WO - 1915 km |
Rig: IC7600+TrvDB6NT+1KW. 2x12el LFA ODX: LZ2PG-2164km Log: HA8ER-KN06AR-1634KM HA8ER-KN06MQ-1710 KM YO6XK-KN25BS - 1963 KM HA1ZH-JN86QJ- 1440KM YO2EA - KN06WK-1778KM HA8CE- KN06EN -1662KM YO3DDZ -KN 34AN -2144 KM YO3FAI- KN34AK -2148 KM YO3FOU-KN34BK- 2155KM YO3DMU-KN34BJ-2156 KM YO2BBT-KN05UK - 1790KM 9H3RJ - JN86EL - 1362 KM LZ2PG - KN23XT - 2164 KM YO9GLY -KN24RW - 2088 KM Comment: Thank you very much to all OMs Excellent second ES for me Not easy with all QRM around 144300 See you soon 73 QRO |
Rig: IC9100 - 17 Elts ODX: LZ2PG KN23XT 2388km Log: 18:22 YT3N KN04LP 1984km 18:23 LZ2PG KN23XT 2388km # 18:42 YU1EV KN04CN 1932km 18:44 HA1ZH JN86LK 1626km 18:46 S56P JN76PO 1498km 18:46 YO2BBT KN05UK 2009km 18:46 9A5RJ JN86EL 1582km 18:46 9A1Z JN86FJ 1590km 18:59 YO3DDZ KN34AN 2363km 19:07 YT1WP KN04CV 1919km 19:07 9A3QB JN95HN 1777km 19:07 YU7PAA KN04AX 1903km 19:08 YU2KU KN04ET 1934km 19:09 9A4RM JN95LI 1809km 19:09 YU1LA KN04FR 1944km Comment: Hrd few second 9H1TX and IT9CJC during first opening. Tnx all for qso and LZ2PG for new locator. Best 73's F8DBF Seb |
Rig: K3s/Anglian tvtr/LDMOS pa (MRF6VP11KH) 400W 8ele G4CQM ODX: LZ1ZP;KN22ID;2099 Log: 18.15 IW7XWJ JN90FB 1898km 18.16 IZ7BWZJ N90CH 1863km 18.27 IK7LMX JN80XP 1821km 18.28 IK7UXW JN80XP 1821km 18.31 SV8PEX JM99WO 2014km 18.58 9A3EME JN83FM 1501km 19.03 LZ1ZP KN22ID 2100km 19.10 LZ1ZL KN22ID 2100km 19.16 YU1LA KN04FR 1653km Comment: Many more heard but as often happens too many on 144.300 - spread out more to work more? Nice opening and look forward to next time. 73 Joe. |
Rig: TS700G + TAJFUN SSPA 400W ODX: SV6KRW 2129Km Log: 18.14 IW7XWJ JN90FB 1961Km 18.17 IZ7BWZ JN90CH 1926Km 18.21 SV8PEX JM99WO 2077Km 18.27 IK7LMX JN80XP 1884Km 18.29 IK7UXN JN80XP 1884Km 18.34 YU1EV KN04CN 1710Km 18.42 SV6KRW KM09KP 2129Km 18.57 9A3EME JN83FM 1564Km 19.08 LZ1ZL KN22JD 2167Km 19.09 LZ1ZP KN22ID 2162Km Comment: I heard nothing of the earlier event but kept the radio tuned to 144.300 and heard the IK7's calling. The event lasted for some time but there appeared to be quite a narrow duct of refection. More QSO's could have been made had more operators QSY'd from the calling frequency, which often had multiple QSO's taking place at the same time. Kudos to those who did QSY, which made for some very fine contacts. 73's and thanks for the fun.David |
Rig: K3 +TVT+LDMOS 4x8ele I0JXX ODX: SV2HNH 2402k Log: 18:30 IK7LMX JN80XP 2136K 18:32 IK7UXW JN80XP 2136K 18:47 SV8PEX JM99WO 2326K 19:15 SV2HNH KN10LP 2402 Comment: Nice but very narrow opening, very selective. Some of the stations worked were calling DLs at the same time! |
Rig: K3 Transverter 8877PA 4 X I0JXX16 ODX: LZ1ZL KN22jd 2077Km Log: 19:05 LZ1ZP KN22id 2072Km 19:06 LZ1ZL KN22jd 2077Km 19:14 9A3GE JN75fi 1219Km 19:19 SV2DCD KN00PN 1989Km Comment: Almost missed this one! Was hearing weak IT9 and 9H around 16:30 utc and then went to dinner..... |
Rig: IC9100 + 12 ele ODX: LZ1ZP @ 2330kms Log: 18:44 SV6KRW KM09KP 2310KMS 18:52 SV8PEX JM99WO 2250KMS 18:52 LZ1ZP KN22IB 2330KMS 19:00 IK7LMX JN80XP 2060KMS Comment: Switched PA on and in the heat of the moment forgot to take it out of standby ............ so only 25W LOL !!!!! A narrow corridor of propagation here, but only called the more distant stations I heard. Good Luck everyone and thank You for all the QSO's David g8gxp io93fq |
Rig: YAESU FT-847 50W 11 ele LFA ODX: LZ1ZP 2112 Km Log: 18:22 SV8PEX JM99WO 56 54 Complete New#285 18:30 SV6KRW KM09KP 57 Called but lost to QRM 18:50 LZ2ZY KN13OT hrd only 18:57 9A3EME JN83FM hrd only 18:58 SV2DCD KN00PL 57 Called but faded 19:03 LZ1ZP KN22ID 59 59 Complete 19:06 LZ1ZL KN22JD hrd only 19:08 LZ2ZY KN13OT 59 59 Complete 19:12 SV2HNH KN10LP hrd only 19:13 SV0??? 19:18 SV2HNH KN10LP 57 Called but faded 19:32 SV2HNH KN10LP 57 again but qsb and lost Comment: 4M QSO'S were all over Europe, so expected something to happen. As it was there was a narrow line down the Adriatic to SV, QTF 120 from here. Later anotheer hot spot developed to L,Z, QTF 105, as well as the original remaining. Very patchy and nothing really strong or long lasting. Please to get a new square in JM99. 73 Bob |
Rig: IC910H 12 ele M2 ODX: SV2HNH 2325 km Log: 19:12 SV2HNH KN10LP 2325 km Comment: right on the edge here so was lucky with this qso. nothing else heard very rare to work SV , only 3 qso's to SV ever worked since 1994!! so glad I went to the shack. |
Rig: YAESU FT-100, 1x 7el, 500w ODX: 1284km Log: 19:13 LZ2ZY KN13ot 1284km Comment: Just the only one to work in my SQR today. I also heard YO7GM but sigs droppped already again. Regards, Chris. |
Rig: IC275e+ LdMos Italab Phoenix @ 500W +12El Yagi 12JXX+pre by IK2CFR ODX: G0EOY 2159 Km Log: 15:20 EB5EA 1 59 59 IM99TA 1575 N N 16:12 4X1TI 1 59 59 KM71JG 1836 N N 16:18 4X1UN 1 59 59 KM72JB 1781 N 18.28 ON5AEN 1 59 59 JO00VV 1690 N N 18.28 G0JJG 1 59 59 JO02LE 1822 N N 18.28 G4DHF 1 59 59 IO92UU 1935 N 18.29 G4NBS 1 59 59 JO02AF 1875 18.29 ON5LGS 1 59 59 JO10OR 1599 N 18.30 ON4KHG 1 59 59 JO10XO 1550 18.30 G4KUX 1 59 59 IO94BP 2140 N 18.31 G4DBN 1 59 59 IO93NR 2025 N 18.32 G4EEV 1 59 59 IO94EB 2087 18.32 G3LQR 1 59 59 JO02QF 1803 18.33 ON4LN 1 59 59 JO20IV 1532 N 18.34 ON6SX 1 59 59 JO20HV 1536 18.35 G1EZF 1 59 59 IO93FT 2066 18.36 PA7RP 1 59 59 JO22FB 1635 N N 18.38 G4SFY 1 59 59 JO02RT 1841 18.39 PE1ITR 1 59 59 JO21QK 1541 N 18.41 PA4EL 1 59 59 JO21EV 1626 18.42 PA0JMV 1 59 59 JO21PM 1552 18.43 PA4EME 1 59 59 JO20WX 1480 18.43 PA4M 1 59 59 JO21IP 1590 18.44 PE1ITR 1 59 59 JO21QK 0 D 18.50 G4KUX 1 59 59 IO94BP 0 D 18.50 OT6M 1 59 59 JO20WS 1463 18.51 PA3CEV 1 59 59 JO21QL 1544 18.52 PD1AHM 1 59 59 JO21WF 1500 18.52 PA3BIY 1 59 59 JO22HB 1627 18.54 G4SFY 1 59 59 JO02RT 0 D 18.56 ON4ANH 1 59 59 JO21MJ 1554 18.56 PA3FYC 1 59 59 JO31AF 1492 N 18.57 G3SNT 1 59 59 IO94DT 2143 18.58 DL1KDA 1 59 59 JO30EP 1429 N N 18.59 G8GXP 1 59 59 IO93FQ 2057 19.01 ON8KW 1 59 59 JO20BW 1565 19.02 PA7RP 1 59 59 JO22FB 0 D 19.03 G0EOY 1 59 59 IO94CX 2159 19.05 PE1KEE 1 59 59 JN80XP 1 N 19.05 PA4VHF 1 59 59 JO32JE 1541 N 19.09 PA2DB 1 59 59 JO22MD 1614 19.09 PA7ES 1 59 59 JO22SA 1581 19.09 PA1BVM 1 59 59 JO21RO 1551 19.10 ON6NL 1 59 59 JO21UE 1505 19.11 PA3GDY 1 59 59 JO21RX 1581 19.12 PA3DOL 1 59 59 JO22MT 1670 19.13 DF7ZC 1 59 59 JO30RN 1371 (must that be DF2ZC ??; note PA4EME) 19.13 DL9EAJ 1 59 59 JO31DH 1488 19.14 PA4MRS 1 59 59 JO22HK 1657 19.14 DF8IK 1 59 59 JO30JT 1423 19.15 PA1BVM 1 59 59 JO21RO 0 D Comment: Big opening today across the Europe. I close at 19:15 it was dinner time here,family was waiting...,but band was still open |
Rig: IC706MKGII 160W 12EL Log: 15:21 EA1HRR 59 15:23 F6CIS 59 15:24 F2CT 59 15:26 F6DRO 59 15:39 F6CIS 59 15:51 F6IPQ 599 15:54 F6DRO 599 16:05 F5FEP 59 Comment: Tnx for contacts, see you in next ES Marcello |
Rig: 250W 10el. ODX: G8GXP IO93FQ 2318 Log: 18:19 F6EAS IN98LV 18:23 F0DZO JN18GT 18:24 F6DKW JN18CS 18:34 F6FET IN98UD 18:35 F6DBI IN88IJ 18:35 F4FRG IN98KE 18:43 F1DUZ IN97NJ 18:53 G8GXP IO93FQ 18:54 G4SFY JO02RV 19:01 ON4WIY JO21KA 19:01 DL1KDA JO30EP 19:02 G0JJG JO02LE 19:02 ON4PS JO20KQ 19:03 M1DNJ JO01FJ 19:03 G8HGN JO01FO 19:04 G3YDY JO01FQ 19:04 G0JBA JO01PG 19:05 G4SWX JO02RF 19:05 OT6M JO20WS 19:07 G4NBS JO02AF 19:07 G4KIY IO92WN 19:08 ON4KHG JO10XO 19:08 F5PZR JN18NT 19:09 G4DHF IO92UU 19:09 ON4WIY JO21KA 19:10 F0ELQ JN08OQ 19:11 F5HRY JN18EQ 19:15 ON4ANH JO21MJ 19:15 PA4EME JO20WX 19:17 G4VPD IO92BJ 19:19 G7RAU IO90IR 19:21 ON5AEN JO10VW 19:22 G8VHI IO92FM 19:25 ON8KW JO20BW 19:25 M1BXF JO02EF 19:30 F1FPL JN09LE Comment: Nice opening with very strong long distance correspondents. Sorry if I missed someone caller... 73's CUAGN |
Rig: IC746PRO + 500W ant. Tona 17el. Log: 16:50 EB5EEO IM98PG 18:32 F5GHP IN96LE 18:38 F6EAS IN98LV 18:44 F6DKW JN18CS 18:52 F0ELQ JN08OQ 18:53 M1DNJ JO01FJ 18:53 G4KIY IO92WN 18:57 F5PZR JN18NT 18:59 F6FET IN98UD 19:00 F5HRY JN18EQ 19:02 F0DZO JN18GT 19:03 G7RAU IO90IR 19:05 ON4RS JO20KQ 19:05 ON4KHG JO10XO 19:07 G0PQF JO01BU 19:07 F6DBI IN88IJ 19:08 G8HGN JO01FO 19:09 G3YDY JO01FQ 19:09 G4DCV IO91OF 19:10 F4EJW IN78VJ 19:11 F4HBY IN97AT 19:12 G0JBA JO01PG 19:13 HB9DFG JN37SM 19:14 F1RJ JN18AT 19:17 G8TTS IO91WU Comment: Super Es tudei tnx 73 Rady-LZ2ZY |
Rig: 4x7 LFA 500W ODX: F4ARU 1328 km Log: 19:11 F4ARU JN03 1328 km 19:18 F6DRO JN03TJ 1253 km Comment: just on the edge, signals in and out. PA not on so only 3W :-) |
Rig: ICOM 706 ODX: EA3DBJ Log: 19:18 EA3DBJ JN00IR 1675 km Comment: Sri , only short opening here. Karel |
Rig: FT1000MKV+XVRT+300W+16el I0JXX Log: 19:16 F4ARU JN03QL Comment: Very short opening - too close to the reflection point. HRD: F6DRO, F6HTJ |
Rig: TM255+400W+7el DK7ZB Log: 19:16 F6DRO JN03TJ |
Rig: transverter 28/144 MHz, 80W, 16 el KLM ODX: SV2DCD KN00PL 1725 kms Log: 19:00 SV2DCD KN00PL 59 59 1725 kms new# Comment: 73 de Edgard |
Rig: 1kW + 2x9el Log: 16:07 9H1ET JM75GU 59 59 16:16 9H1TX JM75FU 59 59 17:17 IT9FJC JM77MH 59 59 18:29 IK7LMX JN80XP 59 59 18:47 SV2DCD KN00PL 59 59 19:00 SV8PEX JM99WO 59 57 19:04 LZ1ZL KN22JD 59 59 19:05 LZ2ZY KN13OT 59 59 19:08 LZ1ZP KN22ID 59 59 19:12 IK7UXW JN80XP 55 59 19:19 SV2HNH KN10LP 59 59 Comment: Also heard : SV6KRW, IT9GSF, IC8AJU, IT9YLF (NC) 73, Gaetan |
Rig: FT225RD_GS35b_16el DJ9BV+MGF1302 Log: 18:20 IZ7BWZ 59 59 JN90CH 1776km 18:26 IK7LMX 59 59 JN80XP 1583km 18:38 SV8PEX 57 55 JM99WO 1776km 18:44 SV6KRW 57 55 KM09KP 1828km 19:03 LZ1ZL 59 59 KN22JD 1874km 19:05 LZ1ZP 59 59 KN22ID 1869km 19:22 LZ1ZP 59 59 KN22ID 1869km Comment: Nice ES! |
Rig: IC756P2+transverter ODX: SV8PEX 1688km Log: 19:09 IK7UXW JN80xp 19:11 SV8PEX JM99wo 19:13 IK7UXW JN80xp Comment: 50MHz skip became short again and then I saw the KST map of 144 getting red. Only a short opening but with a new # (JM99) -ON, PA, DL, G, F please do not CQ on .300 leave that to the DX - Educate your local beginner what DX means during a Esp opening |
Rig: IC-970h - 50W - 2M18XXX ODX: SV8PEX Log: 18:50 IL7LMX JN80 19:04 SV2DCD KN00pl 19:06 LZ1ZP KN22id 19:07 SV8PEX JM99wo Comment: Need some tabletop dB's ... |
Rig: 1x12 elem SSPA 400w Log: 18:42 IK7LMX JN80XP 18:51 SV6KTW KM09KP 19:09 SV8PEX JM99WO Comment: very short openings, stns in/out,,, usual chaos on .300 nothing new hrd/wkd. In the morning enjoyed 4 hrs IONOscatter to OH ! |
Rig: Icom IC-7300 + DB6NT + Beko 1K + 14el owl Yagi ODX: 1867 Log: 17:01 IT9GSF JM67 18:57 IK7NXM JN81AF 59 59 2 m. SSB ES 1472 19:08 IK7LMX JN80XP 59 59 2 m. SSB ES 1612 19:10 IK7UXW JN80XP 59 2 m. SSB ES 1612 19:19 SV2HNH KN10LP 59 59 2 m. SSB ES 1867 |
Rig: TS-2K 500W ODX: IZ8WGU 1824 km Log: 18:29 IC8BNR JN60 1501 km new # 18:31 IK8BIZ JN70 1554 km 18:34 IK8YOQ JN70 1554 km 18:36 IZ8WGU JM88 1824 km 18:39 IZ8YBS JM89CH 1708 km 19:05 IW8PQU JM88BQ 1769 km |
Rig: 4*9 el LFA 20 mtr ASL 400 watt, ODX: 9H1TX 1881 km Log: 17:10 9H1TX JM75FU 1881 km 18:46 IK7UXW JN80XP 1543 km 18:51 IK7LMX JN80XP 1543 km 19:11 SV8PEX JM99WO 1731 km |
Rig: FT991 50W 7 ele 15m up Log: 18:25 IK8YOG JN70GR 18:27 IC8BNR JN60WR 18:36 IZ8WGU JM88AQ 18:41 IZ8YBS JM89CH 19:04 IW8PQU JM88BQ Comment: First ES for me on 144Mhz after 5 years break. Several short openings and presumably sigs ended up in the Mediterranean Sea most of the time. 73 Oene |
Rig: K3 TR144H 4x9 DK7ZB 400W. ODX: SV2DSJ 1828 km Log: 20:51 IZ8YBS JM89LH 1663 km 20:52 IW8PQU JM88BQ 1694 km 21:02 SV2HNH KN10LP 1821 km 21:07 SV2DSJ KN10LN 1828 km |
Rig: TS2000X, 350 W, 12 el DK7ZB Log: 18:30 IC8BNR JN60wr 18:39 IZ8WGU JM88aq 19:13 IZ8YBS JM89ch Comment: hrd IK8BIZ, IK8YOQ, IW8PQU |
Log: aprox 15;47 hrd 9H1ET 18:43 IK7UXW JN80XP 18:43 IK7LMX JN80XP 19:00 SV8PEX JM99WO 19:08 LZ1ZL KN22JD 19:15 LZ1ZP KN22ID |
Log: 17:06 IT9GSF JM67SS 17:08 9H1TX JM75 18:30 IK7UXW JN80XP 18:36 IK7LMX JN80XP 18:51 SV6KRW KM09 HRD 18:54 LZ1ZP KN22 HRD 18:55 IK7NXM JN81FF 18:58 SV8PEX JM99WO 19:05 SV2DCD KM08 HRD |
Rig: FT817+PA 400w 9el yagi 4m agl ODX: 9H1TX JM75FJ 1925km Log: 17:20 9H1TX JM75FJ 1925km 18:44 IK7LMX JN80XP 1539km 18:45 IK7UXW JN80XP 1539km 19:02 SV6KRW KM09KP 1774km 19:09 SV8PEX JM99WO 1727km |
Rig: 1 kW 8x8 el Log: 18:19 IS0PGF JM49MD 2027km 18:20 IS0YTG JM49NG 2012km |
Rig: Icom 275h 100w 10el ODX: F1MOZ IN93RS 1909 Km Log: 18:42 F8GGD IN95UQ 1822km 19:05 F0CSH JN06SN 1662Km 19:13 F1MOZ IN93RS 1909Km 19:15 F4CQA JN17EA 1590Km 19:17 F4FHV JN15OR 1559Km 19:18 F6BEG JN25JS 1439Km 19:18 F6CIS IN94WL 1850Km Comment: Fb es opening hrd F4EZJ F4ARU GL to all de yo5ohy Zoli 73! |
Rig: TR751E 10 W 11 El. Tonna ODX: IN78RI 1991 Km Log: 18:22 F8DBF IN78RI 1991 KM 18:23 F6DBI IN88IJ 1898 KM 18:42 F6EAS IN98LV 1739 KM 19:10 F6FET IN98UD 1674 KM 19:12 F0DZO IN98GT 1768 KM 19:13 F4BDG JN18HR 1470 KM Comment: 73 All |
Rig: 20w 9l f9ft Log: 18.20 f4frg in98ke 18.21 f6dbi in88ij 18.39 f6eas in98lv 19.08 f8dbf in78ri |
Rig: IC271E, GI7B, 11El. YU7EF Log: 16:40 EA6SA JM19LO 16:40 EA6VQ JM19MP 19:09 F6DBI IN88IJ 19:10 F4HBY IN97AT 19:11 F0CYF IN98D 19:12 F4FRG IN98KE 19:15 F1DUZ IN97ND 19:16 F6FET IN98UD Comment: First Es after three years, tnx for contact to all.. HRD but nor working EB5EEO |