31. May 2017
Sporadic E
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Rig: TS2000, 2xLDMOS, MGF1302, 4 x 18 ele M2 ODX: 2225 km Log: 09:23 IK7LMX (JN80XP), IK8/PA2CHR (JM79VQ) hrd S9 11:22 4O6A hrd 11:24 SV9CVY KM25KA 59 59 SSB ES 2225 11:24 SV6KRV KM09KO 59 59 SSB ES 1605 11:27 4O6A JN92OK 59 59 SSB ES 1271 11:40 SW8YA KN20HS 55 59 SSB ES 1714 |
Rig: IC706 700W / 8el ODX: SV9CVY 2108 km Log: 11:22 SV1GSV KM17UW 1784 km 11:27 4O6A JN92OK 1155 km 11:32 SV4LRC KM19FP 1568 km 11:38 SW8YA KN20HS 1600 km 11:56 SV9CVY KM25KA 2108 km Comment: Nice first opening for me this year. |
Rig: 150W 9ele Tonna ODX: 2.271km Log: 11:30 SV6KRV KM09 only hrd 11.31 SV4LRC KM19 only hrd 11:32 SV9CVY KM25KA wkd new # and new dxcc Comment: by Chance during 15 minutes mealtime. Several SV Station hrd up and down, suddenly SV9CVY was 599 here and he gave 599+20 Report for me. Really amazing lucky contact here |
Rig: IC-7400, PA + 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi ODX: 1.780km Log: 11:13 IK8XLD JN70VO 59 59 SSB 1404 11:19 IT9BDM JM77NE 59 59 SSB 1780 11:21 IK8/PA2CHR JM79VQ 59 59 SSB 1505 Comment: Glad to catch this second opening, too. Already paid off to have holidays this week. ;-) Tnx to Chris, IK8/PA2CHR, for a new square (#545). Will upload some audio/video snippets to http://www.dh8bqa.de/ later today ... 73, Olli - DH8BQA |
Rig: K3/11el./750w ODX: LZ1KG 1518 km Log: 11:24 SW8YA KN20HS 1476 km 11:30 LZ1AG KN22ID 1391 km 11:43 LZ1KG KN31CS 1518 km 11:51 LZ1DP KN22TK 1437 km |
Rig: 12 el 400w ODX: 1566km Log: 11:34 SV2OXS KN10gg 1375 km 11:14 SV3BEF KM07rq 1566 km 11:24 SV6KRV HRD 56 |
Log: 11:33 sv9cvy KM25ka # Comment: lucky :-) |
Rig: 4x9ele XPol - HiqSDR - TR144H 700W ODX: SV9CVY 2288km Log: 11:21 4O6A JN92OK 11:22 SV1GSV KM17UW 11:24 SV9CVY KM25KA 11:27 SV6KRV KM09KO 11:31 SW8YA KN20ES Comment: A good start for me in the ES season. Signals were going up and down. The only strong signal had Gabi SW8YA here. 4O6A was square #649 for me. |
Log: 11:23 4O6A JN92ON 1062km 11:31 SW8YA KN20HS 1525km Comment: Short opening, but a E-s start at least! |
Rig: 11 ele F9FT, 500w ODX: 1166 km Log: 11:16 I7WAN JN81KC SSB 1166km Comment: Only 1 contact because too Close to the spot today... 73 to ALL |
Rig: K3/4x8/500 ODX: SV9CVY-2373 km Log: 11:17 SV3BEF KM07RJ 59/59 11:28 SV9CVY KM25KA 59/59 -2373 km -odx 11:29 SV1GSV KM17UW 59/NC ! 11:42 SV2OXS KN10GG 59/59 11:33 SV6KRV KM09KO hrd Comment: nice opening , tnx all ! |
Rig: TS 2000, 300W, 2x10 YU7EF Log: 11:19 SV3BEF KM07RQ 1476 km 11:25 SV6KRV KM09KO 11:28 SV9 KM25KA 11:44 SV2BWY |
Rig: IC-7400 100w and 9ele DK7ZB ODX: YO4RDN Log: 15:41 YO4RDN KN45AK 1833kms 59 15:50 YO7FWS KN24DJ 1544kms 59 11:04 YO4GJH KN35XG 1821kms 59 12:03 UR3GS KN66QR 2237kms 59 12:04 UR8GZ KN66RT 2231kms 59 Comment: Heard YO3FAI, LZ1DP, SW8YA but qso incomplete ... 73 all ! 2 openings today ! 73! |
Rig: 10 EL DK7ZB BEKO ODX: YO4GJH KN35KG 1692 KM Log: 11:18 YO4GJH KN35KG 1692 KM 11:19 YO8ST KN36KQ 1616 KM 11:23 SW8YA KN20HS 1500 KM 11:32 YO6OBK KN26TR 1521 KM 1143 LZ1DP KN22TK 1536 KM |
Rig: IC275E - Italab PA - 2x10H YU7EF ODX: SV6LRW Log: 16:51 SV6KRW KM09KP |
Rig: FT 847 - 16 ele - 100 W ODX: YO3VK 1884 km Log: 11:16 LZ4BF KN23HJ 1728 km 11:18 YU1EV KN04CN 1353 km 11:21 LZ2FO KN13KX 1575 km 11:25 YO3FAI KN34AL 1807 km 11:27 LZ1VPV KN22UL 1843 km 11:29 YO7FWS KN24DJ 1674 km 11:30 YO3CYR KN34AK 1808 km 11:36 YO3VK KN34MM 1884 km Comment: Very nice first opening for me My best 73 to all participants |
Rig: 300 W to 2x12 ele M2 ODX: LZ1DP 1699 km Log: 11:24 YU1EV KN04CN 1214 km 11:25 LZ1DP KN22TK 1699 km 11:29 YO7FWS KN24DJ 1535 km 11:32 YO3CYR KN34AK 1669 km Comment: better opening than yesterday |
Rig: FT847 100W 2X11 EL TONNA Log: 11:15 YO4GJH KN35XG 11:21 SW8YA KN20HS 11:24 LZ1DP KN22TK Comment: 73 to all Gilbert |
Rig: FT847 + 100W PA + 11el f9ft yagi ODX: UR3GS 2440 km Log: 11:20 YO8ST KN36KQ 1945 km 11:50 UR3GS KN66QR 2440 km 11:51 YO6OBK KN26TI 1845 km |
Rig: TS2000, 8877PA 4 X I0JXX16 ODX: SW8YA KN20hs 2170Km Log: 09:15 IK8/PA2CHR JM79vq 1776Km heard at 52 for 5 mins 09:27 IK7LNX JN80xp 1798Km 11:26 4O6A JN92ok 1718Km 11:27 SV2OXS KN10Ggf 2068Km 11:38 SW8YA KN20hs 2170Km Comment: At first I thought that I was hearing FSK441 from Chris IK8/PA2CHR by ionoscatter but soon realised it was e-s. Very much the same as yesterday but the band was very noisy from PA/DL as there was some tropo over the North Sea. |
Rig: YAESU FT-847 50W 11 ele LFA ODX: NIL Log: 09';47 IK7LMX JN80XP hrd 57 Comment: Report included for completeness. Only one station heard. Es cloud too close I think 73 Bob |
Rig: FT-847 + 600W + 12el DL6WU Log: 15:34 RZ6DD LN04MX 15:35 R7BN LN05BU |
Rig: TS590_TR144H/500W to 12el DL6WU ODX: R7BN 1803 km Log: 15:43 R7BN LN05BU 1803 km Comment: Again only short for us.. |
Rig: FT-736R Log: 15:36 RZ6DD LN04MX |
Rig: TS -2000-X 100W 2x7Y Flexa ODX: SV9CY 1997Km Log: 11:31 LZ0FO KN13KX 11:38 LZ1VPV KN22UL 11:42 SV9CVY KM25KA 11:47 SV2DCD KN00PL 16:44 SV2JL KN10LO 17:09 SV9/SV0LB KM25 |
Rig: KW TS790 + 3CX800A7 + 18 el. CC ODX: SP2QBQ JO94FL 1553 km Log: 13.12 SO3Z JO82LJ HRD CW 13.16 OK2WO JN89IH 13.16 SP6HED JO80IL 13.16 OK1FPR SRI NC 13.19 SP2QBQ JO94FL 13.21 SP6HED JO80IL 13.22 SP5XMU SRI NC 13.25 SO3Z JO82LJ Comment: Nice but brief ES opening; maybe too focalized to few SP stations to be a great ES. For a brief time at the start it was possible to contact two OK stations, une complete the other did not received controls because signal faded out abruptly... the same happened with SP5XMU |
Rig: IC275e+ LdMos Italab Phoenix @ 500W +12El Yagi 12JXX+pre by IK2CFR Log: 09:28 g4swx jo02rf 09:50 g6hks io92ob 09:51 g0trb io92eo Comment: little opening to UK |
Rig: Elecraft K3 + Transverter + Amp + 0.3dB nF Log: 10:53 HG6IDZ JN97UT 11:04 SP2MKO JO93CB 11:22 SP2QBQ JO94FL 11:24 OK2WO JN89IH Comment: At abt 10:40 short copy of G3ZWT I will be in Brno (Czech Rep) next week but I will have my remoterig with me and will continue to operate from JM67. Hope to work other OK stations and QSL direct by eyeball QSO. 73 and thanks. QRV. |
Rig: IC275H Log: 11:15 YO3FAI KN34 11:17 YU1EV KN04 11:18 YO3YCR KN34 11:29 YO4GJH KN35 15:42 YO4FYQ KN44 Comment: Always phone ringing and stop tx fo long time. Big pity. '73 Carlo - IW1BCV |
Rig: TS-2000 + PA 250 W, ANT 10 EL ODX: F6HMQ JN18DP 1884 km Log: 11:25 F6HMQ JN18DP 11:29 DK5EW JN48MB 11:37 DF1CF JN57FP 11:39 DK5EW JN48MB 11:46 F6ECS JN12LM Comment: 73 ! |
Rig: IC746,LNA.2x13, 1kw Log: 14.18 IZ2AAL JN45 14.19 IW2BNA JN45 14.20 F5XU JN15 14.20 I2LDA JN45 14.22 F1NZC JN15 14.24 I1DMP JN34 14.27 EA3EVL JN00 14.30F5EMN JN06 14..31 HB9SJV JN36 14.32 F1BQY JN06 18.47 US6IEW KN98 18.48 R6ML LN17 18.49 UI4A LN28 18.52 RZ6DD LN04 Comment: TNX ALL 73!GOOD DX.. |
Rig: IC746PRO + 500W ant. Tona 17el. ODX: UA4AQL -LO20QB Log: 15:32 UA4AQL LO20QB Comment: TNX 73 Dora lz2we |
Rig: IC746PRO + 500W ant. Tona 17el. ODX: UA4AQL -LO20QB Log: 15:29 UA4AQL LO20QB 15:39 IN3VXH JN55KV 15:45 US4IEK KN87UX Comment: First ES for 2017 73 Rady |
Rig: IC-7600 + TR144H + 4x9 LFA ODX: 1910 Log: 15:44 RZ6DD LN04MX 1903 km 15:48 R6AM LN04NX 1910 km Comment: Short, but nice opening. After that many BC-stations were heard from Italy, Tunisia and Libya...with good sigs and RDS. 73, Othmar, OE1SOW |
Rig: 4x7 LFA 500W ODX: RT7G 1972 km Log: 15:41 RZ6DD LN04MX 1910 km 15:45 RT7G LN04WX 1972 km 15:52 R6AM LN04NX 1916 km Comment: 1st opening this year, all QSO to LN04 |
Rig: TRX HM+PA HM300W to 10elY ODX: IT9BDM 1431km Log: 11:21 IT9BDM JM77NE 57/55 1431km 11:26 IK8/PA2CHR JM79VQ 59/59 1154km Comment: Best regards GL Jan |
Rig: FT736R + 200W ODX: RV6AKA Log: 15:36 RV6AKA KN95LC 1651 km 15:47 RA6C KN94GT 1635 km Comment: Tnx to all & 73! Karel |
Rig: transverter 28/144 MHz, 80W, ant.16 él.KLM ODX: LZ1VQ KN21QT 1885 kms Log: 11:55 144.295MHz LZ1VQ KN21QT 599 599 CW 1885 kms new# Comment: 73 de Edgard. |
Rig: 1kW + 2x9el DK7ZB Log: 11:19 4O6A JN92OK 55 59 11:24 SV2OXS KN10GG 55 57 11:26 SW8YA KN20HS 59+ 59+ Comment: SW8YA was 59+ for 20 minutes. Nobody else heard than the stations worked. Very low activity. 1st Es for me this year. 73 |
Rig: IC756Pro2+transv 100W - 12+2 LFA @20m ODX: SV9CVY 2309km Log: 11:38 SW8YA KN20hs 1852km 11:53 SV9CVY KM25kn 2309km Comment: Worked SP and OM on 6 so moved to 2m Very spotty opening. Heard: 4O6A, SV1GSV |
Rig: 1x12 elem SSPA 400w ODX: 2088 km Log: 13:30 SV1GSV KM17UW SSB 2088 km 13:35 SV4LRC KM19FP SSB 1872 km Comment: First opening in 2017 for me, I got a warning via whatsapp while i was walking my dogs and ran home to be QRV just in time :-) The second QSO even was a new grid for me. It was long time ago since i wkd a new # via terrestrial propagation. Very short and spotty opening. |
Rig: TS2000X, 350 W, 12 el DK7ZB Log: 11:16 SV3BEF KM07RQ 11:35 SV9CVY KM25KA |
Rig: TS-790 ODX: 2347Km Log: 11:23 SV1GSV KM17UW 144.305 11:27 SV9CVY KM25KA 144.315 11:32 SV4LRC KM19FP 144.290 HRD Comment: No posiblity to work more, nice opening and happy with KM17 new grid |
Rig: IC746 GS35b 4x11el ODX: 2412km Log: 11:24 4O6A JN92LS SSB 1417 11:25 SV9CVY KM25KA SSB 2412 11:28 SV1GSV KM17UW SSB 2088 11:33 SV4LRC KM19PF Hrd 11:55 SV9CVY Hrd again with signals up to 59+20 Comment: Nice first opening for me this year. Liker allways crowded on 300 and a bit above and below. Everyone is in Panic Calling CQ Es. Es was very spotty. Nice suprice was SV9CVY a new ODX for me. Worked SV9 several times via EME but never via Es so very pleased with this QSO. |
Rig: Icom IC 910 ODX: SV(CVY Log: 11:29 SV9CVY KM25KA 5-7 2 m. SSB ES Comment: First opening fr me this year .....strong signal frm sv9cvy |
Rig: IC-275+PA, 10elRA6FOO+LNA Log: 15:47 LZ1ZX KN32IO (very short signal 59+) Comment: Hrd station also LZ1xx (KG????). The signals were noisy and did not float very much, apparently working across the edge of the cloud. Probably still power helped. |
Rig: IC-820 30w 9el yagi Log: 15:36 HA1FV JN87JJ 15:41 HA4FB JN96LX 15:42 HA1VQ JN87GJ 15:42 OM3TZZ JN88TI Comment: All many thanks |
Rig: FT-857D 100w 7el DK7ZB ODX: OK2PM JN79AO 1921 km Log: 09:25 S57LM JN76HD 1869 km 15:41 OK2WO JN89IH 1725 km 15:46 OK2PM JN79AO 1921 km Comment: First this year. |
Rig: IC-9100, GS-35, 2x14 H. ODX: ODX - IZ5ILX - 2472 km Log: 15:36 yu7on kn04ax 5.9 15:37 yu2ku kn04et 5.9 15:37 ha8ih kn06mp 5.9 15:38 yu1ev kn04cn 5.9 15:38 ha2mi jn86lh 5.9 15:38 yu7tt kn05fw 5.9 15:39 9a3bo jn85qt 5.9 15:39 yo2lea kn06wk 5.9 15:39 yo5omt kn16ts 5.9 15:40 9a2yf jn85ti 5.9 15:41 9a2te jn85kk 5.9 15:42 9a1ejk jn85 5.9 15:50 9a2sb jn95gm 5.9 15:50 iz5ilx jn54ac 5.9 15:51 yo2bwr 5.9 |
Rig: 4xRA60 ODX: IV3MPI 2135 km Log: 09:14 S57LM JN76hd 2050 km 09:16 S59GS JN75oo 2011 km 09:32 IV3MPI JN65sv 2135 km 10:32 SP2QBQ JO94fl 15:33 HA1FV JN77jj 15:34 YO8TK KN27tm 15:35 OK2PM JN99ao 15:36 HA0HO KN07su 15:36 HA6NM JN98pb 15:36 YO5OHY KN17sp 15:37 YO5OPH KN17sp 15:38 HA8IH KN06ln 15:39 OM5KM JN98bg (CW+SSB) 15:41 OM3TZZ JN88rj 15:41 OE3NFC JN88ea 15:41 OE3EMC JN78jo 2026 km 15:43 OE1SOW JN88ff HRD: IN3ZTI/3, UA3TCF. Comment: First in 2017 Es opening have 2 waves, 1-st at morning time was longer, but weak and 2-nd evening time was shorter, but more strong and wide pattern. Total 18 QSO's. Thanks for all, 73-GL! Alex RZ6DD. |
Rig: IC-7100, 500W, LNA, 14el OWL, remoterig ODX: 1306km I8TWK Log: I8TWK JN70FS 11:25 59/599 1306km Comment: heard stations UA6MA KN97VE 10:38 559 1734km UA6LNS LN07KM 10:41 - 10:53 IN/OUT up to 55 1790km 9H1ES JM75EV 11:00 57 1845km IZ8EDJ JN70 11:03 59+ 1320km IZ8NVV JN70JT 11:04 59+ 1298km IT9BDM JM77NE 11:27 59 1696km I had problem with transmitting ssb from ma PC - only my cw was heard by I8TWK and UA6MA I think. 3 stations from SP6 and 3 from DL calling cq same time on 144.300 - congrats guys :) And tell me that you didn't hear each other... |
Rig: IC-7700+xvert ODX: RZ6DD 1924km Log: 10:32 RZ6DD LN04MX 11:20 I8TWK JN70FS 11:21 IT9BDM JM77NE 11:22 IT9ZVL JM68SA 11:23 IT9GSF JM67SS Comment: Italian station were really strong.Decent opening for 5min. Also heard ik8/pa2chr. 2 new # |
Rig: IC-9100 / 100W / M2 2M12 ODX: 1773km Log: 11:32 IT9ZVL JM68SA 1685km 11:50 IT9CJC JM76IW 1773km Comment: stations heard: IT9BDM JM77NE 1737km I8TWK JN70GR 1372km 1st Es on 144MHz in 2017 !! Thanks and good luck !! |
Rig: FT 225 RD PA 100 W ODX: 1524 km Log: 11:15 IT9BDM JM77NE 11:18 IK8XLD JO70VO |
Rig: IC275H ODX: UA6IE-LN26DH-1968KM Log: 1es 09:40 UA6IE- LN26DH -1968KM 10:29 RZ6MB- LN17CN -1770KM 10:37 UA6LNS- LN07KM -1677KM 10:40 R7LB- LN17CU -1760KM 11:26 IT9BDM- JM77N-1492KM 2es 15:31 RV6AKA- KN94UI -1745KM 15:31 UA6BI -KN94AN -1619KM 15:34 RZ6BY- KN84PV -1549KM 15:37 UA6BAC- KN84WR -1598KM 15:38 RG7A- KN93VN -1796KM Comment: WOW,what a nice surprise 2 times band open today,first hrd F4ARU cqn but heavy qsb and dont copy us,but very fast opening east direction,UA6IE was up to 20dB over and more than 30 minutes readable,hrd also short I8TWK and IT9CJC with fast qsb,second es was short but signal's much stronger from UA6 aera,.cu next time and tnx for qso's |
Rig: 400 w Log: 09.50 UA6IE LN26 59/59 10.18 RZ6MB LN17 59/59 Comment: ES over my |
Rig: IC746-100W-11el LFA ODX: F6DRO JN03TJ 1915KM Log: 16:53 F6DRO JN03TJ 1915KM Comment: First Es for me in 2017 with short duration here and only 1 QSO. Also heard I1DMP but lost rapidly. 73 to all, good DX. |
Rig: Icom 275h 100w 10el ODX: RT7G 1434Km Log: 15:37 RZ6DD LN04MX 1372Km 15:50 RT7G LN04WX 1434Km Comment: This my second opening this year,73 gl dx to all de yo5ohy Zoli |
Rig: Ft100 ODX: f6ecs 1722km Log: 15.38 F6ECS JN12LM |
Rig: . ODX: . Log: 09.36 rx4cq lo30 09.44 ua4aql lo20 11.16 i1jtq jn35 15.37 rn6ma ln06 15.39 rz6mb ln17 15.40 rk6mc kn97 |
Rig: tr-751e 500w 10el ODX: ru6u ln46bi 2175km Log: 15:30 RZ6MB LN17CN 1721 new# 15:32 RN6MA LN06UQ 1683 15:34 R6ML LN17BP 1715 15:36 RK6MF KN97QC 1506 15:38 UA6IE LN06HQ 1601 15:47 RU6U LN46BI 2175 new# odx 15:49 RQ6M KN97UG 1532 Comment: 73 de yu7on |
Rig: ft220+2x11+500w Log: 19:40 RN6MA LN06UQ 19:50 UA6IV LN26DH Comment: 73, Nesa |