16. July 2016
At 06.59 UTC 9A2SB reported reception of the OD5KU beacon. Shortly after that the band opened. Reflectionpoint is located over southern Bulgaria / northern Greece. OD5PY showed up giving several people a new and pretty rare DXCC.
Later that day there was an opening between F and EA8 however it seemed that F8GGD was the only one receiving signals from the Canarian Islands. |
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Rig: 150W,10el. yagi ODX: OD5PY-KM73SU-1940km Log: from 06.00.......2 hours OD5KU/B KM73 599 on 144.420 07.54 SV5BYR/5 59 / 59 KM36VC 1302km 07.57 TA1BM 59 / 59 KM39BS 890km 08.01 OD5PY 59 / 59 KM73SU 1940km 08.12 SV9CVY 59 / 59 KM25KA 1283km |
Rig: 300w 17el Log: 07:44 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1842 km 08:00 TA1BM KM39BS only hrd |
Rig: IC910H 2x10 vhf YU7EF + 18 uhf DK7ZB + 44 shf DK7ZB ODX: SV8JNL Log: 08.12 SV8JNL KM39GC Comment: Heard OD5KU/B for a long time but no OD stations .... what a pity ! |
Log: 10:56 EA8TJ IL18RJ 10:59 EA8TX IL18QI 11:02 EA8CTK IL18NI 11:03 EB8BRZ IL28HA |
Rig: TS590_TR144H/500W to 12el DL6WU ODX: 4X1RF 2247 km Log: 07:51 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1561 km 07:54 SV9FBL KM25UA 1573 km 07:58 TA1BM KM39BS 1145 km 08:02 4X1RF KM72LS 2247 km 08:04 OD5PY KM73SU 2189 km 08:17 SV9CVY KM25KA 1540 km Comment: What a day again ! 1 new DXCC and 2 new square. The OD5PY was my 51 DXCC and 352 square with only TR, ES, AU and MS. The opening was again short and rapidly changing. Also heard again at 08:09 the OD5KU Beacon with 579 QSB Now in 2016 it was sure better than in 2015 ! Thanx to all ! Jozef |
Rig: 300w 3wl DJ9BV Log: 07:40 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 07:56 SV9CVY KM25KA Comment: Nice surprise for the weekend. Strong sigs but wked only 2 stsns. 73! Endre |
Rig: TS200+500W 2X16 ODX: 4X1RF 2700Km Log: 07:58 4X1RF KM72LS 2700Km 08:05 OD5PY KM73su 2667Km Comment: Short but exciting opening toward ME. 2 new DXCC. Apparently being the only one in northwestern Italy to hear 4X and OD5. |
Rig: KENWOOD TS-711E + 300W - 16 ELEM 16JXX2 ODX: 4X1RF Log: 07:58 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 08:05 4X1RF KM72LS Comment: VY STRONG SIGS ! |
Rig: 1442x 8JXX2 2.2WL + GS35b ODX: 2380Km Log: 07:31 4X1RF KM72LS CW dxcc 68 sqr 504 2336Km 07:48 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC SSB 1609Km 07:50 4X1IF KM72KD CW 2380Km 07:58 OD5PY KM73SU SSB dxcc 69 sqr 505 2294Km Comment: Very lucky morning! Also in 6m nice opening: 3 QSO in log with Thailand! |
Rig: 144 MHz: FT897 500W 16JXX ODX: 2384 km Log: 07:37 4X1RF KM72LS CW new DXCC/# 07:47 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC SSB 07:54 4X1IF KM72KD CW my odx overall 07:58 OD5PY KM73SU SSB new DXCC/# Comment: Hi All, this seems my best ES season ever for QSO number and "special" QSO. 1st I start to listen the OD5 beacon and later at 144.300 heard weak CQ in cw from 4X1RF ! So at the end 2 new DXCC /# and my personal best ODX , great day ! 73 Gigi IV3GTH |
Rig: 144: 500W BF981 14el 3.6wl ODX: 2345 Km Log: 07:30 OD5KU/B KM73WD hrd 579 1st time heard 07:43 4X1RF KM72LS 599 599 CW 2345 Km ODX 07:48 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 59 59 SSB 1619 Km Comment: UFB opening with 2 new sqr and 2 new DXCC for me. :0) Pity I lost OD5PY around the end of the opening, mainly due to my poor takeoff to SE. I guess excellent tropo duct on east Meditarranean has helped a lot today, to reach Middle East stns. 73 es DX, Massimo |
Rig: ft-991 ODX: RG7A 2022 Km Log: 07:45 RG7A KN93VN 2020 Km 07:55 RA6??? qso failed for QSB Comment: My take off was 12 dgr on ES direction. I have tried elevating the antennas, but without more results then a single QSO! 73 de Pietro |
Rig: 6m: 100W 6el - 2m: IC-7600 + DB6NT-Transverter 400W 4x9el SP-2000 or IC-821 130W 13-El. Yagi SP-2000 ODX: 2312 Log: 07:50 SV5BYR/5 KM36vc 1637km 08:02 4X1RF KM72ls 2312km new DXCC, new square 08:15 SV9CVY KM25ka 1624km Comment: I was waiting soooo many years for 4X on 2m....finally today the dream came true, hi :-) tnx 4X1RF |
Rig: FT-847-PA 8877-LNA-4x 5.5WL ODX: SV9CVY 1645 km Log: 08:15 SV9CVY KM25KA 1645 km Comment: I was looking for OD, which would be a new DXCC, but nil heard. I heard 4X1RF at 8.01 working OE1SOW, but he disappeared in the noise, and the only station. So today, just one QSO with SV9 -also very nice. |
Rig: 250W+10eY-Hm ODX: SV5BYR/5 Log: 07:51 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC Comment: Very good strong sigs. Sri, only SV5BYR 73! Jan |
Rig: 144: IC 910 + 10el. DK7ZB - ODX: SV5BYR/5 Log: 09:52 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC Comment: Very nice signal, but only SV5BYR.....sri |
Rig: 3WL 350W ODX: SV9CVY 1753km Log: 07:51 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1732 km 07:53 SV9CVY KM25KA 1753 km Comment: Here only short opening. |
Rig: 300 W + 7 el GW4CQT ODX: SV9CVY 1780 km Log: 07:50 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1772 08:03 SV9CVY KM25KA 1780 |
Rig: 100W 10el 2.2wl Yagi Log: 08:00 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1860km Comment: Weak. Tnx for new DXCC and LOC. |
Rig: IC 746 ODX: SV9CVY Log: 07.48 SV9CVY 1566km |
Rig: IC-820 30w 9el yagi Log: 07:57 SV3FUP KM08UF |
Rig: TS2000x ODX: 2466 Log: 07:42 LZ2OA KN22vk 967 km 07:43 IW9CTJ JN77mm 1967 km 07:44 IT9BDM JM77ne 2196 km 07:45 IZ8YBS JM89ch 1907 km 07:48 SV8PEX JM99wo 1709 km 07:53 IW9BJU JM74jj 2376 km 07:56 IH9YMC JM56xt 2466 km 08:05 SW8YA JM99vt? 1707 km 08:15 SW8YA 559 cw |
Rig: FT 225 RD + 100 W 16 el. 175 m.asl ODX: 4X1RF KM72LS- 2213 km Log: 07:39 4X1RF KM72LS CW 07:45 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC - SSB 07:51 TA4ES KN56JU SSB ( Antalya ) 07:56 4X1RF KM72LS - SSB 08:14 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC - CW Comment: At 07:30 hrd OD5KU/B KM73WD , this beacon is good for prediction ES ¦.. TNX, see in the next ES , GL Slavko |
Rig: http://www.sp5xmu.pl ODX: SV9CVY - 1942km Log: 07:59 SV9CVY KM25KA SSB 1942km Comment: Single QSO , quick and selective opening. Thanks ! |
Rig: IC275H,200W,10EL.DK7ZB ODX: SV9FBL-KM25UA-1817KM Log: 07.46 SV9FBL- KM25UA -1817KM 07.51 SV5BYR/5- KM36VC -1768KM 07.52 SV9CVY- KM25KA -1795KM Comment: first hrd SV5BYR/5 with deep qsb,later SV9 come with strong signal's,Mike SV9CVY coming with +40db more than 20min,hrd also very short IT9BDM,but no chance for qso,cu next time |
Rig: FT897 12 el. Log: 07:46 SV9CVY KM25ka # DXCC Comment: Only one qso. I'm very happy, this is my 50 DXCC on 144 MHz. 73! Peter |
Rig: for 2m IC7000 + PA 300W 2 X 7 el.Yagi DK7ZB ODX: SV9CVY Log: 07:54 SV9CVY KM25KA 1698 km SSB Comment: Welcome operator using LoTW .TNX! |
Rig: 50W 5element Log: 08:10 IK4ADE JN54OE 08:11 I4CIL JN64AH 08:12 F5VKV JN33RR 08:13 IW9HII JM67FT |