07. Aug 2015
Sporadic E
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Rig: 150W,10el yagi ODX: RX1AS-1834km Log: 12.57 RA1WU 59 / 59 KO47ES 1520km 13.03 RM1A 599/599 KO59BU 1771km 13.05 RX1AS 599/599 KO59XW 1834km 13.14 ES2BB 59 / ? KO29 lost in qrm on .300 also hrd OH1XT... Comment: Long time earlier 70MHz was open to same direction,and MUF go up,up,up=144!!!!! |
Rig: 50W 15ELE ODX: 1948 KM Log: 12:58 RA4FP LO13HM Comment: Short opening. One Station. Thanks Yuri. 73 Peter. |
Rig: TS 790E 144MHz:13el 500W 430MHz:16el 40W 1296MHz:26el 20W ODX: 1704Km Log: 12:50 RA3EL KO82AX 5/9 5/7 1704 Km Comment: I hrd only 1 station all the time!! 73 Karl-Heinz DH1HC |
Rig: KX3 XV144, BECO 750W , Ant. 8elm ODX: 2274 km Log: 12:57 RA4FP LO13hm Comment: BINGO, first one this Day |
Rig: 144:4x10 DK7ZB+HLV1000 ODX: 2008 km Log: 12:30 RA3EL KO82ax hrd 5min max 55 QSB 12:39 RA4FP LO13hm 59/59 2008 km Comment: 73s Ronny |
Rig: 144: 500 W 9 Ele Log: 13:13 RA4FP LO13HM 13:17 UA4UK LO14MA Comment: Short opening only 5 mins. Anybody experiences with paper-QSLs of RA4FP and UA4UK? Yes pse email to: sporadic144@web.de |
Rig: Yaesu FT-2000 + TR-144H/ 400 Watt / 2m: 9-El. DK7ZB / 6m: 4-El.-DK7ZB ODX: 1687 Log: 13:06 RA3EL KO82AX Comment: He came out of the noise for only a minute, but that was long enough for the QSO. |
Rig: IC-746PRO Log: 12:39 DL1RNW JO62HG 12:57 DJ7YP JO42GB 12:58 DL5YEE JO42GX 12:59 DC7TS JO62PO 13:11 DL7VEE JO62SN 13:11 DL5ME JO52SD |
Rig: 144: 4x8 el 1KW MGF1302 ODX: US4IEK 1853 km Log: 12:46 UR3EE KN88DC CW 1761 12:47 UY1HY KO60MA SSB 1442 12:58 UY1HY KO60MA FM 1442 12:58 US4IEK KN87UX FM 1848 13:02 UX7LQ KN79XW SSB 1611 13:03 UR5LX KO70WK SSB 1573 Comment: Last opportunity this year? |
Rig: FT-480R 1kW LNA 4x10 9BV ODX: RM1A 1825 km Log: 13:04 RM1A 599 599 KO59BU 1825 kM Comment: Very short ES opening to UA1 , hrd also RX1AS , but miss him in qsb .Hope ,that is not the last ES in this year, hi . 73 to All . Moma |