30. May 2013
Around 16.45 Sporadic E with reflectionarea over southern France. MUF reached high values. Second opening started around 19.45 but selective and combined with FAI.
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Rig: Yaesu FT-225RD, 9el.DK7ZB ODX: 1708 Log: 18:44 EC4TR IN80ER 59/59 Comment: 73 Zvonko 9A3UV |
Rig: IC746 100w 17el F9FT ODX: CT1BXT 2186km Log: 18:00 EA1ASC IN70DX 18:01 CT1BXT IM59PF 18:02 EC4TR IN80ER |
Rig: TS2000,8el.YU7EF 100w Log: 17:21 EA1HR IN83JJ 17:25 EA2AWD IN93CI 17:45 EA1EBJ IN73FL 17:47 EA1YV IN52OC 17:54 EA1AFP IN52QU |
Rig: Icom IC-7400 75 watt 9 elements ODX: OE3EMC 2204 KM Log: 17:36 OE5OLL JN68si 17:37 OE3EMC JN78do 17:37 OE2UKL JN68la 17:39 DF1CF JN57fb 17:46 F6GNJ JN08tv 18:11 F4EZJ JN05dk 18:19 F4JVG JN16nl 18:38 F5HRY JN18eq 18:40 F0GAA JO10re 18:43 ON4KHG JO10xo Comment: First ES for me this year, good opening but not many stations heard. Coming days I'm moving to summer qth where I put up 9 elements VHF and I hope to hear many stations during ES. '73 Fred CS7/PD0HNL |
Rig: ICOM 821H ICOM 756 17ELE TONNA 144MHZ 2X21 ELE 432MHZ Log: 16:59 DJ0EM JN37UV 17:35 OEVKL JN68LA 17;36 DL3MBG JN67JX 17:40 OE5OLL JN68SI 17:43 DF1CF JN57FP 17:49 F6GNJJN08TV Comment: TNX to all 73´s |
Rig: FT736R 144: BLF578XR 1Kw 9el vert. Log: 17:29 IW2DAL JN45NN 17:45 F4JVG JN16NL 17:48 DJ0EM JN37UV 17:50 F5XU JN15MT 17:53 F6AMI JN26AH 17:58 F5JNX JN37PV 18:05 F6BEG JN25JS 18:08 DK5EW JN48MB 18:20 HB9EFK JN47CG 18:21 FRRHY JN36FJ 18:43 F4EZJ JN05DK 18:47 DK8VS JN39NF 18:48 IZ4BEH JN54VK Comment: I was listen some OE6 and HB9 stations but due the strong QSB I was no able to make QSO. |
Rig: 144: CF300 3CX800 4x13el (3lb) Log: 17:23 CS3BTM/B IM12OR 559 hrd 2838km! 17:37 EA7DL IM87CS 17:40 CS7/PD0HNL IM67FF 17:42 CT1CAD IM67GE Comment: vy 73 de Jürgen |
Rig: 144: TS2000 2xLDMOS 750W MGF1302 4x2M18XXX (21 dbd) ODX: EA6FB (JM08PW) 1381 km NC Log: 17.34 EA6/PE1LWT 59 59 JM19LO 1267 km 17.36 EA6SA 59 59 JM19LO 1267 km 17,47 EA6FB 55 -- JM08PW 1381 km NC |
Rig: 11el 750W ODX: 1817 km Log: 17:13 EA7AJ IM87AJ 17:32 EA5TT IM99sl Comment: hrd: EA7DL, EA5MT |
Rig: IC275E 350 W 2x11 Ele ODX: CT1HZE IM57nh 1917km Log: 17:38 EA5TT IM99sl 1279km 18:10 CT1HZE IM57nh 1917km Comment: 1st ES in 2013. Two short openings, no other DX station hrd. Signals not vy loud. |
Rig: 2x7ele FT847 GS35b LNA ODX: EA7AJ 1679 km Log: 17:33 EA7AJ IM87CS 1679 km 17:34 EA5MT IM88WV 1489 km Comment: Short and spotty first opening of the year for me. Let's hope for some more the coming days... :) |
Rig: K3 TR144+40 HLV 2000 7 ele M2 ODX: EA6FB, 1734 Log: 17:45 EA6FB JM08PW 1734 km Comment: first ES contact this year |
Rig: TS-850 + LT2S + 17 Ele. F9FT 750W ODX: 1931 Log: 17:40 EA7HV IM77HL 1931km Comment: short surprise while I was cooking. EA7HV came up from 55 so 59+20dB and disapeared after about 5 minutes again... |
Rig: 150 Watts 9ele Yagi Log: 17:35 EA6SA JM19io Comment: first ES 2013 only station hrd, but in log |
Rig: Elecraft K3 + HA1YA Transverter 4 x 5el./DK7ZB 500W ODX: CT4RK - 1829km Log: 17:18 EA7DL IM87CS 17.18 EA7AJ IM87AJ 17:21 EA5MT IM88WV 17:34 EA7AHA IM76IU 18:08 CT4RK IM57NX Comment: MUF was very high around 17UT to 18UT. JN48 was very close to the cloud over ~JN23 due to that signals have been not so strong about S5 to S8. Later ES cloud moved to west so I was able to work CT4RK. Heard him long time calling with no takers. Was my first 2m ES this year.Remember this May 2013 as one of the worst for ES seasons comparing with past years. |
Rig: 750W and 7ele Log: 17:33 EA6SA JM19LO Comment: only signal here |
Rig: 144:11ele. 200w Log: 17:34 EA6SA JM19LO 17:46 EA6FB JM08PW Comment: First ES here!All signals 59 or better...heard 2 more but lost in QSB. 73´s.....cu next opening |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 17:33 EA5TT IM99SL Comment: tnx my first 2m ES-QSO in 2013 |
Rig: IC910- 300W-15 el Yagi ODX: EA6FB-JM08PW- 1563 km Log: 17:40 EA6SA JM19LO hrd weak 17:42 EA6FB JM08PW-1563 km Comment: hr very short opening ! |
Rig: IC-7400 8874 M2 2M5WL Log: 17:45 EA6SA JM19LO 51/NC 17:45 EA6FB JM08PW 59/59 Comment: First Sporadic-E on 144 for me this year. |
Rig: FT-847 - 150W - 4el . Yagi Log: 17:35 EA7AJ IM87CS hrd 17:35 EA7DL IM87CS hrd Comment: Both had a little conversation. I called them, EA7DL heard me too, but lost him in the noise. |
Rig: IC-746 Tona 9 E y vertical antena Log: 17.42 S58P JN76ID 17.50 IV3GTH 17.50 I3LGP JN55VQ 17.51 IV3DXW JN65QQ 17.51 S57TW JN75EX 17.52 S57HCE JN75AP 17.55 I3MEK JN55SJ 17.55 IK3HAR JN55RK 17.56 I2FAK JN45OB 17.58 HA2MI JN86LH 18.00 9A5RJ JN86EL 18.02 S51ZO JN86DR Comment: On 6 m. veri strong local QSO, EA1-EA2-EA3-EA4-EA5-EA6 Fantastic...73 |
Rig: 144: IC275H BV2-4wl - 432: IC475H BVO-8.5wl ODX: 1771 Log: 17:52 9A5ST JN83FM Comment: Some weak signals listened from 17:30 UTC with high QSB . After our QSO, 9A5ST (Zeky) was heard calling several times. QSO again with Zeky at 18:46 UTC, and nothing more after 19:00 UTC. |
Rig: ICOM 706 mkII-G 5elem yagi 40watts vhf 15w uhf ODX: 17:22 9a2y jn83fe 1588 Log: 17:15 9a5st jn83fm 1584 17:22 9a2y jn83fe 1588 17:27 ik6hcx jn63so 1349 18:42 9a5st jn83fm 1584 Comment: 73 tnx all, 1st esporadic this 2013 WX very bad wind 100km/h |
Rig: Icom IC-275H 100 watt 17 elements ODX: OK1TEH JO70FD 2112km Log: 17:40 DG3YEV JN68NL 1929km 17:41 OK1TEH JO70FD 2112km Comment: The first ES contact this Year (17:42 DG2KBC unfinished) |
Rig: IC-7400 100W Ant 4Elts Log: 17:47 CT1HZE 59 59 IM57NH Comment: First opening for me this the year |
Rig: VHF: IC-7400 100w .4x7ele DK7ZB Log: 18:05 CT1BXT IM59PF Comment: Only one qso...opening just above my head! 73 |
Rig: FT847 - 16 ele yagi -100w Log: 17:50 CT4RK IM57NX 55 59 (1316km) 18:03 CT1HZE IM57NH 57 59 (1370km) Comment: Not obvious to work EA or CT from my QTH because a high hill to this direction at 500 m... Es are fantastic ! Thank you and 73 Michel |
Rig: 144: 2x12 el. M2 - 300W ODX: CT1HZE IM57NH 1472 km Log: 18:04 CT4RK IM57NX 1425 km 18:12 CT1HZE IM57NH 1472 km Comment: First ES opening for me but I was most of the time too close to the reflection point, only 2 CT stations worked at the end of the opening, better than nothing! |
Rig: FT847 Yaesu , 300W HF, Antenna :4X7 EL DK7ZB Log: 18:00 CT1BXT IM59PF 1261KM 19:53 CT1DIZ IM58KP 1322KM Comment: 73 de Gilbert F6EGD . |
Rig: 144: FT757 Mutek 12el 400W Log: 18:32 EA7BYM IM66UM 1630km Comment: only Rafael worked, he was in for 25mins so very localised. |
Rig: 144: 50W 2x15el - 432: 50W 2x21el ODX: EA7BYM 1759km Log: 18.44 EA7BYM IM66UM 59 59 Complete Comment: Only station heard or worked! The cloud was so positioned that my paths were either in the Med' or on the N.African coast. 73 Bob |
Rig: 144 Mhz - Kenwood TS790e - SSPA 400w at antenna - LNA (SP2000) - 9el LY (5 degree elevation) ODX: ZB2B IM76HD 1718km Log: 18:35 ZB2B IM76HD SSB 55/55-7 Comment: Only 1 worked again 73 Lyn GW8JLY |
Rig: 144: 2x 19el LLY 100w Log: 17:58 EA1ASC IN70DX 1295 km 18:00 CT1BXT IM59PF 1612 km 2nd opening: 19:42 CT1DIZ IM58PK 1676 km |
Rig: 144: 250W 16el ODX: CT1BXT 1816 Km Log: 17.29 EA4SV IM68PU 1695Km 17.32 EC4TR IN80ER 1360Km 17.34 EB4FJV IN80CP 1377Km 17.44 EA4SG IN80CP 1377Km 17.52 CT1BXT IM59PF 1816Km Comment: First Es in JN56 tnx for qso.73 Giuliano |
Rig: 11el + GS35 ODX: 1941 Log: 17:37 EC4TR IN80ER 1480 17:38 EA4SV IM68PU 1812 17:50 CT1BXT IM59PF 1941 17:51 EA1ASC IN70DX 1625 18:01 EA1EUI IN71PP 1519 |
Rig: 144 MHz: FT897 130W 10 el 4.5m yagi ODX: CT1BXT QRB 1954 km. Log: 17:30 CT1BXT IM59PF 17:34 EA2CTQ IN92EB (# 411 w/o eme) 17:37 EC4TR IN80ER 17:39 EB4FJV IN80CP 17:41 EA4SV IM68PU 17:50 EA1ASC IN70DX Comment: Hi all, my 1st ES contacts of the season. Not too many station but it was fun, tnx to all. 73 de Gigi IV3GTH/E77GS |
Rig: 6m: 100W 5el - 2m: IC-7600 + DB6NT-Transverter 400W 4x13el SP-2000 or IC-821 130W 13-El. Yagi SP-2000 Log: 17:37 EA4SV IM68pu 2126 km Comment: waiting long time for an Es-opening...after heard several BC-stations from EA I changed to 2m. Only EA4SV in CW with big signal, no other DX heard, but gave me a new locator #301 :-) |
Rig: 144:4x2MXP28 1200W ATF33143 IQ+ - 432: 4x17 MGF1302 35 W - 6m: 100W / 6 ele - 4m:RX only / 5 element ODX: EA4SS IM89PJ 1787 KM Log: 17:32 EA4SS 599 599 IM89MJ 1787km Comment: Very flaky opening, heard only EA4SS strong, worked him using MRP40 program as I can't work CW. Called CT4RK, but no joy; heard EA4SW working with OE1SOW, tried to copy CS7/PD0HNL for at least 30 minutes. nil. Anyway it was an Es-opening, but not one for the big book ! |
Rig: 144: FT847 750W 10el dk7zb ODX: EA7HV IM77HL 2116km Log: 17.25 144300 EA7AJ 59 55 IM87CS 1999km 17.31 144300 EA5MT 59 59 IM88WV 1810km 17.41 144315 EA7HV 59 57 IM77HL 2116 Comment: Nice to work first 2m ES in new season 2013. I'm especially happy to work IM88, I had been looking for this rare SQR for last 13 years. 73! de Matej, OK1TEH |
Rig: 144 : 300W 4 WL MGF1302 Log: 18:41 CS7/PD0HNL 59 59 IM67FF Comment: Only station worked/heard on 2m. Fred was lonely calling CQ with no takers. Also worked ZB2 & EA8 om 4m. |
Rig: 144: 400W 2x12el Log: No distant stations heard, although we had a perfect path into north Africa. Still 1 interesting aspect was observed: Back Scatter on PA4EME. Frank is located 200 km to the SE of me, and he was beaming South and so was I! At certain times during the opening his signal would become much stronger than the standard tropo residu (which has the well known tropo back scatter tremble). The strong signal would be clear and did not get weaker while I beamed more to the west, up to to 200 degrees! Beaming towards Frank on direct path produced a Phasing sound on the signal (direct + back scatter!). This was interesting! But how the heck do we get 7X to become QRV (again) on 2 metres....??? |
Rig: 2m:IC-910H 5/8l vertical at 20m agl ODX: hrd 1790km Log: 17:40 EA3DBJ JN00IR 1790km 144.300 NC Comment: In JO82 4th thunderstorm today... but nice surprise, i was on edge of today ES. It was first real ES for Poland. Earlier during May contest it was only long MS :) I heard EA3DBJ for about 5 minutes, up to 58 report, on 144.300... Call him many times with 100W and vertical but without success. |