31. May 2012
Sporadic E reported between UA, UT, YO, I, LZ, OZ, OH, SV and DL.
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Rig: FT-847 GS35b + LNA @ 10el 28R DK7ZB ODX: SV9IOQ - KM25NH - 2096 km Log: 31/05/2012 13:45 SV9IOQ KM25NH 2096 31/05/2012 13:47 SV1BJY KM18UA 1770 31/05/2012 14:36 LZ1ZX KN32IO 1438 31/05/2012 14:47 LZ1KG KN31CS 1492 Comment: hrd mni more but to fast fading I/O , no chance for a qso 73īs San |
Rig: IC-7400 + PA, 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi ODX: SV9CJO - 2.139 km Log: First opening here: 13:36 SV9IOQ KM25AL SSB 2113 13:41 SV1IXP KM17VX SSB 1844 13:41 SV1BJY KM18UA SSB 1837 13:42 SV1QEQ KM27AX SSB 1852 (new #) 13:43 SV9CJO KM25FI SSB 2139 Second opening here: 14:26 LZ1KG KN31CS SSB 1552 14:33 LZ2TW KN23HJ CW 1331 14:35 LZ1ZX KN32IO SSB 1496 Third opening here: 15:28 US8ZAL KN66AU SSB 1450 (hrd only) Comment: Transceiver was running on .300 but volume low as I did some testing on 6 m equipment. Then I saw some S9 signal on the S-meter in the corner of the eye, turned up volume and ups, SV9IOQ CQing. Wkd wid QRP, switched on PA only afterwards. Hope for more in the next days but my annual ES holiday already payed off. :-) 73, Olli - DH8BQA |
Rig: 250W 11el ODX: RX3QFM KO91OO 2176km Log: 15:16 RX3QFM KO91OO 2176km 15:17 RA3WDK KO81BR 1963km |
Rig: FT-736R - 11 Element-Flexa-Yagi - 750 Watts ODX: RA3WDK 1781km Log: 15:41 RA3WDK KO81BR 16:00 RA3EL KO82ax heard only 16:39 UA3WM KO72QI heard only Comment: Came home from work, Es was almost over, just one QSO, two stations just heard :-( 73 es tnx fer Es QSO de Aurel, DJ8RZ My DX-Cluster: http://dj8rz.de |
Rig: TS2000X 11el.F9FT Log: 14:39 LZ1ZX KN30io 1696km hrd: 15:28 US8ZAL Comment: vy 73, Detlef |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL Log: 14.22 UR3EE 59 ES KN88DC 14.40 UY1HY 59 ES KO60MA 14.41 UR5LX 59 ES KO70WK Comment: 73. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-736R + ATF-54143 + 150 Watt + 13el. F9FT Log: 15:06 UR3EE KN88DC |
Rig: FT-847 (50W), 10el - 30mh ODX: 14:24 OZ1CCL JO65CQ 1723km Log: 14:24 OZ1CCL JO65CQ 1723km 14:33 DF1AN JO63SX 1534km 14:33 DJ4TC JO63PN 1510km 14:34 SM7DTT JO65NJ 1673km Comment: Thanks for the nice ES contacts. Best 73, Ivan, LZ1YG. |
Rig: 144: 700W 13el ODX: IS0SWW Log: 14:32 IK0BZY JN61fv 15:04 IS0SWW JN40gr 2430 km 15:05 I5RUR JN53pd 15:05 IZ4AIK JN63hv 15:06 I4XCC JN63gv 15:07 IZ5EME JN52ns 15:18 DH8IAT JN49gc 15:41 DJ8RZ JN58rq Comment: I saw some ES clouds. But was very short opening. Good DX - IS0SWW ! 2430 km Thanks to all for ES QSO ! |
Rig: 4x9 DK7ZB 800W ODX: IS0SWW 2092km Log: 13:38 IC8TEM JN70CN 13:45 IK8BIZ JN70GR 13:54 IZ5EME JN52NS 13:58 IW2HKW JN45KK 14:10 IK0BZY JN61GW 14:11 IS0SWW JN40GR 14:12 IW0FFK JN61FS 14:17 I1DMP JN34XU 14:18 IW1BCV JN44FS 14:20 I2VRN JN55BB 14:21 IK2PCU JN45OK 14:37 IK2EAD JN55EJ 15:25 OE5XBL JN68PC 15:37 DG6JF/P JO33QN 15:39 DG0KW JO64GU |
Rig: 144: 350Watt 4 x 10 elm ATF 53189 Log: 15.42 OH5LK 59 59 KP30on 1715 km HRD YL2OK mni TNX 73 frm Pista |