17. May 2009
The ES season 2009 has started. The Sporadic E developped over OE and QSO's were possible between G/F/DL/PA into SV/LZ/YU/YO.
The season might have started at around 12:00 as PA4PS reports to be called by RX1AS in SSB while in QSO in FSK. The signal was 59+ for several minutes. Max. MUF was at 170 MHz during QSO PA4EME - YU2DX. |
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Rig: IC820H + 400w + 1x9ele 2.5wl full elevation + MGF1302 Log: 18:12 SV2DCD KN00 briefly heard out of the noise. No QSO Comment: Nothing else here |
Rig: 144: 400Watt 17el M2 MGF1302 ODX: 17843 Log: 18:07 SV2DCD KN00NF Comment: Before this qSO I heard weak italian hams chatting on 144,300. |
Rig: TS-2000 144: 2x 12el M2 full Elv 750W MOSFET LNA144MKII-SSB RX: ONKYO T-4711 PCR1000 7el Crossyagi Log: 17:36 LZ1AG KN22ID 53 / hrd 17:40 SV2E?M KN00 51 / hrd (maybe SV2RM) Comment: After a very good opening on 3m (since 14 UTC) towards I, SV and TA with very loud signals, we could see the first QSOs on 2m between G and LZ for an opening at the 2m ES saison! After as well here some signals occured but it stations was not workable in the QSB. Best DX today on 3m was Radio Istanbul (PI:3407) over 20min S9++. Lets hope for the further openings to be more fun at JO31... 73 de Guy DL8EBW Team of MMMonVHF |
Rig: IC910h+11 ele TONNA-80W ODX: YO4FYQ KN44FD 2076 KM Log: 17:38 YO5AVN KN34CK 1899 KM 17:44 YO7VT KN25EC 1737 KM 17:44 YO7CVL KN24KU 1783 KM 17:45 YO3DDZ KN34AN 1881 KM 17:47 YO4FYQ KN44FD 2076 KM 17:48 YO9HP KN35BA 1868 KM 17:48 YO3CCB KN34CL 1897 KM Comment: 1st es for me!!in JN18AT-GOOD SIG WITH YO STN-73'S ALL-FRANCK- |
Rig: FT847 - 16 el - 100w ODX: YO5AVN 1874 km Log: 17:37 YO3FFF/P KN24ND 1811 km 17:38 YO7FWS KN24EQ 1731 km 17:45 YT3I KN05HP 1420 km 17:46 YO2LHD KN05XS 1510 km 17:49 YO5AVN KN34CK 1874 km 17:50 YO7DAA KN24KT 1761 km Comment: Strong and long QSB. To soon !!! 73 Dan |
Rig: 40w and 4 elements DK7ZB Log: 17:47 YO7VT KN25 17:49 YO7DAA KN24 |
Rig: IC-910H - 250W - 11 Elts F9FT ODX: LZ2GG KN33WN 2088kms Log: 17:32 YO3FFF/P KN24ND 1862kms 17:34 YT3I KN05HP 1470kms 17:36 LZ2GG KN33WN 2088kms 17:37 YO7FWS KN24EK 1794kms 17:45 YO7DAA KN24KT 1812kms 17:58 YO5AVN KN34CK 1925kms Comment: First ES opening for this year, with 3 new #... Great ! |
Rig: IC-910h + 200W + 2M12 yagi Log: 17:33 YO4FYQ KN44fd 17:34 YO3FOU KN34bk 17:35 YO3DDZ KN34an 17:37 YO4FYQ KN44fd 17:40 LZ3BD KN34oc 17:48 YO7VT KN29ec 17:49 YO9HP KN35ba 17:58 YO4AUL KN44he Comment: 1st 2009 Es seriously contrasting with year 2008 summer period |
Log: LZ2RBB 17:42 KN23UC YO9FQX 17:44 KN24KA LZ1ZX 17:45 KN32IO YO3FFF/P 17:45 KN32IO |
Rig: FT726-R ODX: YO9HP Log: 17:12 YO9HP KN35BA |
Rig: IC910 + 4cx350 300W 11 ele ODX: LZ1AG 2099km Log: 17:57 LZ1AG 59 59 KN22ID Comment: Short first opening for 2009 here - about 3 minutes. Better further south. |
Rig: 350W 9ele ODX: 2100km Log: 00:00 LZ1AG KN22id 00:00 LZ2ZY KN13ot Comment: 1st opening of 2009 season. Lets hope its beetr than 2008! |
Rig: IC746, 100W, 4el dk7zb fixed azimuth 100 degs ODX: 2156Km Log: 17:42 LZ1AG KN22ID 2156Km wkd 17:58 LZ2ZY KN13OT 1947Km hrd Comment: LZ1AG was patchy in/out for over 30 minutes. There were no signals in BC band 2 at all. |
Rig: 4x 9el 400W ODX: LZ1KG 2220km Log: 17:35 LZ1AG KN22ID 17:50 LZ1KG KN31CS 17:58 LZ2ZY KN13OT Comment: I've never seen a sporadic E 2m opening so early in the season, hopefully the rest of the season will be this good! Many thanks for all the QSO's. 73 Colin |
Rig: 144: FT757 Mutek 12el 400W ODX: LZ3GM 2365 Log: 17:57 YO9FXQ KN24KA 2097km 17:50 LZ3GM KN32RL 2365km 17:42 LZ1ZX KN32IO 2306km 17:37 YU1IO KN04IQ 1772km 17:37 YU1EV KN04CN 1745km 17:32 LZ2RBB KN23UC 2207km 17:23 LZ2ZY KN13OT 1993km 17:18 LZ2ZY KN13OT 1993km Comment: Great fun. Radi, LZ2ZY was a great signal and it was nice to have a chat while we waited for activity. Surprised so few on at the start, maybe people were busy with the Sunday Roast. It was open a long time but quite selective. muf was above 100MHz for approaching 3 hours, something just had to happen. Gonna be a good week but please es after qrl 18:00utc so I can work some more ;) 73 de Dave |
Rig: IC910H 144: 12eleM2 432: 19ele tonna 50: ICOM 746 6ele 1wl yagi ODX: LZ1AG KN22ID Log: 17/05/2009 17:26 LZ1AG KN22ID 59 55 2336 Comment: great to catch my 1st E's this year, good start with a new# rain static then S9 which did not help at all. 73 |
Rig: IC-756P2/Xverter h.m. 60w./16jxx/pre h.m. Log: 15:10 f5mly jn05bp Comment: 1st ES opening for 2009 |
Rig: IC706MK2 + 200 W 12 el ODX: GW7SMV IO81LN 2335 km Log: Log: 17:25 GW7SMV IO81LN 2335 km 17:26 G4AEP IO91NJ 2186 km 17:32 ON4KHG JO10XO 1839 km 17:34 G4EAT JO01HR 2101 km 17:34 G6DKS IO93 2273 km 17:35 G4ZFJ JO01IM 2087 km 17:36 M0BPQ IO91WP 2146 km 17:37 ON4KST JO20HI 1784 km 17:37 ON4PS JO20KQ 1783 km 17:38 ON3AP JO10OZ 1907 km 17:38 G8XIR JO01EK 2106 km 17:39 G4RGK IO91ON 2187 km 17:39 2E0RCV JO01AL 2151 km 17:40 ON3DCM JO01OS 2065 km 17:40 ON7EH JO20FW 1819 km 17:41 G4PCS IO91WV 2156 km 17:45 G6HKS IO92 2233 km 17:46 G3YDY JO01FQ 2110 km 17:47 ON7EQ JO11OC 1909 km 17:47 G0PQF JO01 2066 kn 17:48 ON4ADP JO11UC 1877 km 17:51 G4CLA IO92JL 2247 km 17:52 PA3PCV JO20VV 1735 km 17:53 G0JJG JO02LE 2099 km 17:56 DF7KF JO30GU 1686 km 17:57 PA4EME JO20WX 1734 km 17:58 G4KIL IO92WN 2182 km 18:00 PA0JMV JO21PM 1798 km 18:01 DM1HD JO31GD 1702 km 18:03 PA4EL JO21IS 1846 km 18:09 PA2DB JO22MD 1846 km 18:09 PA5WT JO22HG 1878 km 18:10 PA7DF JO22MD 1846 km Comment: Comments: Very good begining ES on 2 m ! At 1624 it was the first opening for me but I did not cmplete QSO with F6??? from JN07. I sent 55 and received 57 but I did not copy full call. Sorri, OM! Hope to meet you during any new opening. 73, Angel. (lz1ag@yahoo.co.uk) |
Rig: FT-857 50W and DK7ZB 10el LY ODX: G7RAU - 2207 Log: 17:32 G7RAU IO90IR 2207km 17:41 F6BJR JO00SC 1995km 17:58 F0DMU JO10LM 1907km hrd some F0, F6 and F4AZF but with no success :( Comment: The 1-st sporadic on 2m here for this year. But 50Mhz was full with station and MUF is raising. The good and early start of Es sesion this year. I hope to see you all on next opening. For now let's enjoy 50Mhz and wait for 2m sporadic. 73 from LZ2RBB - Rosen |
Rig: TS780 PA-250W 2X9EL. ODX: G7RAU-1989 KM Log: 17:19 G7RAU IO90IR 1989 KM 17:37 F0EUE JN29VM 1467 KM 17:46 ON4KHG JO10XO 1630 KM (loc corrected by PA4EME, was written JN10XO) 17:47 LX1FX JN29WT 1472 KM 17:48 ON4KST JO20HI 1577 KM 17:49 DC1UR ?? 17:50 ON4KHG JO10XO 1630 KM 17:58 G4ZFJ JO01HO 1887 KM 17:59 G4EAT JO01HR 1891 KM 17:59 G4PCS IO91WV 1946 KM Comment: short first opening Es for 2009 MNI TNX 73 TO ALL ''RADY'' |
Rig: 50: 400W 5el 144: 2x6el 400W 432: 2x13el 120W 1296 23el 50w ODX: LZ1AG 2145km Log: 17.30 LZ1AG KN22ID Comment: A few other bursts heard, but no more QSOs |
Rig: 144 : 300W 4 WL MGF1302 Log: 17:32 LZ1AG KN22ID 59 57 1839 17:40 YU1EV KN04CN 57 HRD 17:44 LZ1KG KN31CS 59 59 1963 17:50 LZ2ZY KN13OT 59 59 1631 |
Rig: Icom 756 pro-3 + TR-144H + Beko ???:-) Log: 18:13 LZ1AG KN22ID Comment: Heard only LZ1AG full. BC-Band was wide open from YO,LZ,TA,SV. |
Rig: 144: 750W 8 el Log: LZ1AG 144295 Hrd for only 5 min in JO22GD |
Rig: Yaesu FT897 ODX: 1738 Log: 17:57 LZ1AG KN22ID |
Rig: 144: 0.22 dB 2.5 kW 3.2 wl DJ9BV Log: 17:58 LZ1AG KN22ID 18:00 YU2DX KN04GS |
Rig: 400 Watt ODX: LZ1AG KN22ID 1879 km Log: 17-05-2009 18:10 LZ1AG KN22ID 1879 km Comment: Heard only LZ1AG for abt 5 minutes here |
Rig: 144: 4x21el LY GS35b linear Log: 11:44 PA4PS JO33GH Comment: 5 min ES Strong signal 59+ |
Rig: FT 847 50W 4X17B2 Log: 18:05 DK9OY JO52CK 18:06 DH2OAA JO42TU 18:06 DJ9YE JO43HV 18:06 DL2NO JO43KM |
Rig: 144: TS450 Trvtr GS35 MGF1302 Preamp 14el 5WL yagi ODX: F6BGR JO00SC 1894Km Log: 17:32 UTC F1ISM JN09VK 1863Km 17:33 UTC F6CBH JN19BH 1837Km 17:37 UTC F1DLZ JN19FH 1813Km 17:48 UTC F6BGR JO00SC 1894Km Comment: Strong signal at the beginning but spotty. Heard only the station worked above. Listen to LZ2AG working G, YU1EV working ON but nothing here. 73 de YO3FFF Cristi |
ODX: F6CBH JN19BH 1893 KM Log: TIME CALL RST LOCATOR QRB 17:31 F6CBH 59 JN19BH 1893 17:33 F5DQK 59 JN18GR 1855 17:57 F0FEK 59 JN19GB 1859 Comment: F6CBH hrd many times during the 30 min period. MNI TNX 73 to all. QSL via BUREAU |
Rig: IC-820H ODX: 1928 km Log: 17:32 f6cbh jn19bh 17:35 f6dkw jn18cs 17:38 f1cxx jn18at 17:48 f1dlz jn19fh 17:59 f1ism jn09vk Comment: Long ES opening |
Rig: 144: 500Watt 4x 9el MGF1302 Log: 17:34 F1ISM 59 59 JN09vk 1474 km 17:44 F1DLZ 59 59 JN19fh 1424 km 73 frm Pista YT3I |