Background information:
Moon distance [km]: Earth-Moon distance. Mean distance is 384400 km. Minimim during perigee 356400 km. Maximum during apogee 406700 km. This translates to as much as 2.25dB difference in pathloss from apogee to perigee.
Moon declination [deg]: Moon declination in degrees north (+) and south (-) of the equator. Max declination up to 28.7 degrees.
Degradation [dB]: Degradation in EME signal-to-noise, calculated as: Tsky [K] / (TskyMin [K] + Tsys [K] ) + RangeFactor [dB]
Calculation assumptions for 144MHz: TskyMin = 200 K, Tsys = 80 K, Observer Position = Central Europe, Time = 12:00 UTC, Tsky data interpolated from EME Handbook 2010 / WSJT 7.03 source data by K1JT.
Conditions summary: Conditions are summarized on basis of the degradation. Be aware that this is only a theoretical approach and the real conditions may vary due to local or ionospheric changes. In general this info is only meant to show the current astronomical situation and to indicate a global trend. Within a day of New Moon (NM), high sun noise can make conditions 'Very Poor' regardless of the DEG. The conditions are classified i.a.w. following DEG [dB]:
< 1.5 => Excellent
> 1.5 and <= 2.5 => Good
> 2.5 and <= 4.0 => Fair
> 4.0 and <= 5.5 => Poor
> 5.5 => Very Poor