Beacon Project

If you find any mistakes or you have some additional information / updates to some specific beacon, please use the 'Detail' Link of each beacon to send this information to us or use this form.
If you have infos about additional beacons, which are not listed here so far, please use this form.

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Detailed Beacon Data

Callsign: * SR2VMA
Locator: * JO94MA
Frequency [MHz]: * 144,410
Power [W]: 4
Antenna: crossdipol
QTF [degree]:
Status: O
Comment: Info by SO3Z - 2021-09-27
Town/City: Malbork
Operator Name: SQ2EEQ
Elevation (asl) [m]:
Mode: A1A
Polarity: H
*) Mandatory
Status: U Unknown, O Operational, X Not operational, T Testing, P Proposed
Polarity: U Unknown, H Horizontal, V Vertical, C Circular