
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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01. Jan 2025

Happy new year!
First strong aurora of 2025!

DL1YAW, Pete - JO41DX
No log available
Happy new year to all of u, a very good start for 2025! A long lasting opening with nearly 50 QSO to SM GM G SP UT OK HB9 F I PA and a lot of DL (all via A!). Nice activity during the AGCW-Contest!
Let us hope for more!
73 s Pete
DL8KX, Tommy - JO53CL
9 ele + 200W
RO3X, 1590km
13:00 SM6BFE JO68DQ 10
13:03 LA0BY JO59FW 10
14:17 G4ODA IO92WS 10
14:19 SM0KAK JO89XK 10
14:21 YL2FZ KO37QI 10
14:27 SM6OPX JO58RG 10
14:34 SP2GUB JO94RE 10
14:37 G4LPP JO02SS 10
15:00 SM7FCU JO76RE 10
15:04 DJ8MS JO54UC 10
15:07 SM7SPG JO66MD 10
15:13 GM4ILS IO87IP 10
15:22 SP7VVB JO91VQ 30
15:25 DL2OM JO30SN 30
15:26 DL5YM JO62XN 30
15:27 G4PIQ JO02OD 30
15:31 OK1TEH JO70FD 30
15:44 PA1BVM JO21RO 30 SSB
15:48 DK9TF JO31NF 30
15:52 RO3X KO73FU 30
15:57 DJ6OL JO52AP 30
16:18 OK2AB JN89TI 30
16:20 F6DCD JN38RQ 30
16:24 DL8QS JO43KH 30
16:26 F5MAI JN19TM 30
16:30 LY2VO KO15PX 30
16:32 G0JJG JO02ME 30
16:42 SM6GFR JO66OS 30
16:52 G0HVQ IO81UX 30
16:59 SP2QBQ JO94FL 60
17:07 OK2PWY JN89KW 60
17:11 OK2BEJ JN79SJ 60
17:14 LY2BKQ KO05OQ 60
17:17 OM3CLS JN99FC 60
17:20 I1DMP JN34 60
17:21 OK1FIA JN79MD 60
17:24 OK1KF JN79IW 60
17:27 IV3NDC JN65RV 60
17:28 HB9DKM JN37SL 60
17:30 OE1SOW JN88FF 60
17:31 SP6FXF JO70SV 60
17:33 OK1ZHS JO70EC 60
17:35 F6DWG JN19AJ 60
17:38 SP6CPF JO71PD 60
17:41 IK4PMB JN54MM 60
17:51 UT9UR KO40XD 60
17:55 PA3CWN JO33AH 30
18:00 DL8YE JO32TC 30
18:01 PA5WT JO22HG 30
18:14 SP2HHX JO94HI 30
18:17 SP2BRI JO94MA 30
18:17 DL8OBFJO44VN 30
FB AU. Activity was low at the beginning, but was good at the end.
HNY and good start in 2025.
IV3NDC, Massimo - JN65RV
500W, BF981, 14 ele BV
17:27 DL8KX JO53CL 20 55A 55A CW
Brief opening (abt 10 min here) but nice to start new year logbook with Aurora QSO!
73 es HNY, Massimo
SM7SPG, Per - JO66MD
IC-9700, 500W + 12el YU1CF
PA3CWN JO33 1504 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL8KX JO53 1506 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK1TEH JO70 1509 CW 59A 59A 39°
SP4BEU KO03 1511 CW 55A 57A 39°
SO3Z JO82 1513 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL2OM JO30 1516 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL2YDS JO41 1518 CW 57A 59A 39°
DF7DJ JO31 1519 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK1FPR JO80 1521 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL8QS JO43 1522 CW 59A 55A 39°
DL6AST JO60 1524 CW 57A 55A 39°
DL4CF JO51 1525 CW 59A 59A 39°
DJ6OL JO52 1527 CW 59A 59A 39°
HA1VQ JN87 1529 CW 55A 56A 39°
DL5YM JO72 1531 CW 59A 58A 39°
SP6CPF JO81 1533 CW 57A 59A 39°
DM1PIO JO72 1535 CW 55A 599 39°
SQ2EEQ JO94 1536 CW 59A 55A 39°
OK2EA JN89 1541 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK2BEJ JN79 1543 CW 55A 59A 39°
RO3X KO73 1545 CW 57A 57A 39°
DL8DAU JO40 1546 CW 57A 57A 39°
LY2WR KO24 1547 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL8YET JO32 1548 CW 57A 59A 39°
DK9TF JO31 1550 CW 59A 59A 39°
DM2BHG JO51 1552 CW 55A 59A 39°
DL4YR JO31 1554 CW 55A 55A 39°
OK1AGE JN79 1555 CW 55A 57A 39°
DL5FDP JN49 1558 CW 55A 55A 39°
DL6WT JN39 1600 CW 57A 58A 39°
RT1W KO47 1607 CW 55A 55A 39°
LA0BY JO59 1610 CW 55A 59A 39°
DK1GS JO54 1611 CW 55A 59A 39°
YL2GD KO37 1612 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK2AB JN89 1614 CW 55A 55A 39°
OK1KF JN79 1617 CW 55A 59A 39°
OK1HMP JO70 1619 CW 55A 55A 39°
LY2BKQ KO05 1620 CW 55A 59A 39°
DL1OJ JO42 1623 CW 59A 56A 39°
SP6FXF JO70 1625 CW 55A 55A 39°
DF6DU JO41 1628 CW 55A 55A 39°
UA3XFO KO84 1632 CW 55A 55A 39°
SP2QBQ JO94 1636 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK1ZHS JO70 1638 CW 53A 55A 39°
OM3CLS JN99 1640 CW 55A 59A 39°
OK8RG JO70 1641 CW 55A 55A 39°
DL3LA JO51 1644 CW 57A 57A 39°
PA1BVM JO21 1646 CW 57A 59A 39°
DO1LFM JO54 1649 CW 55A 55A 39°
OK1FIA JN79 1650 CW 55A 55A 39°
UT9UR KO40 1656 CW 55A 59A 39°
OK1TN JO70 1658 CW 55A 55A 39°
OK1SMY JO60 1701 CW 55A 55A 39°
OK2PWY JN89 1703 CW 57A 57A 39°
DF6WE JO31 1752 CW 59A 57A 39°
OK1GI JN89 1753 CW 57A 57A 39°
PA5WT JO22 1755 CW 57A 57A 39°
DL7PV JO62 1757 CW 55A 58A 39°
SP2BRI JO94 1759 CW 57A 59A 39°
SP2HHX JO94 1805 CW 59A 57A 39°
HA1VQ JN87 1807 CW 57A 57A 39°
SP3SLU JO92 1808 CW 57A 57A 39°
DM5GG JO61 1814 CW 57A 59A 39°
OK1DQT JN79 1815 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK1DIX JO70 1821 CW 59A 59A 39°
DL1YAW JO41 1830 CW 57A 56A 39°
DF7KF JO30 1831 CW 59A 59A 39°
OK1MWW JN89 1834 CW 55A 55A 39°
ES2DF KO29 1838 CW 55A 57A 45°
SP2CNW JO93 1841 CW 57A 59A 50°
PA0OP JO33 1848 CW 55A 57A 20° Mixed with Au-E signals
SM0LQB JO89 1956 CW 55A 55A 20°
LA3EQ JO28 2011 CW 55A 55A 20°