
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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20 | 31

20. Dec 2015

Two fairly small eruptions 2 days ago caused what seemed minor CMEs. However, this afternoon and evening we have one of te best Auroras thus far this year. And even though we are close to mid winter (which according to theory is not the best time for Aurora) this was a nice event!

DB3LO, Henry - JO51MV
FT-847, 50W, 6el Yagi
1166 km
16:38 G4RRA IO80BS 55A 55A 1041km
17:22 GM3WOJ IO77WS 55A 55A 1166km
- great aurora with my little equipment
- thanks to both stations
DF1CF, Juergen - JN57FP
16:18 DK2OY JO44WS 20 57A/59A 794km
16:28 GM4ZJI IO86KE 20 55A/55A 1328km
16:37 DH8BQA JO73CE 20 55A/55A 671km
16:48 RO3X KO73FU 10 55A/59A 1818km
16:?? OZ2BUR JO46HI 10 59A/59A 977km
18:57 OZ1BEF JO46OE 10 55A/55A 954km
19:17 SM7GVF JO77GA 340 55A/55A 1079km

Vy 73 de Juergen
DH6DAO, Reinhard - JO41CN
9ele and 160W
1138 km
16:41 SP2QBQ JO94FL
17:10 GM4ZJI IO86KE
17:18 GM3WOJ IO77WS

18:57 LY2WR KO24FO 1.138km
Nive AU after a Long time here, hrd many locals from DL PA ON with strong AU signals. hrd some Baltics and Russia Station as well
DJ7YP, Helmut - JO42GB
K3 Elecraft XV144 Elecraft PA Beco 1000 Ant 8elm
18:03 GM8IEM IO78HF 1115 Km
16:51 LA6OJ JO38hk 719 Km
17:17 GM3WOJ IO77ws 1025 Km
17:36 OZ1FDH JO65cs 477 Km
18:03 GM8IEM IO78hf 1115 Km
18:39 LY2WR KO15fo 992 Km
19:48 SM7GVF JO77ga 673 Km
Finally, again nice Aurora
DL8HCO, Sven - JO53FU
FT-2000 / TR144H / 400 Watt / 9-El.-DK7ZB
15:12 LA3PK JO59KW
16:07 SM4ANQ JP70OC
16:12 RO3X KO73FU 1565km
16:20 UA3WM KO72QI 1661km
16:28 G4AEP IO91NJ
16:40 SM6LZQ JO57UX
16:44 G4RRA IO80BS
16:50 SP1DFZ JO84RE
16:55 SQ2EEQ JO94JC
16:57 SK5EW JO79XB
17:01 F6GYH JN27TS
17:03 G3TLF
17:05 LA8AV JO59CS
17:10 SM4MWJ JP70RL
17:13 DH8BQA JO73CE
17:15 G4YTL IO92MB
17:20 GM6VXB/P IP90FL
17:53 SM5DWF JP90JA
18:00 LY2WR KO24FO
Heard many more Stations but most have been wkd via MS before.
QSO with GM6VXB/P not shure, because his logs shows QSO with a GM-Station. That would be very bad for me.
Sometimes heavy QRM, because a lot of Stations are on the Band.
G4SWX, John - JO02RF
TS2000 2 X 3CX800 2 X 17B2
RM1A KO59bu 1953Km
Time Call Loc QRB QTF
14:58 LA0BY JO59fw 1022 20
15:54 SM5KWU JO89ip 1253 30
16:27 SP1DFZ JO84ri 1088 35
16:34 RK1AS KP40ue 1939 35
16:35 EU6AF KO35la 1701 35
16:37 LY1CR KO15cl 1403 35
16:41 EV4R KO23pv 1597 35
16:42 RM1A KO59bu 1953 35
16:49 EU1AI KO33su 1745 35
16:52 UA2FT KO04lt 1317 35
17:02 EU3AI KO22ce 1545 35
17:04 SP2CNW JO93ai 1120 35
17:16 OH2KW KP20ij 1685 35
18:36 SM4GGC JO69rk 1095 20
18:43 EW1KP KO33tw 1749 35
18:45 EW2BZ KO34oc 1721 35
18:56 EW6DX KO45jl 1818 35
A good event, please note I have only included QSOs >1000Km. There were many stations calling me and quite a number lost due to QRM. I did hear UA3LID KO64 at 2040Km but he could not hear me. Also UE25R KO04FQ peaked 59A for a long time and despite calling for 10 mins did not hear me.
GM4JJJ, David - IO86GB
20/12/2015 14:11 GM6VXB/P IP90NT 55A 47A 2 m. SSB AUR 30 549
20/12/2015 14:22 G4CDN JO02SS 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 30 488
20/12/2015 15:14 LA8AV JO59CS 53A 53A 2 m. CW AUR 38 904
20/12/2015 15:19 GM8IEM IO78HF 57A 57A 2 m. SSB AUR 45 267
20/12/2015 15:49 LA0BY JO59FW 57A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 41 924
20/12/2015 15:52 SM5KWU JO89IP 55A 55a 2 m. CW AUR 41 1252
20/12/2015 15:54 LA6OJ JO38HH 57A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 41 656
20/12/2015 16:19 G4RRA IO80BS 59A 59A 2 m. SSB AUR 41 589
20/12/2015 16:30 DK5KMA JO50IK 57A 58A 2 m. SSB AUR 60 1128
20/12/2015 16:40 DL3BQV JO52WO 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 60 1063
20/12/2015 16:42 DJ2PJ JN49KW 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 60 1067
20/12/2015 16:44 F8FKJ IN78RJ 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 60 855
20/12/2015 16:46 F5MFO JN19IB 57A 52A 2 m. CW AUR 60 882
20/12/2015 16:48 OK1MHZ JO70VA 52A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 60 1445
20/12/2015 16:51 G4DXX IO92GS 52A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 60 388
20/12/2015 16:57 OE5XBL JN68PC 55A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 60 1440
20/12/2015 17:04 F6GYH JN27TS 57A 56A 2 m. CW AUR 65 1110
20/12/2015 17:07 DL1GIT JN48EH 57A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 65 1177
20/12/2015 17:09 ON5EG JO20ER 57A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 65 787
20/12/2015 17:13 DJ8RZ JN58RQ 57A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 65 1298
20/12/2015 17:14 DK6EO JO31NC 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 65 888
20/12/2015 17:15 DL1OJ JO42QI 59A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 65 929
20/12/2015 17:20 G3RCW IO93KH 59A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 65 340
20/12/2015 17:24 DL7AU JO62XD 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 65 1212
20/12/2015 17:26 PA3AIW JO21RX 57A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 65 737
20/12/2015 17:28 F6DWG/P JN19AJ 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 65 828
20/12/2015 17:29 SO3Z JO82LJ 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 65 1382
20/12/2015 17:32 ON4KHZ 55A 58A 2 m. CW AUR 60 776+-
20/12/2015 17:33 DH8BQA JO73CE 55A 57A 2 m. CW AUR 60 1177
20/12/2015 17:36 DL4LAB JO53BQ 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 60 906
20/12/2015 17:37 G4KGC IO92RG 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 60 462
20/12/2015 17:52 EI3KD IO51VW 59A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 71 553
20/12/2015 18:08 DK2CK JO42CG 53A 53A 2 m. CW AUR 61 867
20/12/2015 18:31 LY2WR KO24FO 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 61 1760
20/12/2015 19:28 SP6GZZ JO80FX 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 70 1426
20/12/2015 19:30 SP1DFZ JO84RE 55A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 70 340
20/12/2015 19:33 G0PQO IO92UA 52A 53A 2 m. CW AUR 70 494
20/12/2015 19:35 DL6YBF JO31OX 55A 56A 2 m. CW AUR 59 830
20/12/2015 19:38 DL8YE JO32TC 53A 53A 2 m. CW AUR 68 845
20/12/2015 19:58 DK5QN JO42FA 53A 55A 2 m. CW AUR 82 897
20/12/2015 20:06 G4SWX JO02PB 59A 59A 2 m. CW AUR 60 542
Much QRM making it difficult to pick out any DX at times. Called but no reply from UE25R in KO04FQ
HB9DFG, Christian (Chris) - JN37SM
FT-100, 500w, 1x7el, Preamp
16:32 DK2OY JO44ws 56A/59A QTF025
16:38 GM4ZJI IO86ke 56A/59A QTF000
Wow, already 3rd Aurora this year down to HB9!
Hrd also:
GM4JJJ QTF000 59A (busy with pile up all the times)
GM6JNJ QTF000 53A (hrd only short time, was also too busy)
OZ1BUR QTF000 52A (hrd only a minute, then faded away)
DL8HCA QTF025 52A (hrd only two minutes when busy with others)
OZ1DLD QTF000 51A (did not copy my weak sigs - I know there can be
big QRM up there when all are QRV :-)
GL and Merry X-MAS de Chris!
LA0BY, Stefan - JO59FW
IC-821H + PA 300W
DG5CST JO60DS 1026km
14:32 DH8BQA JO73CE 55A 57A 45 785 km
14:34 LA6OJ JO38HH 55A 55A 284 km
14:35 SO3Z JO82LJ 53A 55A 45 929 km
14:37 SM7DVF JO76JU 53A 56A 40 426 km
14:38 SP1DFZ JO84RE 55A 55A 45 766 km
14:45 PA4VHF JO32JE 53A 55A 340 891 km
14:58 G4SWX JO02RF 53A 55A 320 1021 km
15:05 DL6YBF JO31OX 55A 59A 340 907 km
15:17 LA4YGA JO48BE 55A 55A 236 km
15:30 DF9CY JO54AL 57A 59A 40 607 km
15:34 DK5QN JO42FA 52A 55A 40 889 km
15:43 GM4ZJI IO86KE 54A 57A 340 899 km
15:49 GM4JJJ IO86GB 55A 57A 340 924 km
15:58 SP2QBQ JO94FL 55A 59A 50 774 km
16:00 DD3SP JO72EN 59A 59A 50 855 km
16:02 DL7ULM JO62MS 55A 57A 50 812 km
16:03 DL3BQV JO52WO 57A 59A 50 820 km
16:05 DG5CST JO60DS 57A 59A 50 1026 km
18:20 UE25R KO04FQ 56A 59A 50 836 km
18:22 SP3TYF JO82FH 53A 55A 50 925 km
Nice opening with vy strong signals. Had to go QRT for some hours when opening was at its best, but could see visible Aurora at about 19:30 utc.
Hrd also GM6VXB/p in IP90NT.
PA3BIY, Peter - JO22HB
16:47 SP1DFZ JO74RE 45
16:52 OK1TEH JO70FD 70
16:57 EU6AF KO35LA 35
17:07 LY2WR KO24FO 45
18:51 EW6DX KO45JL 30
19:10 YL2GD KO37MD 20
RK1AS, Dmitry - KP40UE
IC-746Pro 100W Ant 9el on balcony 144MHz
John, G4SWX, JO02RF , 1937km
Time,UT Call Loc QTF
12:38 R18KDR/1 KO47DT 45
12:41 UE56W KO47DT 45
12:42 RO3X KO73FU 50
13:18 SK0EN JO99JX 25
13:21 SM5DWF JP90JA 35
13:25 OH2KW KP20IJ 35
13:43 OH2LH KP20MG 40
13:47 UA3AFV KO95BV 40
14:19 RK9AT/3 KO86QF 40
14:26 EU6AF KO35LA 45
14:32 EW1KP KO33TW 35
14:45 RA1WU KO47ES 35
14:50 UA3WM KO72QI 35
14:55 EW2BZ KO34 45
14:57 LY1CR KO15CL 50
15:06 EW8CN KO42KP 50
15:09 UA1CCU KP60SR 45
15:12 EW4W KO23OW 40
15:15 OH5NBJ KP22EU 30
15:20 RU1QM KO99XF 35
15:23 RA4FP LO13HM 30
15:34 SP2QBQ JO94FL 350
15:46 R3MW KO97VP 15
15:48 LY2BBF KO24PR 15
15:49 RA3RF LO03WK 35
15:53 RQ3P KO84UF 40
15:55 UT8AL KO61WP 30
15:58 RW3SK KO94XU 30
16:00 UA3YBW KO53TA 45
16:04 RT1W KO47EI 40
16:17 DH8BQA JO73CE 280
16:34 G4SWX JO02RF 280
16:42 DK2OY JO44WS 280
16:53 DG7TG JO43SV 280
20:04 SM4IVE JO79SD 15
20:06 SM4ANQ JP70OC 15
20:09 LY2WR KO24FO 20
20:10 SM0KAK JO89XK 15
20:16 SM3AKG JP93DK 5
20:18 SK5EW JO79XB 0
20:20 OH6NEQ KP22UC 15
20:24 R4YM LO36OD 30
20:30 RA3POV KO93CX 30
20:47 RA3LBK KO63PW 15
20:49 YL2FZ KO37QI 15
21:02 UA3AFV KO95BV 25
Very nice Aurora opening! Thanks to All!!
S51ZO, Joze - JN86DR
TS-940s+TRANSV. Javornik, 800W, 4x14 el BV
OZ1BEF JO46OE 1159 km
16:44 OZ1BEF JO46OE 59a 59a CW AUR 1159
16:46 OZ1FDH JO65CS 59a 59a CW AUR 1044
17:11 DK2OY JO44WS 59a 59a CW AUR 1000
SM7GVF, Kjell - JO77GA
8x8 el 1 kW, 28 el 1 kW (432)
RA4FP 1813 km
144 MHz;
12:39 YL2FZ KO37QI 49 773
12:42 SP1DFZ JO84RE 364
12:45 R18KDR/1 KO47DT 826
12:48 LY1CR KO15CL 503
12:51 RO3X KO73FU 49 1299
12:59 OH2LH KP20MG 705
13:08 LA3PK JO59KW 388
13:09 OH1LA KP01VM 647
15:14 EW1KP KO33TW 52 891
15:16 EW2BZ KO34OD 856
15:17 OK1TEH JO70FD 58 764
15:18 OE5XBL JN68PC 55 995
15:19 DK2EA JO50UF 778
15:19 OK1SC JO70OB 775
15:22 EW4W KO23OW 55 753
15:38 ES4OJ KO39IK 760
15:40 EU3AI KO22CE 48 821
15:41 LY2BBF KO24PR 716
15:45 OH5NBJ KP22EU 847
15:50 RD3FD KO95CO 1460
15:52 RA4FP LO13HM 55 1807
15:54 EW1AA KO33RU 886
16:23 OE5XBL JN68PC QTF 60 Now 59A el 10 grad 995
16:27 OM3KGW JN98BW 61 el 10 930
16:29 OK1DWF JO70QB 61 el 10 775
16:31 UY0LL KN79XX 1608
16:33 UT8LN KN89AW 59 1616
16:35 UA4UK LO14MA 58 1810
16:37 EV4R KO23PV 760
16:38 UA3YCX KO73EF 58 1324
16:39 UA3YBW KO53TA 61 1172
16:41 R3MW KO97VP 57 1508
16:42 EW6EM KO54EM 58 1026
16:43 UA3DHC KO95AW 55 1440
16:46 RA3UAG LO06GU 55 1567
16:46 OK1ZHS JO70EC 769
16:47 R1AY KP50BS 984
16:48 LY2H KO24OP 55 715
16:49 OK2PM JN99AO 55 856
16:52 RW3SK KO94XU 51 1591
16:53 R3LW KO54MQ 63 1059
16:54 UA3LID KO64CN 63 1134
16:55 OK1KT JO70WE 765
16:56 RT1W KO47EI 833
16:58 UY1HY KO60MA 69 el 8 1442
16:59 OK1MGW JO70WF 68 el 8 760
17:00 DK7TY JO62ON 503
17:15 OK2DL JN79WL 62 el 8 843
17:16 OM3CLS JN99FC 62 el 8 918
17:19 OK1MHZ JO70VA 782
17:20 DK5QN JO42FA 680
17:22 EU1AI KO33SU 890
17:23 SQ2EEQ JO94JC 420
18:21 EU6AF KO35LA 802
18:25 DO1UZ JO60SX 57 675
18:27 RA3POV KO93CX 55 1520
18:32 SP5XMU KO02LG 670
18:33 DL2WA JO51XH 656
18:35 RA1WU KO47ES 55 831
18:39 DH9OK JO51AQ 50 660
18:43 DL1DWZ JO61TC 660
18:44 OK1FCB JO70WI 70 el 8 746
18:46 DJ2QZ JO31QX 726
18:47 SP5CCC KO02OH 70 el 8 676
18:49 UT8AL KO61WP 1382
18:50 EW8CN KO42KP 1036
18:52 SP6MQO JO90CU 68 el 8 726
18:53 SP2HMT JO94FQ 356
19:10 PE1GUR JO22TH 293 775
19:12 G0HVQ IO81UX 294 1218
19:14 EI3KD IO51VW 293 1565
19:16 G0PQO IO92UA 293 1103
19:16 G0UWK IO83VC 1148
19:18 DF1CF JN57FP 1078
19:23 PA4VHF JO32JE 732
19:25 DK5JM JO43QS 486
19:27 PA3AIW JO21RX 810
19:30 GM4PPT IO75SK 300 1183
19:32 DM3ZF JO61WW 306 567
19:34 DK8SG JN48GT 296 el 8 996
19:40 DL8OAY JO52AO 569
19:42 ON4KHG JO10XO 294 993
19:43 G4DBN IO93NR 301 1037
19:45 DL5LBQ JO44NL 303 441
19:47 DO7YP JO42GB 673
19:49 LA4YGA JO48BE 403
21:01 UR5LX KO70WK 71 1573
23:52 OK1TEH JO70FD qtf 64 el 8 764

432 MHz;
15:56 EW1AA KO33RU 60 886
16:00 YL3AG KO26AV 575
16:02 DL1RNW JO62HG 52 542
16:03 OK1RK JO70EA 778
16:04 EW1AA KO33RU 886
16:08 RD3FD KO95CO qtf 50 1460
16:13 SP6RGB JO71SF 61 647
16:18 OK1TEH JO70FD 61/20 764
16:20 DJ4TC JO63PN 392
17:03 SP3TYF JO82FH 538
17:05 US5WU KO20DI 52 978
17:07 OK1KT JO70WE 61 el 8 765
18:04 YL2FZ KO37QI 53 773
18:07 SP2MKO JO93CB 55 498

2015-12-21 144 MHz continues;
00:01 DL4EEC JO81XP Bremen in Poland? Note PA4EME: should be JO33XP ??
00:02 OK1TEH JO70FD 764
00:13 EW2BZ KO34OD 856
00:20 G4DCV IO91OF 289 1184
00:22 DL2VNN JO61QH 300 639
00:25 GM4ZJI IO86KE 310 1082
R4YM 1991 (WGS 84) km heard 55A.
Log book distances are VQLog Spheric(?).
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
ic7100 500w 14el owl
RD3FD KO95co 1428km
19:20 LA4YGA 53A/53A JO48BE QTF340
19:16 LY2WR 57A/57A KO24FO QTF340
19:11 YL2GD 55A/59A KO37ML QTF340
18:04 RD3FD 42A/55A KO95CO QTF40
17:58 SM5DWF 55A/57A JP90JA QTF350
17:28 GM4JJJ 55A/55A IO86GB QTF335
17:08 SK5EW 55A/57A JO79XB SSB QTF345
17:02 SM4MWJ 52A/55A JP70RL QTF0
16:53 UE56W 55A/59A KO47DT
16:51 SM4ONW 59A/59A JP70RN QTF30
16:23 SM0GWX 57A/57A JO89XG SSB QTF25
16:16 RT1W 53A/59A KO47EI
16:14 SM4ANQ 53A/59A JP70OC
16:09 RA1WZ 53A/59A KO47DT
15:51 OH0JN 55A/59A KP00BB QTF25
15:07 OZ1BEF 59A/59A JO46OE QTF35 (HRD BETWEEN 340-55DEG)
14:58 LA3PK 57A/59A JO59KJ QTF10
14:38 SM4IVE 59A/59A JO79SD QTF10 (BETWEEN 340-45DEG)
14:34 LA0BY 55A/53A JO59FW QTF5
heard UA3MBJ, RO3X, G4RRA, SM7GVF, SM4GGC, LA3BO, OZ2 station on SSB, SP2QBQ, DH8BQA, DL6YBF via Aurora.
wide signal from Lars SM4IVE real 59+20 on s-meter.
I was heard by g4rra and ei3kd and other from G-land but high level of noise from city was my problem.
SP5XMU, Tom - KO02LG
IC-9k1/ 100W / M2 2M9SSB
DK2OY - 980km
16:39 SM4IVE JO79SD CW AUR 835km
16:43 RO3X KO73FU CW AUR 917km
16:45 DK2OY JO31JF CW AUR 980km
16:52 YL3IQ KO17OD CW AUR 561km
17:07 SF4J JO79NC CW AUR 842km
17:26 OZ1FDH JO65CS CW AUR 691km
18:23 SM5DWF JP90JA CW AUR 872km
18:27 YL2GD KO37ML CW AUR 697km
18:31 SM7GVF JO77GA CW AUR 670km
18:41 LY2WR KO24FO CW AUR 348km
18:44 LY2FN KO14XV CW AUR 353km
19:34 SM0KAK JO89XK CW AUR 818km