
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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07. Oct 2015

Aurora caused by a middle latitude coronal hole on October 6th. This caused a G3 geomagnetic storm which contained southward Bz (-17,3 nT).
Skies were overcasted but visual polarlights has been seen in northern Italy; however only photographic (more sensible to red light than human eyes).

DK5OX, Boris - JN59MO
1207 km
16:47 GM4JJJ IO86gb 15
F6DCD, Denis - JN38RQ
FT897D 300W 16jxx2
GM4JJJ 1105 km
16:55 OZ1BUR jo46hi 20 ; 857km
17:00 OZ1BEF jo46oe 15 ; 843km
17:17 SM7GVF jo77ga 15 ;1042km
17:25 G4DHF io92uu 30 ; 716km
17:40 GM4JJJ io86gb 10 ;1105km
some confortable signals (up to 57a); hrd during a long time GM4JJJ (qtf 350..20)
HB9DFG, Christian (Chris) - JN37SM
FT-100, 500w, 1x 7el-Flexa, Preamp
16:53 GM4JJJ IO86gb 020
GM4JJJ was the only station I have heard and worked. While the QSO
he came up to 56A, after finishing the QSO he was 59A for 2 min, then
the sigs dropped down.
Heard him again 18:44UTC with 53A and QTF 005, but again the only one
down in HB9 via AU. Funny, cause usually I should hear Coast-DLs or PAs
with these conditions. But glad I could work GM4JJJ because AU has
become so extremely rare down here (ES likewise). 73 de Chris
OK1TEH, Matej - JO70FD
144: FT847 750W 10el
GM4VVX 1505km
15:58 144067 SM4IVE 55A 53A JO79SD 1004km QTF 010 /
16:00 144058 SM7GVF 57A 55A JO77GA 765 QTF 030 /
16:26 144059 SM6NET 55A HRD JO68UD 892 QTF 015 /
16:33 144074 LA3BO 57A 53A JO59CD 1038 QTF 015 / 080
16:39 144080 SM6DVG 55A 55A JO66GV 762 QTF 015 /
16:42 144042 GM4VVX 52A 55A IO78TA 1505 QTF 000 / 070
16:51 144084 OZ1BUR 55A 55A JO46HI 793 QTF 025 /
16:53 144118 LA3EQ 57A 55A JO28XJ 1071 QTF 000 / 070
17:14 144090 OZ1BEF 55A 55A JO46OE 758 QTF 025 /
17:16 144118 SM6BTT 55A 55A JO67GQ 849 QTF 010 /
FB AU openning, more info with mp3 files at

Matej, OK1TEH
OK2PM, Karel - JN99AO
FT 736 + 200W, 9 elem.Yagi
21:00 SM7GVF 55A 55A 350 856 km
short in JN99
73 to all!
PA4EME, Frank - JO20WX
16:19 GM4VVX IO78TA 08
16:19 OZ1BUR JO46HI 08
16:19 GM4GUF IO85JU 19
16:43 SM6DVG JO66GV 19
16:43 LA6OJ JO38HH 19
16:43 G4KUX IO94BP 47
17:40 OZ1BEF JO46OE 358
18:50 GM4JJJ IO86GB 347
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
IC7100 14el OWL remoterig
GM4VVX 1487km
16:54 SM4IVE JO79SD
16:51 GM4VVX IO78TA 1487km
16:27 SM5AUS JP90FF
15:37 SM5DFF JO88CN new loc thanks !
21:13 SM5EPO JP80MC
21:00 YL2FZ KO37QI
Problems with PA GS31B input... low power...
I heard sm5ef jo79, sm4bdq jp80, sm7gvf jo77, sm6btt, la3bo jo59, la9dfa jp50, es6do ko27, yl2?, oz1bur jo46, oz1bef jo46,

Dan OZ1BEF was last station audible for about 25minutes from 40deg on Aurora. Interesting.

First time i can copy SK4MPI/b on AU :)
Best "beacon" for me is Lars signal SM4IVE booming as always :)