09. Mar 2012
IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION We have received several logs from the aurora. However...to be able to produce the map we need the logs to fullfill the needed logformat; hh:uu call locator qtf eg 14:03 PA4EME JO20WX 20 Please leave everything else out of your report... if you use another format, we will change it and remove those parts to be able to run the calculationscript. The double CME eruption of March 7th produced a complicated magnetic situation. Most likely both CMEs "ate" eachother (hence weakening the strength of the magnetic field). Only the latter part finally produced some aurora, but not as strong as it might have been. Finaly the BZ turned south and around 12:00 UTC the first mid-latitude signals appeared. But the real opening started around 13:00 UTC when signals became strong within a few minutes. Around 16:30 signals dropped and faded away. Today another Flare and CME occured from region 11429, so keep your eyes and ears open for another Aurora on Saturday evening or Sunday. |
Rig: TS2000, 4x17ele, 700 WattLog: 07:17 ES2DF KO29GG 07:20 SM4AIQ JO79BH 07:22 SM0BTS JO89WI 07:26 ES4EQ KO39CE 07:48 YL2OK KO37AS 07:53 SM6CYZ JO66MK 11:52 SM6CCO JO78FN 11:54 YL2TD KO26CV 11:58 UA2FL KO04FQ 12:00 SP2DDV JO83VE 12:01 YL2LW KO26CW 12:05 OZ5AGJ JO47IA 12:07 SM4COK JO79OH 12:48 OZ5DL JO65FA 13:28 LA8HGA JO59LX 13:48 DL0VV JO64AD 13:52 YL2HC KO35HA 13:56 LY2FN KO14XV 13:57 PA4VHF JO32EH 13:59 SQ2EEQ JO94JC 14:01 OK1TEH JO70FD 14:08 UY1HY KO60MA 14:10 OK1MDK JN79OW 14:12 OK2PM JN99AO 14:14 DL8YE JO32TC 14:16 EU4AG KO13VQ 14:18 SP9AI JN99MT 14:19 SP6MQO JO90CU 14:20 OK1SC JO70OB 14:21 SP8UFT KO11JI 14:23 ON7EH JO20FV 14:24 HA6NQ JN98WA 14:27 UR5LX KO70WK 14:30 OK2PWY JN89KW 14:35 HA1FV JN87JJ 14:51 OK1RK JO70DB 15:43 SP2QBQ JO94FL 15:44 LY2NA KO15JC 15:57 DH6JL JO31NI 16:03 UA3PTW KO93BS 16:06 DL9MS JO54WC 16:09 DK2OY JO44WS 16:17 LY2CH KO15OS |
Rig: Ant: 9-el(2wl)., Pwr-50WODX: LA9DFA JP50xh 1024kmLog: 11:54 SM5KWU JO89ip 12:18 SM5DFF JO88cn 12:28 RU1AA KP40xd 12:54 RA1WZ KO47dt 13:00 RA1WU KO47es 13:09 ES5QA KO38om 13:44 OH5LK KP30on 13:57 RA1CP KO49nv 14:05 RX1AS KO59cx 14:11 DK1KO JO53ct 14:17 DK1CO JO63sx 14:48 DK3WG JO72gi 15:32 LA9DFA JP50xh 15:47 OZ1FDH JO65cs Comment: Second and a strong Aurora this year for me. |
Rig: JN38RQODX: GM4CXM - 1138 kmLog: 15:18 GM4CXM IO75TW 1015:26 GM4BYF IO85JV 10 15:48 OZ6OL JO65DL 340 Comment: Rx good sig from sm7gvf but he has pile-up (1rst AU qso 02/05/2010);gm4byf : exchanged 52a/41a (1rst AU qso 17/11/1989); Solid sig from gm4cxm & oz6ol ; hrd some oz & g but too weak. Rig : 200W + 16el f9ft - 73 Denis F6DCD |
Rig: TS2000 + QRP linearODX: SM4AEQ JO79BH 1114kmLog: 12:10 GM4VVX IO78TA 013:58 OZ5DL JO65FU 10 14:03 PA4EME JO20WX 35 14:09 DL8HCO JO53FU 45 14:10 DL2TG JO62AQ 45 14:11 GW4WND IO82KM 45 14:15 OZ6TY JO55XE 45 14:16 ON7EH JO20FV 45 14:18 DJ9CS JO54DG 45 14:20 DL0VV JN64AD 45 14:21 DL1DBR JO41BN 45 14:22 DL7UK JO41SX 45 14:23 DL3LA JO51TK 45 14:28 DK4TG JO31LB 45 14:30 DK2AR JO42UC 45 14:32 DL2ROM JO62RI 45 14:33 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 45 14:36 PA3DTM JO22IA 45 14:38 DL6NAA JO50VF 45 14:39 DL9EAJ JO31DH 45 14:42 DK2OY JO44WS 45 14:43 DL8DAU JO40ME 45 14:45 SP1NQN JO84ML 40 14:49 DL6YBF JO31OX 45 14:53 PA4VHF JO32JE 45 14:55 ON4PS JO20KQ 45 14:58 DJ4TC JO63PN 45 15:05 DL6YEH JO32VA 45 15:08 DL8YE JO32TC 45 15:10 G4OBK IO94OF 45 15:12 PA5MS JO21RQ 45 15:18 SM4AEQ JO79BH 30 15:35 DL1DBR JO41BN 45 15:39 DK9OY JO52CK 45 15:41 DL1DBR JO41BN 45 15:43 OZ8FR JO55SK 25 15:45 DJ9YE JO43HV 45 15:50 PA3CWN JO33AH 45 16:22 SM7GVF JO77GA 350 16:24 MM0CEZ IO75XU 0 16:27 MM0CYR IO88GO 0 Comment: A 'nice' local aurora with all of the usual suspects worked:-) Defititely not up to all of the predictions. Although I called CW on a range of beam headings 330-060 the peak was definitely between 020 and 050. I listened for a number of more distant stations spotted on the cluster but nothing heard. A good event to work a lot of the locals within tropo range who I wouldn't really want to call if there was real DX about... |
Rig: IC 706 + 400W valve linear 16 ele TonnaODX: F6DKWLog: 12:57 GM4VVX IO74TA 4014:24 G0PQO IO92UA 40 14:28 ON7EH JO20FU 50 14:32 GW4WND IO82FM 50 14:34 PA4EME JO20WX 60 14:37 DL6YEH JO32VA 60 14:38 ON4PS JO20KQ 60 14:40 G4RRA IO80BS 60 14:42 DL6YBF JO31OX 60 14:43 G0CUZ IO82WM 60 14:51 OR0A JO20KW 60 14:53 F5SE/P JN19XH 60 14:55 G4IDR IO93BP 60 15:16 F6DKW JN18CS 60 15:19 G3WZT IO90UX 60 15:32 G4ZTR JO01KW 60 15:46 EI4DQ IO51WU 40 15:51 G3LVP IO81VK 60 15:56 F6DWG/P JN19A 60 16:03 G4DEZ JO03AE 40 16:20 G7RAU IO90IR 40 Comment: QTF's are influenced by local hill - best direction is often 60 degreesTried with GM4CXM on 432MHZ but nothing heard. |
Rig: FT847 + LNA MGF1302 + 1HP PA + 10el dk7zbODX: SM7GVF 765kmLog: 14:01 DK1CO JO63SX 5014:03 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 30 14:07 DK1KO JO53CT 30 14:11 OZ5DL JO65FU 30 14:16 DL0VV JO64AD 30 14:18 UA2FL KO04FQ 30 14:23 OZ1BEF JO46OE 15 14:56 DK2OY JO44WS 20 15:10 SM7GVF JO77GA 60 15:18 SF7WT JO65QQ 50 15:34 OZ1FDH JO65CS 60 Comment: The first bigger Aurora in Prague since year 2005! First signals were heard at 14:00, last at 16:20 UTC. No longer DX heard except UA3PTW and G4SWX, but it was good fun anyway. More info including mp3 is online at http://ok1teh.nagano.cz/aurora_2m.htm#201273! de Matej, OK1TEH |
Rig: FT-847, 14 el LFA PLUS 2, QROLog: 14:05 G4SWX JO02RF 4514:05 OZ5DL JO65FU 45 14:09 DL0VV JO64AD 45 14:15 SW7WT JO65QQ 40 14:28 OZ6TY JO55XE 40 14:33 GM4BYF IO85JV 35 14:42 G4DHF IO92UU 35 Comment: Nice to hear aurora again. Heard many more stations but as can be seen from the worked list, most stations were quite close distance. I tried to find more eastbound stations like OH, YL etc but did not hear them this time...even trying to beam as east as possible. Had to leave at 14:45 but when I came home I saw that the aurora faded away just after I left the shack. |
Log: 13:57 DK1CO JO63SX 5014:45 DL0VV JO64AD 50 14:47 OZ6TY JO55XE 50 14:50 DK3EE JO41DU 60 14:52 DJ5HG JO53IM 40 14:53 G4SWX JO02RF 55 14:54 SF7WT JO65QQ 40 15:36 SM6DVG JO66GV 35 15:59 G4DHF IO92UU 30 16:01 DL9MS JO54WC 50 16:08 DK2OY JO44WS 50 16:11 SM6CMU JO57XK 40 |
Rig: FT-736x, PA TE1452G, 9 el yagi, LNAODX: OH5LK (KP30on) 1267kmLog: 04:15 R3MW KO97VP 04:20 R1DM KO49WP 04:23 RA9WE LO74BC 04:25 RN3F KO98RT 13:08 RN3A KO85NU 13:13 UA3WM KO72QI 13:14 RD4F LO23AE 13:18 UA3AHM/3 KO97GP 13:19 UA3DHC KO95AW 13:20 RA3IS KO76WU 13:23 RA1QFY KO98BX 13:24 UA9FAI LO88VC 13:26 UA9FE LO88DC 13:28 RK9AT LO93KK 13:31 OH5LK KP3ШON 13:34 RA1AJF KO59CT 13:46 RA1WZ KO47DT 13:48 RU3GX KO92SO 13:49 UA3DCM KO85XP 13:50 R1AX KO59EW 13:51 UA4AQL LO2ШQB 13:52 RU3BO/3 KO94TU 013:54 UA3AJZ KO85ST 13:55 UA1ANA KO59EW 13:57 UA3RBO LOШ3NG 13:58 RT3A KO85TO 13:59 RL3D KO85WV 14:00 R3TZ LO26OO 14:01 RA3EL KO82AX 14:03 RA9WE LO74BC 14:05 RA9FHM LO87DV 14:09 RW4WE LO66PU 14:12 UA9CDL MOШ7US 14:21 R9SL LO71NS 14:25 RA9LR MO27TC 14:29 RA9FMT LO87BW 14:30 UA9CFH MOШ7UT 14:36 RA9QAW MO25PK 14:41 UA4HQI LO53CK 14:46 RT4I LO43TJ 14:50 RX3AA KO85PO 14:52 R3FO KO86RI 14:53 UA3TCF LO26IU 14:56 UA9CTU LO98WP 15:01 UA9DH LO96XT 15:07 UA3X KO85GC 53a 57a CW 726 15:28 RA9BZ MOШ5FT 57a 57a CW 782 Comment: My strongest Aurora. Highest numbers of QSO as ever. Many new russians calls from Moscow region, Ural, 9-th region (over 1000km). Best reflections from QTF 30-40 deg. |